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4 day collection week for refuse and recycling – RSC0460/131211
This authority would like information from other local authorities that have recently changed to a four day domestic refuse and recycling collection week. They would be interested to hear of any pros and cons of the change, and any problems encountered during the change-over.

Specifications for town centre cleaning – RSC0459/131211
This authority is currently reviewing its Town Centre cleaning arrangements. As part of this process they would be interested in finding out the level of service that other Local Authorities provide including the resources deployed (labour, vehicles and equipment). They would also be interested in obtaining copies of any specifications detailing inputs, outputs, outcomes, KPI’s etc) that they can consider when they review and update their own specification. Copies of any contract specifications would also be very useful.

Refuse Vehicles Roadworthiness Maintenance Frequency – RSC0458/081211
This authority would like to establish what the Inspection frequency for Refuse Vehicles is at other Local Authority's, how they have arrived at that interval, how they monitor to ensure that the interval is correct so as to continually satisfy Licensing Roadworthiness requirements and how effective their drivers are in checking vehicles and in their notification of defects.

Driver only vehicles for refuse collection – RSC0457/211111
This council would like to know if other Authorities operate any “Driver only” vehicles on their wheeled bin household waste collection services. In particular they would be interested to hear if other Authorities operate such an arrangement in outlying rural areas and/or for “missed” collections and if so, what type and size of vehicle is used.

Risk assessments for waste collection operatives – RSC0453/141111
This authority would appreciate copies from any other councils of templates or examples of manual handling risk assessments for waste collection operations; for example, for wheeled bins, black sacks, bad weather (snow/ice) conditions, etc.

Ear defenders for refuse crews – RSC0451/241011
This authority are reviewing the ear defenders that they provide to their refuse crews and it has been suggested that they need specialist noise filtering ones (like they use in the music industry). Their current ear protection is more than sufficient to protect their ears from the levels of noise that they have measured but the crews say that they aren’t wearing them because they can’t hear traffic.

Have any other authorities supplied specialist ear protection for their refuse crews? If you have, where did you source these from?

If not, how have you resolved any issues regarding the crews being unable to hear traffic?

Tool carrier for street cleansing operatives – RSC0449/181011
This authority has introduced mobile street cleaning teams. However there is a need to supply manual operatives with some form of tool carrier capable of holding a brush, hoe and shovel. There is no need for a receptacle to hold waste. Does any other authority supply their staff with similar tool carriers and if so what is the manufacturer?

RSC0447/071011 Snow/ice grips for refuse collectors and manual sweepers
This council are looking at the possibility of providing some form of snow/ice grips to their refuse collectors and manual sweepers for any snow and icy conditions this winter. They have looked at a few options including studs, chain type etc.

They would welcome feedback from other councils who have previously used any type of grip. In particular:

  • What type of grip was used
  • Were you successful in reducing the number of accidents (i.e. slips)?
  • The life span of the grips

RSC0448/041011 Disposal of beached whales
This authority are experiencing an increased number of beached whales, they would like to know from any other coastal authorities the following information:

  • Who is actually responsible for the disposal of whales?
  • If you dispose of whales, who do you use?

Please provide contact details for any organisations who may be able to assist.

Advertising on refuse vehicles – RSC0442/210711
This council would like to know if any other local authorities have looked to sell advertising space on the side of their refuse and recycling wagons (and similar). They would appreciate feedback on the following:

  • Have you sold or looked to sell advertising space on the sides of refuse/recycling (or other) wagons and vehicles?
  • Which groups have been targeted as potential users of this advertising space? E.g. other council departments, council partners, local businesses, larger private sector organisations?
  • In selling this space, has this been primarily to cover production, fitting and maintenance costs of the panels? Or has it been utilised as a genuine income stream for the council?
  • In selling this advertising space has this been done as a one off stand alone sale? Or alternatively is the sale of this advertising space packaged with other council advertising opportunities, such as roundabout sponsorship, event sponsorship etc?
  • Is the responsibility of selling this space been managed internally by the council or through a third party – such as an advertising agent/broker?

Any other thoughts, contacts or experience regarding this matter would appreciated.

Applying VAT to waste services – RSC0445/160811
In February this year, HMRC advised that having undertaken a review of the VAT treatment of Local Authority Commercial Waste Collection services, it had concluded that these services are out with the scope of VAT and should be VAT Zero rated. This Scottish Local Authority operates as both a Collection and Disposal Authority and the invoice issued is in respect of all components of the service i.e. lease of bin, collection, and disposal of the waste and LFT. This Local Authority has decided to continue to apply VAT at the standard rate on the entire invoice until such time as HMRC has clarified whether or not the exemption applies across the board or to only the collection component. This Local Authority would be interested to know how other Local Authorities are treating the VAT issue.

Comfort break facilities – RSC0434/200611
This Local Authority would like to enquire what measures other Local Authorities have in place to provide their refuse and recycling collection crews with toilet facilities after 5pm There are limited Public Conveniences throughout this council and they are looking to operate until 9pm and possibly later, uplifting refuse/recycling from domestic and commercial premises

Round specific risk assessments – RSC0441/190711
The authority operates 14 refuse collection rounds collected on a weekly basis. It is currently in the process of putting together ‘round specific risk assessments’. They are especially interested in seeing examples of round specific risk assessments already completed in order to share best practice with other members.

Advertising on refuse vehicles – RSC0442/210711
This council would like to know if any other local authorities have looked to sell advertising space on the side of their refuse and recycling wagons (and similar). They would appreciate feedback on the following:

  • Have you sold or looked to sell advertising space on the sides of refuse/recycling (or other) wagons and vehicles?
  • Which groups have been targeted as potential users of this advertising space? E.g. other council departments, council partners, local businesses, larger private sector organisations?
  • In selling this space, has this been primarily to cover production, fitting and maintenance costs of the panels? Or has it been utilised as a genuine income stream for the council?
  • In selling this advertising space has this been done as a one off stand alone sale? Or alternatively is thesale of this advertising space packaged with other council advertising opportunities, such as roundabout sponsorship, event sponsorship etc?
  • Is the responsibility of selling this space been managed internally by the council or through a third party – such as an advertising agent/broker?

Any other thoughts, contacts or experience regarding this matter would appreciated.

Street washing – RSC0440/140711
This local authority is interested in other authorities approaches to street washing. Please note, they are not referring to routine mechanical sweeping, but a high pressure, hot water activity [their current service is also chemical and detergent free]. It is a three phase service that removes chewing gum, clears the associated oily stain and washes the surrounding pavement.

  • Do other authorities operate any street washing services?
  • Are they delivered by in-house staff or by contracted service providers?
  • Is there any cross over with graffiti removal services?
  • Is any plant or equipment purchased or leased?
  • What are the target areas? [city/town centres or suburban]
  • What shift patterns/scheduling of work across the year is deployed?
  • Do any authorities use barrier or pre-treatment products with or instead of street washing?

Pricing information would be appreciated which this authority would agree to keep confidential

Neighbourhood or Street Watch Schemes RSC0438/060711
This authority are looking for feedback from any Councils who are running Neighbourhood or Street Watch schemes. They are particularly interested in:

  • Level of resources and funding involved
  • Number of members (active and inactive)
  • Methods of communication
  • Recruitment and attrition rates of members
  • Length of time the scheme has been up and running
  • How successful the scheme is in terms of reporting problems

Reducing costs in environmental services – G0055/170611
This council is interested in finding out what types of changes councils have made to look to reduce costs in Street Scene (Grounds Maintenance, Street Cleansing, Winter Gritting, Pest Control) and Waste and Recycling services. For example:

  • Reductions in Grass Cutting / Street Cleansing Frequency?
  • Reductions in Bin Collection Frequency?
  • Target / Quality Standard Reductions?
  • Weekend and Overtime Reductions?
  • Any other operation changes with a cost saving objective.

Green waste and residual waste collections – RSC0436/230611
This local authority is considering only stopping green waste collections during the winter months and would appreciate feedback from other authorities who have gone down this route on successes and challenges with this approach. They are also considering introducing residual waste collection rounds on a Saturday morning and again would appreciate any feedback from other authorities who have done this route with any advice (both positive and negative experiences would be appreciated).

Trade Waste management – RSC0433/030611
A member authority is seeking to automate their Trade waste service.

They are initially seeking a customer relationship management (CRM) system to maintain customer details, bin sizes, credit information etc.

Longer term they see this extending to in-cab technology and integration with other Council systems including accounts and web-ordering.They are seeking details of existing trade waste systems

  • What system do you use?
  • What are the benefits and what have been the drawbacks if any?

Uplift of sand after winter gritting – RSC0431/RH0146/260411
This authority would like to find out how other local authorities deal with the uplift of sand after their winter gritting programmes and how they go about recycling this.

Innovation examples for street cleansing– RSC0429/050411

This council are revamping their street cleansing services and would be grateful to speak to any other council who have been in a similar situation. They are particularly interested in innovative and efficiency ideas from other councils as well as the following particular areas of interest:

  • How authorities deal with industrial areas
  • Has anyone introduced shift patterns/half days?
  • Has anyone reduced litter picking and brought in more sweeping?

Any general innovative ideas that anyone has thought of.

Street scene - charging for services – RSC0428/050411
This authority’s Street Scene Service is looking at potential business growth opportunities and would like to ask other councils if they have developed any additional successful services that have proved beneficial / profitable. Have they developed:

  • Memorials: such as Benches and Tree planting
  • Pet Cemetery
  • Sponsorships/promotions on Roundabouts and Parks
  • Pricing for Event clean up such as football tournaments, flower shows, firework displays
  • Undertaking Tree Surgery Works
  • Any other services?

Dewatering street sweepings – RSC0430/200411
This council would like to know what type of processes other authorities have in place for dewatering street sweepings prior to disposal or recycling.

Sweeping winter grit and sand – RSC0432/180511
This Local Authority would like to find out if other Local Authorities are having problems with airborne dust while sweeping up the winter grit and sand with their mechanical sweepers. This Local Authority are having a problems with the fine particles blowing through the filters and also not being sucked up despite the application of water.

Use of volunteer enforcement wardens – RSC0426/070311
This Council runs a small in house Street Enforcement Team and is responsible for enforcing litter, waste, fly-posters, dog fouling, etc. They have recently received enquiries regarding the use of volunteer enforcement wardens to supplement salaried staff in enforcing litter and dog fouling offences. They would be most grateful to hear from any authorities who already work with volunteer wardens.

  • How many volunteer enforcement wardens are active in your local authority area?
  • What do they enforce?
  • Who is responsible for their day to day management?
  • Who is responsible for funding uniforms, equipment, training, etc?
  • Has the use of volunteer enforcement wardens been a success?
  • Any problems encountered
  • Can we contact you for further details?

Catering and cleaning equipment database - CAT0104/BC0065/290311
This authority is looking at renewing their database which holds asset information about their equipment for catering and cleaning. They would like to find out what databases other authorities use and whether any other authorities have got systems in place which they could share.

Collection and disposal of household WEEE – RSC0424/170211
This local authority would be interested in finding out how other councils collect and dispose of household WEEE and would also like to know which councils have recently gone to tender for this.

Recycling on the Go – RSC0413/011210
This council are currently looking to install recycling bins in the high streets. Although they have met with some opposition, they will be installing plastic bins rather than metal bins as is the norm in these areas.

Does any other authority have experience of these bins i.e. Where are they used and what are the pro’s and con’s.

Promoting excellence in public services

APSE (Association for Public Service Excellence) is a not for profit unincorporated association working with over 300 councils throughout the UK. Promoting excellence in public services, APSE is the foremost specialist in local authority frontline services, hosting a network for frontline service providers in areas such as waste and refuse collection, parks and environmental services, cemeteries and crematorium, environmental health, leisure, school meals, cleaning, housing and building maintenance.






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