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Developing a shared depot – G0100/241212
Two councils are currently considering the benefits of developing a shared depot. The shared depot would provide suitable accommodation and facilities for the following services: waste collection, parks and landscape maintenance, housing maintenance and workshops. They are looking for any advice / lessons learnt with regards to other councils that may have developed a combined depot facility or have recently built a depot.

Split recycling refuse collection vehicles RSC0528/191212
This local authority would like to find out if any other authorities operate a fortnightly collection of glass/cans/plastics on one side of the vehicle and paper/card on the other side of the vehicle using 50/50 or 70/30 vehicles? They want to ensure that they get the best vehicle split to accommodate this balance and are concerned if the light but bulky plastics will fill up a 30% slot used currently by glass/cans too quickly and they would have to tip the vehicle with the 70% paper side not being near full. Does anyone else have any information or experiences around this problem?

Warming RCV cabs in cold weather - RSC0526/051212
At this local authority, in cold weather, drivers warm the cabs of their refuse collection vehicles up prior to commencing duties and when not returning to the depot for break, drivers will leave the engine running to run the vehicle heater. However, as it is not recommended to allow diesel vehicles to idle, they would like to hear from other councils whether you:

  • Operate a non-vehicle idling policy
  • Install night heaters in their RCV’s or other HGV vehicles

Doing stuff differently in delivering Street Cleansing operations RSC0527/051212
This Council is interested in hearing from Councils who have arrangements with community, third sector, town/community/parish councils and/or social enterprises in delivering day to day street cleansing operations. Namely:

  • What work is carried out by community, third sector, town/community/parish councils and/or social enterprises?
  • Under what arrangement is the work carried out? (e.g. contract, partnership, SLA etc)
  • What has the impact been on the service?

4 way CCTV system in refuse vehicles - RSC0525/291112
This local authority would like to hear from any local authorities who have a 4 way CCTV system in their refuse vehicles. They would be particularly interested in finding out if you have recorded/monitored the benefits this system has brought e.g. actual reduction in insurance claims, actual reduction numbers in accidents etc.? If so, is this information available and would you be able share a copy of this?

Assisted refuse collections - RSC0521/261012
This authority would like to find out if other councils have protocols or documents that they use to determine who is and who is not entitled to assisted collections. If you do, please send through any relevant policies/documents that you are willing to share.

Recycling banks with acoustic soundproofing – RSC0508/050912
This authority have had complaints from residents regarding noise from glass banks at neighbourhood recycling points. They would be interested in hearing from other councils that have installed glass banks with specific sound dampening features such as mufflers on the posting ports, noise insulation or chutes to slow bottles down inside the banks to gauge the effectiveness of these measures.

Facilities for break times for the refuse collection staff – RSC0507/050912
This local authority are re-designing their refuse service and want to introduce zoned collection areas over 5 days (Monday to Friday). Some collection zones (days) are short on facilities for welfare arrangements (facilities for lunch breaks) and they are concerned that extra travelling may be incurred by vehicles travelling back to the home depot for lunch breaks. Have any other authorities had similar difficulties and what solutions were reached to overcome the problem.

Using leachate trays or tanks on collection vehicles for food waste RSC0506/050912
This local authority are going to introduce food waste collections in 2013 to properties without gardens and are considering using standard refuse vehicles to provide the service alongside other properties that currently receive a food and garden waste service (combined). They have been advised that extra moisture will be produced from the food only part and they should have leachate catchment trays/tanks fitted to vehicles to collect this. Does any authority have any experience of using leachate trays or tanks on collection vehicles and whether collecting the extra liquid in this way is effective?

Harnessing heat from waste – RSC0514/011012
This Council is exploring the opportunity to harness heat from an energy from waste (EfW) facility to feed into a district heat network. The EfW has the technology in place to generate heat energy but the pipe infrastructure to deliver heat into a district energy network is not.

This council is interested in hearing from others who have successfully implemented such a scheme or are in the process of doing so around the topics below:

  • What are the main financial incentives that you included in your business case?
  • What key pitfalls are to be avoided?
  • What opportunities are not to be missed?
  • Who was employed to undertake feasibility or build the business case to initiate delivery?

Recycling trade waste – RSC0515/280912
This local authority would like to find out from other local authorities if they recycle trade waste. If you do, please provide information on what service you offer, what recycling levels are achieved and level of income generated. If you don’t provide this service, please provide further details as to why not.

Numbering litter bins - RSC0510/130912
This local authority is currently considering providing a unique identification number on all of their litter bins to assist with asset management and also to provide clarity to the public when reporting street scene issues to the council (such as a litter bin is full). They would appreciate feedback from other local authorities who have explored this possibility in terms of:

  • Have you fully implemented this across the whole authority?
  • What is the value added?
  • Have you made this known to members of the public and if so, how?

Income for the collection of plastics and cardboard – RSC0505/240812
This local authority would like to find out from other local authorities if they receive an income for the collection of Plastic and Cardboard. If you do receive an income from this, please indicate what this income is per tonne.

Automatic Number Plate Recognition at household waste recycling centres – RSC0502/220812
This authority is proposing to install Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR) at their Household Waste Recycling Centres (HWRC’s) to track permitted vehicles and illegal waste carriers. They are interested to talk to/hear from other local authorities who have this installed at their HWRC sites.

They would appreciate feedback on the following:

  • The brand of ANPR system chosen and the technical reasons for making that choice
  • The software specification and what functions/tasks it can perform stand alone and what other IT systems it can interface with
  • The technical aspects of installation and connection to the IT infrastructure to interface with other IT systems
  • Interfacing with the DVLA
  • Operation and maintenance

Trade waste at community recycling facilities – RSC0500/150812
This authority is interested in hearing from other authorities that offer a trade waste facility at their community recycling facilities. In particular they are interested in:

  • What materials are accepted?
  • Is it weighed and if not, how do you approximate its weight for reporting purposes and charging?
  • Do you charge at the site on the day of visit, invoice or have people pre pay?

Ceasing Bulky collections – RSC0499/310712
This authority would like to find out whether any other local authorities have stopped Bulky Collections and if so, what alternate arrangements have you made. They would also like to know what impact the cessation of the service has had on Fly Tipping.

Methods of engaging with operational refuse collection staff – RSC0496/160712
This local authority would like to hear from other authorities who have any innovative ways of engaging with operational refuse collection staff. They already use methods such as having an robust appraisal system, regular team meetings, drivers meetings, staff newsletter, staff recognition and rewards.

However, they would be interested in gaining feedback from other councils who use other methods to communicate and engage with staff.

Route planning software – RSC0495/160712
This local authority would like to hear from other authorities who have used route planning / optimisation software in terms of:

  • What software have you used?
  • What are your experiences with the software?

Electric bin lifts – RSC0497/240712
This local authority would appreciate feedback from other local authorities on their experiences of electric bin lifts for use on Refuse Collection vehicles. In particular, they would like to hear about the pros or cons in relation to:

  • Sourcing/purchasing/commissioning
  • Training
  • Efficiency/economy
  • Reliability

Size and weight of trade waste containers – RSC0494/280612
This local authority would like to find out if any other councils have carried out recent checks on the various sizes of trade waste containers to establish the weight per container.

Waste Analysis – RSC0493/280612
A member of APSE is interested to know the following:

Have any member authorities conducted a Waste Analysis exercise in the last few years (based upon household waste arisings), in order to establish exactly what type and scale of waste is being produced/handled.

Alternative Working Patterns for Street Cleansing & Grounds Maintenance Services - RSC0492/280612
A member authority is currently operating the traditional 5 day working week from Monday to Friday for its Street Cleansing & Grounds Maintenance services. Are any Councils operating an alternative work pattern within these services? If so, could the Council please provide information on the type of alternative pattern being used and any feedback on the pattern since implementation?

Highways gully cleaning – RH0169/180612
This authority is having a problem with an insurance claim where someone had a car accident and is blaming the council for not clearing gullies (which they claim led to water on the road and the consequent accident). It is likely that the council will end up in court over this matter.

They are interested to know whether other APSE members:

  • clean gullies on a risk basis or just on a regular schedule?
  • have any sort of maintenance and inspection programme for road drains other than gully emptying, for example do they have any sort of schedule for inspecting pipework, culverts, etc. leading to gullies on a regular basis or do they only do it in response to complaints.

In particular any examples of good practice would be appreciated.

Income from Recycling Toner cartridges – RSC0491/170512
Do you generate any income from old printer cartridges / toner drum kits?

Is so please could you forward basic details

Task and finish – RSC0490/140512
This authority would welcome advice/experiences from other authorities on changing from a Waste

Service Crew Task and Finish regime to a Group Task and Finish regime, with the aim of eliminating any missed bins, to cover for breakdowns and eliminating the need to complete rounds in overtime either on the day or at weekends.

Noise at work– RSC0488/020512
This authority would like to find out from other authorities if they have done health screening and/or baseline and follow up hearing tests for grounds maintenance or street cleansing employees relating to noise at work. Please provide details of the tests, how these were conducted, and any issues/feedback from operatives together with contact details.

Food waste collections – RSC0486/250412
This local authority would like to know which councils currently collect food waste on a designated separate collection vehicle (food only). If you do, please indicate how many properties on average one vehicle can do in a day compared to your current refuse collection round and your approximate tonnages per day.

Impact of closing a Household Recycling Centre – RSC0485/180412
This local authority would like feedback from member authorities who have closed a Household Recycling Centre in terms of how it has impacted upon the service, if the amount of recycling has increased or decreased, or if the amount of flytipping has increased.

Removing graffiti from private buildings – RSC0484
This council would like to find out if other councils remove graffiti from private buildings. If so:

  • What is your policy on this, is it free or do you charge?
  • What happens if you cause any damage to the property?
  • Do you serve notice or just go ahead and remove this?
  • Do you differentiate between obscene and ordinary graffiti, such as tags?

Removal of dead animals - RSC0482
This authority would like feedback on whether other authorities charge for the removal of dead animals from residents’ gardens.

Managing clean ups from house fires and road traffic accidents - RSC0481
This local authority would appreciate feedback from other authorities on how they manage clean ups following on from house fires and road traffic accidents. For clean ups after house fires, do you charge residents for this or claim off insurance policies?

Working arrangements and remuneration in street cleansing services – RSC0480/200312
This APSE member is exploring working arrangements and remuneration in its street cleansing services. They would welcome details from other member authorities about the following:

  • Do you still pay overtime rates/enhanced rates for weekend work for employees who work in Street Cleansing?
  • Have you carried out any process of job enrichment ( e.g. additional duties) for employees working in Street Cleansing- post Single Status implementation.
  • Do you have any examples of annualised hours schemes that been introduced into Street Cleansing Services?
  • Do you have any revised job descriptions that you would be willing to share relating to street cleansing employees?

Revising service standards for waste - RSC0478
This local authority is looking for waste service standards published by other UK local authorities. Web links for download or copies would be greatly appreciated.

Joint waste collection – RSC0476/280212
This council are looking to find out which authorities have joined together to provide waste collection services. Any information on this would be appreciated in terms of the names of the authorities, the services this covers and successes/challenges associated with this. Also, please indicate whether you would be willing to talk to the enquiring authority in further detail about this.

Collecting refuse and recyclates from lanes - RSC0475
This Authority currently collects refuse and recyclate from lanes and recent Site Specific Risk Assessments have confirmed this practice needs to change. They would appreciate advice on the following:

  • What other authorities currently do?
  • If you have made changes - what are the changes and how are you now collecting?
  • Issues raised and how were these resolved?

Waste collection charges - RSC0468
This authority would like to know how other authorities deem guest houses, hostels, charities, and schools with reference to waste collection charges.

Seasonal working arrangements - GM0270/RSC0469
This council would like to ask other members about their approach to seasonal workers over the spring/summer period. In particular:

  • When do other Local Authorities commence their seasonal workers?
  • For what length of time?
  • What proportion of your workforce is made up of seasonals?
  • How are you managing the longer seasons (as the environment continues to change) - are you beginning to cut grass earlier and continue on in to Autumn?

Waste customer surveys - RSC0473
This local authority would like further details on how colleagues in other councils survey their waste customers. They would appreciate copies of your waste surveys and also feedback on:

  • What surveys do you undertake? (for example, service-specific, council-wide, etc)
  • How frequently are these surveys conducted?
  • What questions do you ask?

Modifications to refuse collection vehicles for when it is dark - RSC0472
This Local Authority plans to implement a two shift system (operating between 06:00 and 21:00 Monday - Friday) for bin collection later this year.

They would like to ask other Local Authorities who have gone through similar exercises about any modifications to refuse collection vehicles they have made or considered in order to improve safety of members of the public and refuse crews when working during hours of darkness.

Charging for waste and recycling receptacles - RSC0471
This council would like to know if any other councils charge for waste and recycling receptacles. If so, they would like to find out:

  • How much do you charge?
  • At what point do you charge - for example, if the bins are lost or stolen, or are all first bins free of charge?
  • Do you have any concessions/offer any discounts?
  • Who takes the payment - for example, the customer contact centre?

Handling 2 wheelie bins at the same time - RSC0461
This authority would like to receive feedback from Authorities who allow refuse collectors to pull 2 wheelie bins at a time. Are risk assessments in place that cover handling 2 bins at a time?

Risk assessments on individual commercial waste customers - RSC0466
The authority are looking at carrying out on site risk assessments on individual commercial waste customers. Have any other authorities done this or do they have an overall risk assessment on the collection of waste from commercial premises?

Waste volume restrictions on bag collections – RSC0463/120112
This council’s household refuse is currently weekly black bag collection (with dry and food recycling also weekly). The area is a mix of rural and urban with a large heritage city plus small and medium towns. 

They would like feedback from any authorities with experience of restricting volume and quantity of the general refuse with bag collections, whether via special bags, tags (supplied by the Council or bought by the residents or a combination) or any other different means. This might be just in particular areas where wheeled bins are not feasible or for general non-wheelie bin collections.

Waste volume restrictions on bag collections – RSC0463/120112
This council’s household refuse is currently weekly black bag collection (with dry and food recycling also weekly). The area is a mix of rural and urban with a large heritage city plus small and medium towns. 

They would like feedback from any authorities with experience of restricting volume and quantity of the general refuse with bag collections, whether via special bags, tags (supplied by the Council or bought by the residents or a combination) or any other different means. This might be just in particular areas where wheeled bins are not feasible or for general non-wheelie bin collections.

Gum and stain removal – RSC0464/120112
This council is reviewing its strategy on gum and stain removal. Please provide information about how you deal with gum and stains including details of any specialist equipment or services employed.

Promoting excellence in public services

APSE (Association for Public Service Excellence) is a not for profit unincorporated association working with over 300 councils throughout the UK. Promoting excellence in public services, APSE is the foremost specialist in local authority frontline services, hosting a network for frontline service providers in areas such as waste and refuse collection, parks and environmental services, cemeteries and crematorium, environmental health, leisure, school meals, cleaning, housing and building maintenance.






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