RSC0736 - Contamination of Recycling materials - 081215
A member authority is interested in discovering how other collection authorities deal with the issue of non-compliance and contamination of recycling placed out in kerbside recycling bins/bags? How are residents made aware of the issue and any follow up actions taken.
RSC0735 - Flexible street scene services - 031215
Through APSE Solutions, this authority is reviewing its working arrangements for street scene-type services (primarily street cleansing and parks) and wishes to evaluate how changes have been implemented elsewhere, particularly in making the service more flexible.
They would appreciate responses to the following questions.
RSC0734 - Commercial Waste Contracts - 031215
An APSE member is enquiring , with regards to those authorities which provide commercial waste collections, do they:
a. Have ‘evergreen’ contracts for clients, i.e. can only give notice during a certain window throughout the year.
b. Have contracts with a more conventional notice period
c. Not insist on contracts
d. Have another delivery method
Also if providers could provide details as to whether they charge either by weight of bins or by size of receptacle.
RSC0733 - Round Risk Assessments - 011215
A member authority is asking for examples of other local authorities rounds risk assessments.
If you are happy to share any round risk assessments you may have they would be grateful to receive them.
RSC0732 - Advice on implementing a 10 hour working day shift pattern (Safe Systems of Work / Use of Equipment, etc) - 231115
Due to the introduction of new shift patterns, which now involves 10 hour working day, this member authority’s Waste Management Service is looking into the impact on the health and safety of employees due to the collection of refuse in dark early mornings and evenings.
They are interested in finding out what other authorities with similar working patterns have put in place, including Safe Systems of Work and use of equipment e.g. head torches, etc.
RSC0731 - Use of DNA IN identifying dog fouling culprits - 191115
A member authority has established a street scene Scrutiny task and finish group looking at Dog DNA in the identification and prosecution of dog owners allowing their dogs to foul public highway.
They are interested in discovering whether any other authorities are looking at this initiative or are looking at implementing any such system.
RSC0730 - Charging for recycling of garden and food waste - 171115
A member authority is wishing to know from those councils who originally provided a free garden and food collection service and then had to start charging for the service.
In particular they are keen to know where food waste was placed in the same bin as the garden waste, how did they deal with this issue, as legally local authorities cannot charge for garden waste recycling collections whilst the food element is still included in the bin.
RSC0729 - Re-use of materials at HWRC's - 171115
A member authority would like to discover if any Local Authority with a HWRC (household waste recycling centre) have a reclamation facility, where they sell or pass on items for re-use to their residents (items would include garden and household furniture, white goods, UPVC window frames.
RSC0728 - Income from Fixed Penalty Notices - 091115
An APSE member authority is looking to establish the levels of income from Fixed Penalty Notices for littering other local authorities are recovering.
As part of this study they are wanting to know the following information:
RSC0727 - Absestos services to residents - 301015
This authority is reviewing asbestos collections and is interested to what arrangements others have in place for residents. Please reply to the following.
RSC0726 - Commercial customers at recycling centres - 301015
This authority is reviewing how they manage commercial customers at household waste recycling centres.
They are interested in knowing how others manage the following:
Any relevant information would be gratefully received. Those who respond will be sent copies of all replies.
RSC0725 - Flexible working in integrated street scene services - 281015
A member Authority has integrated routine highway maintenance, grounds maintenance and street cleansing into a single team operating out of three main depots.
As a consequence they are seeking thoughts/ideas from other Authorities on the best option to introduce flexible working into the new Streetscene team.
RSC0724 - Refuse collectors emptying litter bins - 261015
A member authority is enquiring whether refuse collection rounds empty street litter bins, in particular they are interested in:
RSC0723 - Graffiti removal - 261015
A member authority is looking to see if any members have come across any really effective products for removal of graffiti.
They would be interested in the surfaces it is effective on, the method of application, whether it is environmentally friendly and the cost of application per square foot/metre.
RSC0722 - Alternate Weekly Collections - 211015
A member authority is reviewing its waste collection service with a view to consider alternate weekly collections. In addition we are continually reviewing services and working patterns in light of budget efficiencies.
We would therefore appreciate information from other local authorities about:-
RSC0721 - Extra residual waste bin - 211015
A member authority is enquiring as to whether any local authorities provide a single- sized uniform residual waste container to each domestic property, regardless of the size of property or family size. Do they also refuse to provide an additional residual waste container if requested in order to promote greater recycling levels.
Has this caused any problems with increase contamination in recycling bins?
RSC0720 - Clearance of sand - 181115
This APSE member authority would like to receive details about sand clearance from other coastal authorities. In particular they would like to ask:
RSC0719 - Route Optimisation - 161015
An APSE member authority is currently carrying out a service review with the intention of improving efficiency through route optimisation, adjusted frequencies and incorporating new developments within their existing resources etc. To enable this to be done efficiently and effectively they are looking at a software system to assist with the planning of routes and would like some help from member local authorities to ensure that the system will meet their expectations.
They are looking for information on the following areas:
RSC0718 - HSE contamination risk to employees - 061015
A member authority has recently been audited by the Health and Safety Executive as part of the 2015/16 intervention process.
They would like to know if any member authority have information and procedures they could share on the following:
RSC0717 - In-house trade waste service - 011015
A member authority would like to hear from other authorities who provide an in-house trade waste service, in particular they would like to know the following:
RSC0716 - Hearing loss claims - 011015
An APSE member authority is undertaking research in respect of industrial injury claims for alleged noise induced hearing loss, particularly from persons who have worked in Refuse Collection, Street Cleansing and/or Parks environments and with associated equipment and should be grateful to receive comments from other authorities particularly in relation to the following:
RSC0715 - Animal Proof Bins - 011015
A member authority is enquiring how other authorities prevent animals (dogs, foxes, squirrels etc.) from accessing bins, both domestic refuse bins and bins in parks and greenspace areas.
They would also be interested if details of manufacturers of animal proof bins/devices used by local authorities to prevent animal access could be given.
RSC0714 - Refuse provision on travellers sites - 180915
A member Authority would like to know what provision is made by other Authorities for permanent Traveller sites with regards to the storage and collection of residual waste, as it feels that over provision may have been provided when compared to its general provision for domestic household?
Similarly, do any Authorities provide recycling provision to their Traveller sites?
If other Authorities have recycling provision for Traveller sites, how did they implement it, what timescales were applied and what is the take up rate by residents?
Finally, did the Authorities have any particular difficulties when rolling out the scheme and if so what were they and how did they overcome them?
RSC0713 - Canada Geese - 150915
A member authority is having problems with Canada Geese and would appreciate knowing what everyone else is doing to deal with these birds.
The authority is looking for examples of what other Authorities are doing to actively manage Canada geese on their sites, including egg pricking, oiling, culling, scaring away etc. and would appreciate it if other authorities would share their experiences.
RSC0712 - Play Park Inspections - 150915
A member authority would like feedback from other authorities regarding Play Park management, in particular they are interested in the following areas:
RSC0711 - Graffiti removal from private property - 170915
This authority is looking at how they should approach cleaning graffiti from private property. An example of the kind of issue they are facing is attached.
They would like to hear how others:
Any related information would be appreciated.
RSC0710 - Market Testing of HWRC Provision - 100915
A member authority is currently undergoing a soft market testing exercise of their Household Waste Recycling Centres. They are interested in hearing from others who have commenced, are looking at or have considered and dismissed, externally delivering Household Waste Recycling Centres?
They are keen to hear reasons for and against the decision made, actual or expected savings, transition arrangements and any other relevant information.
RSC0709 - Kitchen Caddies - 100915
A member authority would like to know if other authorities offer a choice of kitchen food waste caddy's to residents, for example, a range of colours, or options for residents to buy other containers through the Council itself.
Also, do any Councils offer a subsidy scheme towards the purchase of higher specification caddy's e.g. with filters, crock pots or different designs?
RSC0708 - Reviewing Glass Kerbside Collection Service - 030915
A member authority is currently reviewing its household kerbside collection service for glass and is seeking information from other authorities that provide a household glass collection service.
The authority would like to know:
1. How long the service has been in operation?
2. How does the service operate in practice? e.g.
3. What are the levels of participation by route (%)?
4. What are the collection levels - kilogrammes per household?
5. Have any problems arisen regarding service delivery? e.g. manual handling, noise and how these have been risk assessed and mitigated against.
6. Were any alternatives considered for collection of glass to recycle and if what were these?
RSC0707 - Waste Restriction Programmes and Consultation Arrangements with Residents - 020915
This member authority recently switched their refuse collection method from black sacks to wheelie bins as part of a Waste Restricting Programme and issued 140 litre black wheelie bins to residents who previously put out black bags.
Some residents have protested about these changes and suggest that consultation was too limited.
They would therefore appreciate information from other local authorities about consultation processes adopted for these types of changes including:-
RSC0706 - Bringing the management of household waste and recycling sites in-house - 310815
This authority is reviewing the management of its 3 household waste and recycling sites and possibly bringing it in-house. They are keen to hear from others who have been through a similar exercise with answers to the following questions:-
RSC0705 - 3 weekly residual waste collections - 280515
This authority is currently undergoing the budget review process for the next 3 year profile for the waste collection service. They are interested in hearing from others who have commenced, are looking at or have considered and dismissed, 3 weekly residual waste collections.
They are keen to hear reasons for and against the decision made, actual or expected savings and any other relevant information.
RSC0704 - Use of Large Wheeled Bins in Rear Entries - 260815
A member authority is looking to pilot the use of 1100 litre wheeled bins in rear entries instead of continuing to provide individual wheeled bins to residents.
They are interested in hearing from local authorities who have already introduced large wheeled bins in rear entries, replacing individual bins and how they went about this change, particularly in the following areas:
RSC0703 - Bereavement Services Business Continuity Plans - 170815
A member authority is enquiring as to whether other local authority Bereavement Service have developed Business Continuity Plans which take into account events such as emergency /extraordinary incidents, such as a major power failure, fire, or flood, causing prolonged disruption or closure of the service, and whether they would be willing to share the plans.
The member authority would be particularly interested in finding out about what plans other authorities have in place to manage burials and cremations in their areas should an emergency occur i.e.
RSC0702 - PPE Compliance - 170815
A member authority is looking at compliance regulations regarding Personal Protection equipment (PPE) and is looking for the following information for other local authorities:
RSC0701 - Chargehand allowances - 100815
A member authority wishes to know whether your authority has a chargehand/senior operative role that provides for loaders and/or drivers to take on additional duties in relation to their immediate colleagues (e.g. 3 man crew, monitoring, communications with the public etc). If you do, do you provide for an additional monetary award for this role such as an allowance or additional grade for these additional duties?
RSC0700 - Moving to a chargeable bulk refuse collection service - 050815
Has any LA removed free or bulk collection services where a contribution is made, to a fully charged bulk collection service, if so did this result in an noticeable increase in fly tipping and if there was a large increase in fly-tipping, how was this resolved?
RSC0699 - Mobile Working Solutions - 050815
A member is asking for information on any services that are currently using mobile working solutions in respect of the following services:
RSC0698 - Scheduling of Mechanical Street Sweeping - 310715
A member is looking to improve their approach to scheduling of mechanical street sweeping operations and would like to hear from any members who use a software solution to create route schedules for mechanical road sweeper cleansing works/rounds.
Of particular interest are the following:
RSC0697 - Assisted collections - 310715
A member authority is evaluating its administration of households registered for assisted ‘fetch & return’ collection services. This includes service eligibility, marketing of service and also a review mechanism to ensure only eligible households continue to receive services.
Therefore the member wishes to know how other local authorities categorise and inform residents of eligibility for assisted collections and how they process and verify applications. Also, any explanations/feedback on any processes to review assisted collection lists and the frequency it is undertaken would be most helpful.
RSC0696 - Commercial Trade Waste Manager - 270715
One of our members is considering the recruitment of a Commercial Trade Waste Manager and would be interested to know if there are any local authorities that have such a post, particularly those that offer a basic salary plus financial incentives.
If you are able to respond, could you please indicate if you are willing to speak to the query originator.
RSC0695 - Apprenticeships Waste Management - 270715
A member authority is exploring opportunities for establishing Apprenticeship/Trainee Schemes in the areas of Waste Management, Street Cleansing and Enforcement and would like information and possibly the opportunity of contacting local Authorities who have established such schemes/are in operation.
RSC0694 - Redesigning Refuse and Recycling Service - 230715
A member authority is re-designing its waste and recycling collection service. It is intending to work on a zonal system in which a service will be delivered in one day and the crews will be expected to help each other to complete the day’s work.
It is proposed that 7 vehicles will carry out a residual refuse collection on an alternate weekly collection rota and a further 6 vehicles will carry out a recycling collection service again on an alternate weekly collection rota. Coupled with these services will be one collection vehicle which will undertake bulky waste collection and paid jobs and will provide support to residual waste collection service vehicles if a breakdown occurs, or if any operatives have to go home the bulky service will provide staff to make up the loss.
Our member is asking if any other authorities operate a similar system and share any experiences positive or negative they may have had.
RSC0693 - Bookable garden waste collection service - 230715
A member council waste and recycling team are considering having a bookable service for the collection of garden waste bags.
At the moment they collect from random addresses who put bags out for collection.
Therefore the member wishes to know whether any other local authority have a bookable service for the collection of garden waste bags.
Also if any explanations/feedback about an existing similar bookable service could be given, then this would be most helpful.
RSC0692 - HWRC Permit Schemes
An APSE Member is requesting information on how other local authorities deliver their clinical waste service, in particular:
RSC0691 - Clinical Waste Collections - 160715
An APSE Member is requesting information on how other local authorities deliver their clinical waste service, in particular: