RSC1250 - Waste collection staff - salaries and benefits - 261121
A member authority is looking for information regarding waste collection salaries, benefits
The member authority is looking for information on the following:
RSC1249 – Workforce development for recycling and refuse collection crews – 281021
A member authority is currently looking at a focus on workforce development for their recycling and refuse collection crews and as such have a number of queries:
Does your authority carry out team appraisals and performance reviews, if so how are these carried out and at what frequency (i.e. annually, 6 monthly).
In addition:
As part of the Workforce Development Plan the enquiring authority wishes to offer staff an opportunity to develop their skills in the office, as well as for staff cover and succession planning.
RSC1248 – Using workforce members to deliver toolbox talks – 281021
In order to get up to speed and deliver frequent and effective toolbox talks and training, a member authority is looking to approach the workforce for volunteers to carry out a train the trainer role.
Do any other Refuse and Recycling Service managers use the workforce (as opposed to supervisors) to deliver this, is so, what type of training is covered and what kind of remuneration has been agreed?
RSC1247 - Retention of HGV Drivers - 221021
A member authority is currently reviewing their recruitment and renumeration options in view of the nationwide shortage of HGV drivers and the potential difficulties in recruiting and retaining HGV drivers for waste collections.
Have any other authorities carried out a review of staff terms and conditions in relation to retention and if so what changes are being planned to help retain staff and the timescale involved in introducing any changes.
They are looking at waste staff retention and would like to know what action other authorities are considering or have taken recently.
RSC1243 - Recycling on the go – 230921
This local authority is looking to supply bins allowing for recycling on the go. They would like to know:
RSC1242 - Bring Bank Sites Review - 230921
A member authority are currently carrying out a review of their bring sites and are seeking information on what local authorities are doing with these types of recycling sites.
RSC1241 – Use of ANPR camera systems at Household waste recycling centres – 060921
A member authority is looking into the installation of an Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR) system across their 6 HWRCs and would like to ask the following questions of all Local Authorities which already have such a system in place:
RSC1240 – Charging at HWRC's for non-household waste – 060921
A member authority is looking to find out if there are any other authorities that have introduced charges for Non-Household waste ( e.g. DIY waste) at council-run Sort it Centres or recycling centres. If so, has the authority experienced an increase in fly-tipping as a result of this charge or any other impacts of the charge?
RSC1238 - Contract PPE supply and laundry service for refuse collection operatives
This local authority has been tasked with looking into the feasibility of a contract P.P.E. supply and laundry service for Refuse Collection Operatives. They would like to know:
RSC1237 – Removal of dog bins and replacing with general waste bins – 160821
A member authority is currently looking at their bin stock and have a large number of areas where they have separate Dog and litter bins.
As there is no requirement to separate this waste they are looking at combining these bins, rationalising their stock through potential increased efficiencies with fewer but bigger bins and reduced frequency of emptying etc.
They are still finding that there is still a belief that dogs bins cannot be used for litter and vice-versa, therefore they aim to go to general waste bins to remove this confusion.
They are interested to find out:
RSC1236 - Bulking/storage of food waste at depots – 090821
A member authority is looking for information from any Councils who bulk/store food waste (collected from domestic properties) at their depot or a Contractor’s depot.
They are particularly interested in information/guidance on the following :
RSC1235 - Weed control and weed prevention methods – 030821
A member authority is looking for examples of effective weed control and prevention methods.
They are currently using glyphosate chemical treatment, delivered by operatives on foot using hand lances.
They would like to know if members have any examples of effective alternative methods they use, particularly interested in experience with hot steam, or vehicle/golf buggy chemical dispensers.
RSC1232 – Suppliers of biodegradable dog poo bags – 230721
A member authority is currently looking to source a supplier of biodegradable dog poo bags and would welcome any information from other authorities offering advice or solutions regarding suppliers.
RSC1231 – Rats damaging refuse collection vehicles – 150721
A member authority is experiencing rodent infestation in their refuse vehicles which is causing damage such as chewed wires, mainly under the dashboard, but also the wiring travelling along the body mainly affecting the hopper and compactor controls. In some cases, rats have even made nests in vehicles.
They wish to know if anyone has had to, or is currently dealing with this issue and what action did they take, and has it been resolved completely or is it an ongoing programme of prevention?
The enquiring authority currently has a contractor managing rodents in the depot, they are not willing to take on the issues contained in the vehicles Therefore they would like to know if anyone has a contractor who does treat vehicles and if so, can they recommend them?
RSC1230 – Highway weed control programmes – 130721
A member authority is looking for information regarding how other authorities are dealing with weeds on their highways through a Highways Weed Control Programme,
They wish to know whether weed control on highways is:
Could you also please list any successful innovative practices with regards to highways weed control at your authority.
RSC1229 – Charging for returning to empty missed bins which was the fault of the resident – 130721
A member authority is interested to know if any local authorities have introduced charges for residents, or are considering charging where a return visit for a ‘missed bin’ emptying has had to be carried out where the fault was acknowledged/ proven as the resident's fault i.e. by not putting the bin out on time, or due to a problem with the weight of the bin/contamination etc.
RSC1229 – Charging for returning to empty missed bins which was the fault of the resident – 130721
A member authority is interested to know if any local authorities have introduced charges for residents, or are considering charging where a return visit for a ‘missed bin’ emptying has had to be carried out where the fault was acknowledged/ proven as the residents fault i.e. by not putting the bin out on time, or due to a problem with the weight of the bin/contamination etc.
RSC1228 - Starting food waste collections – 290621
A member authority is currently looking at starting weekly food waste collections and needs some advice particularly from urban Local Authorities who already operate these separate collections, in order to make decisions during the procurement stage.
They are interested in gathering information regarding procurement and the success of food waste containers, in particular:
RSC1227 – Health and Safety Risk Assessments for Waste and Recycling Collections – 290621
A member authority is currently reviewing their Health and Safety Risk Assessments for Waste and Recycling collections.
The RA and SSOW are quite lengthy and they are therefore enquiring as to whether any other authorities have a reference guide / booklet that highlights the main priorities that people would be willing to share.
RSC1226 – De-watering road sweepers – 220621
A member authority is enquiring as to where other local authorities de-water their road sweepers?
In particular they would like to know,
RSC1225 – Numbers of street cleansing staff – 180621
A member authority is looking for information regarding how many Street Cleansing staff per household other local authorities currently have.
Also if possible they would like to know the total no of street cleansing staff within the service.
RSC1224 – Free Bulky Uplifts – 110621