RSC1322 - Provision of weed control service – 081122
A member authority is currently reviewing their approach to Weed Control.
They currently have an external contract but are exploring taking it in house, therefore they are looking for information on the following:
1. How many members have an external provider managing their weeds and how many do it internally?
a. Is there a reason you use manage it this way?
b. Is one more cost effective? Taking into account vehicles, equipment, staff, training, chemicals.
2. Has anyone else done the move from outsourced to in-houses recently and what have the pro’s and con’s been?
RSC1321 - Duty of Care administration charges - 311022
A member Council would like to know how their annual duty of care charge compares with other LA’s.
They have a sliding scale based on annual spend and would be happy to share this information with other members.
They would like all members who provide a commercial waste service to confirm the following:
RSC1320 - Bin Sensors
A local authority is considering the introduction of bin sensors for their street litter bins and are keen to hear from other member authorities currently using sensors. In particular they would like to know:
1. Have you fitted bins sensors in your existing street litter bins?
2. What make of sensor do you use?
3. Approximately how many sensors do you have?
4. How reliable do you find them to be. E.g. battery life, false readings, sensor going missing?
RSC1319 - Segregation of litter at on-street bins
This local authority is considering segregating litter at on-street bins. They would therefore be keen to hear from other member authorities as to whether this is something you are currently undertaking or considering. If any authorities are currently doing this, what changes were required to your operating model and can you please provide information on any advantages/disadvantages to introducing this?
RSC1318 - Engaging with communities regarding waste and street cleaning services – 211022
A member council would like to explore how other authorities engage with their communities.
They would be very interested to hear about any best practice methods of communication or case studies that have improved resident engagement with regard to service provision and service improvement’
This query is in relation to Environmental Services, including Refuse Collection, Street Cleansing and Grounds Maintenance.
RSC1317 - Missed bin collections due to restricted access to residents bins via narrow streets
A member authority is currently looking at the issue of missed bin collections due to restricted access to resident’s bins via narrow streets. These streets can often be congested with parked cars, making an already problematic job even more challenging. They would therefore be grateful to here from other local authorities in terms of their experiences with regards to this issue and any potential solutions. In particular:-
1. Have you experienced the same issues with regards to narrow streets/ parked cars and missed bin collections?
2. Have you managed to implement any alternatives e.g. specialist equipment to pull multiple domestic bins down streets to be emptied and then returned?
3. Can you please provide information on what equipment/other resources have been used as part of the alternative?
4. Has your alternative been successful?
5. If successful, what are the benefits associated with the new product/system and/ or has it created any new problems etc.?
RSC1316 - Reducing Green waste contamination – 160922
A member authority is interested to know whether any councils have a process in place to deal with contamination within green waste bins for households?
They would be particularly interested to know about any behaviour change programmes or actions other councils have introduced to reduce contamination in green waste bins and how effective they have been.
Any data re reduced contamination levels or successful publicity materials would be gratefully received.
RSC1315 - Collection of dog waste – 090922
A member authority is currently reviewing the way in which they collect dog waste.
They would therefore be interested to know the following:
RSC1313 - Emptying and return of reusable litter pick sacks - 241022
A local volunteer has asked if we would be able to support them with using reusable sacks (supplied by the charity Surfers Against Sewage) for community litter picking. This would be in place of the standard plastic sacks we provide volunteers with, and which our Street Cleansing then collect and dispose of.
We would like to know if any other local authorities successfully facilitate the collection and emptying of litter picking waste in reusable sacks, and the return of the sacks to volunteers? If so, what operational changes needed to be made to the existing service and what were the associated cost impacts?"
RSC1312 - Use of service bins to collect food and glass for recycling - 050922
A member authority uses 240L wheeled bins as “service” bins on rounds to assist with the collection of food waste and glass (allowing operatives to work away from the collection vehicle thus improving efficiency). The service bins are transported on vehicle bin lifts, do other Council’s operate similar systems?
If so, what measures do you implement (if any) to ensure the wheeled service bins remain secure whilst in transit?
RSC1311 - Reviewing of start times caused by extreme weather events – 010922
A member authority is enquiring about normal start times which may need to be reviewed as a result of extreme weather events.
They currently work a straight 37 hour 5 day working week – starting at 07.30am.
The recent hot weather and trigger of both Amber and Red warnings for heat with the likelihood of them being repeated more frequently, has led them to review their start times.
The areas they are interested in are:
• Has any other member commenced this same process?
• What start times are being considered/proposed?
• What risks have been identified from these proposals? Colleague agreement / Disposal tip time restrictions / depot operating licence conditions etc?
RSC1310 - Removing need to take evidence from fly-tipped sites to gain prosecutions – 010922
A member authority is looking at the possibility of removing the need of Environmental Enforcement officers taking physical evidence from a fly-tip scene and just relying on their PNB entries and photographic / video evidence.
They are therefore enquiring if:
• any other local authorities do something similar?
• if they have a policy to support this ?
• if they could share this with us ?
RSC1309 - Assisted bin collections – 260822
In the last year a member authority have had a 63% increase in requests for bin assistance.
They are therefore reviewing the way in which residents can apply for bin assistance.
With this in mind they would like to know:
• What do other councils do to verify a residents need for bin assistance?
• Do officers carry out visits to each address?
• What questions are asked on your request forms
• How far do you probe into someone’s reason for requesting bin assistance?
RSC1308 - Cost benefit analysis of free bulky collection vs collecting fly-tips – 260822
A member authority is trying to find out if any local authorities have carried out a cost benefit analysis of providing free (or heavily subsidised) bulky collections compared to cost of picking up fly tipping.
They would therefore be interested to know in addition to the authority name, the following information:
• If they provide free bulky collections do they still suffer from fly tipping incidents.
RSC1307 - Front line staff appraisal and performance reviews - 241022
A member authority is currently looking to introduce an appraisal and performance review process specifically for front line operational staff (largely offline, manual across environmental services, waste, cleansing, grounds/highways maintenance) and their supervisors and managers with a goal of implementing a new meaningful process that aligns operational staff performance with the wider business aims and goals.
To help in this development they are keen to hear from other member authorities who may have developed or already have in place appraisals in place for similar staff groups in relation to: -
What their appraisal/performance review process is:
1. How are corporate/strategic and service area objectives communicated to front line operational staff who predominantly work offline?
2. How are these transferred and aligned into the roles of operational front-line staff?
3. How are these translated and captured in a performance appraisal/review process –are there specific performance-based outputs to be achieved or more objective based goal measurements?
4. Were staff working groups and/or trade unions involved in the development of a fit for purpose appraisal/performance review format?
5. Do operational staff have a different format for their appraisal than other groups of staff? If any examples of format/templates could be shared that would be useful.
6. How is the appraisal process communicated so that staff understand the purpose and their contribution to it.
7. How is the appraisal/performance review undertaken for offline staff are they asked to physically attend individually or is this done as a group/team appraisal
8. Where appraisals are not linked to pay increases, what other tangible outcomes for the individual are part of the conclusion of any appraisal?
RSC1306 - Graffiti On Utility Boxes - 220822
A member council previously painted over graffiti on green utility boxes
Virgin Media used to provide the council with the dark green paint and operatives from the contractor would paint over the boxes. Example below:
3 Park Ln - Google Maps,1.2766661,3a,37.2y,79.07h,69.55t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sRaBo2qtera811kb1CYvWVw!2e0!7i16384!8i8192
However Virgin Media have stopped offering the paint.
Do other councils have issues with graffiti on utility boxes?
• What action (if any) do you take to remove it?
• Does anyone know if all dark green utility boxes are owned/maintained by Virgin Media?"
RSC1305 - Paper calendars for service delivery dates- posted to residents – 220822
A member authority would like to know if any local authorities still do paper calendars or just use the app/digital/website info only or do both to inform residents of the days when waste collection will take place.
RSC1304 - Issuing of Fixed Penalty notices for litter - 241022
A member authority is enquiring whether any councils have had successful outcomes using CCTV in locations that suffer from high volumes of littering?
RSC1302 - Unauthorised encampments in parks from the Travelling Community - 090822
A member authority is experiencing a growing number of unauthorised encampments in their parks from the Travelling Community
Despite placing various levels of defence such as bollards and height restriction bars these are still being breached.
The authority does not currently have a designated Travellers site and as such cannot use this defence for early removal.
They would therefore be interested to know if any other local authorities have developed innovative approaches to reducing the incidents unauthorised encampments, whilst having due regard to Equalities issues and protection of rights.
RSC1301 - Graffiti Removal - 280722
A member authority is looking for the following information regards graffiti removal:
• Do members know of any legislation regarding being able to enforce the removal of graffiti from local business premises, where it defaces the environment.
• This member authority would like to act against shop owners if they are not prepared to remove graffiti after being provided with a disclaimer & quote. Are any members using this action and could they provide any example documents used.
RSC1300 - In cab Technology - 280722
A member council would like to hear from any local authorities who are using in-cab technology.
In particular they would be interested to know:
1. Which system they are using?
2. The main benefits the system has brought?
3. Any lessons learned/ anything they would do differently?
RSC1299 - Booking system/limits on Larger vehicles visiting HWRC's – 250722
A member authority is trying to gather information on whether a booking system/limit to visiting times for larger/commercial type vehicles on HWRC’s has been successful.
In particular they wish to know:
• Do you allow larger vehicles/commercial vehicles/vehicles and trailers on site to dispose of household waste?
o If so, please can you share the restrictions on size/type of vehicles?
• Do you limit the above type of vehicle visits to site (e.g. a permit system limiting number of visits per year)
• Do you have an advanced booking slot system for larger vehicles/vehicles with trailers?
o If so do you limit to particular times/days?
• If this is a relative recent change,
o what was customer reaction?
o What was impact on recycling rates/prevention of trade use
• Could you share any process you have for managing suspected trade/commercial waste tipped on sites (e,g,– are trade Waste disclaimer forms used/any further investigation made? Enforcement powers/assistance)?
RSC1297 - Changing Working Times Due To More Frequent Daily Temperature Increases – 130722
A member authority is considering that in light of the more frequent occurrences of higher temperatures, are any members considering a change to their working pattern?
For example: bringing forward start time?
They are exploring moving from 07.30 to 06.30 start time and would welcome any comments from colleagues who are:
(a) Also considering this
(b) Any pitfalls from any organisation who may have done this on a permanent arrangement
(c) If colleagues have just instigated an ad hoc arrangement, specifically sharing:
RSC1296 - Stopping the collection of side waste - 130722
A member authority is trying to find out which local authorities have already stopped collecting side waste.
They would therefore be interested to know in addition to the authority name, the following information:
RSC1295 - Service operatives finding lost property - 280622
A member authority is enquiring whether any APSE members have a procedure for dealing with staff coming across lost property whilst carrying out their daily duties?
RSC1294 - Contamination of recycling bins within flatted or shared accommodation properties
This member authority is starting research into contamination of recycling bins within flatted or shared accommodation properties. With this in mind, they would be grateful to hear from colleagues in relation to:-
RSC1293 - RCV Fleet make-up - 060622
A member authority is considering the purchase of additional 32tonne RCV’s and are looking to identify RCV Fleet make up across the country.
They are particularly interested in the following:
They would also like to know if the service is managed in house or by an external provider.
RSC1292 - Integrating waste software systems - 060622
A member waste collection authority is currently using Granicus GovService/Firmstep as their webform platform.
Their waste team successfully uses Bartec Collective and to continue to seek improvement for their customers they would like to make contact with any authority who has integrated the two systems to compare processes and take learning.
RSC1291 - Safety while unblocking their refuse chutes – 160522
A member authority are having an issue regarding safety while unblocking their refuse chutes.
They would like to hear from authorities who have refuse chutes in Highrise accommodation for tenants waste disposal , how do other members unblock these when they become blocked and how do they do it safely?
RSC1290 - Charging developers for refuse bins - 160522
A member authority is requesting information regarding anyone who charges housing developers for waste bins to get an understanding of how this was setup.
They would also be happy to speak to any councils who would be willing to discuss this matter further.
Could you please indicate if you are willing to speak to the enquirer direct.
RSC1289 - Waste Services – Pay and Conditions Review - 200522
A member council is seeking to benchmark the Pay, Terms and Conditions of its Refuse staff to those of other local authorities, who continue to provide an in-house service.
This exercise is intended to inform a structured review of the service, ensuring that our staff are appropriately rewarded for the work that they undertake.
We would greatly appreciate the following documents and information from other local authorities that deliver either an in-house domestic or commercial waste service:
• Job description and pay scale/grade for refuse loader
• Job description and pay scale/grade for refuse driver
• Details of any pay/productivity programme that may be in place
• Details of any initiatives aimed at reducing sickness absence
• Details of any initiatives aimed at ensuring employee retention
• Waste types collected from domestic properties and the frequency of their collection
RSC1288 - Refuse and Recycling Drivers / operatives wearing shorts - 200522
A member authority would like to know if any local authorities allow staff to wear shorts, and also if they don’t!
For any Refuse and Recycling operations that do, they would like to know if you would provide a copy of your RA / SSOW?
For those that don’t, have you been able to find any acceptable (more comfortable/wearable) compromise, other than full ballistic trousers for all duties?
RSC1287 - LCD Advertising on refuse collection vehicles - 130522
A member authority would be interested to know if anyone other authority uses LCD advertising displays on their refuse collection fleet and if so, do they use for messages for the public and / or advertising for income generation?
RSC1286 - Work wear for female refuse collectors – 130522
A member authority is having issues obtaining female work wear in particular relating to refuse collection workers and are keen to know, if any other council are having similar issues.
They would particularly be interested in receiving information from those councils who have resolved the issue and the suppliers they have bought the required workwear from.
RSC1285 - Recycling Education Centre – 290722
A member council is looking at the idea of developing a local community / school drop in centre which displays recycling bins explaining what you can and cannot recycle together with details on the local authorities waste and recycling collection services.
They have the opportunity to utilise a shop unit in their main town centre and believe education would help in their efforts to improve their recycling rates.
They would therefore be interested if other Councils have used such initiatives and would be grateful for any advice/examples.
RSC1284 - Reviewing key competencies for street cleansing staff – 290722
A member local authority is looking for examples of minimum/key competencies by operational role from Street Cleansing Operative to Team Leader in any or all areas of Street Scene operational provision.
They would be interested to hear from any LA who have reviewed their various operational roles recently especially in terms of literacy, basic skills requirements and who are happy to share any templates of JD’s/Person specs.
It would also be useful to share any information/experiences others may have around assessing and supporting existing staff where competencies aren’t met by staff following a review.
RSC1283 - Disposal of Street sweeper waste - 060522
A member authority is enquiring about sweeper waste disposal.
They operate a fleet of inhouse sweepers from 3.5 ton up to 15 ton and are reviewing their processes.
They would like to know the following:
• Prior to unloading, how do you collect and store the excess water picked up when sweeping
• How do you dispose of this water
• How do you store and dispose of the sweeper waste
• Do you comply within the conditions of the regulatory position statement (RPS) or do you have an environmental permit for this work and if so, on what grounds do you need the permit?
RSC1282 - Reuse /recycling of damaged wheeled bins – 060522
A member authority has a number of returned/damaged wheelie bins which they have stockpiled at their depot and are enquiring what other authorities do with such items of stock
They have reissued some that were in good/clean condition but are keen to see a use for those which can no longer be used either by recycling or some other means.
They would therefore be interested to learn how other authorities are dealing with damaged wheeled bins which can no longer be used.
RSC1281 – Annual duty of care costs
This local authority would like to ask other member authorities if they have an additional cost for annual duty of care within waste services and if so what is the cost?
RSC1280 - Waste Collection CRM/vehicle in-cab software
A Member authority is trying to establish if it is worth paying for extra resident’s modules to supplement waste collection CRM / vehicle in-cab device interface softwares currently available,
Such an example is the additional Resident’s App – which allows residents to download / view collection details, raise requests, and get automatic notifications the night before collections.
There is also the more interactive Resident’s Portal, a Web based portal which allows residents to login and access and raise service requests , view live information e.g. collection service issues , report whether their recycling bin was rejected, all sourced from in-cab software. This software allows residents to self-service issues and thereby reduce call centre traffic.
The enquiring authority is keen to hear from any authority that has invested in these type of additional functions and what their experience has been and if they have actually or perceptively reduced call centre call volumes or formal complaints?
Also they would be keen to know if they have perceived them to be good value and provide worthwhile benefits.
They would welcome any comments which may be of help.
RSC1279 - City / Town Centre Cleansing – Working Outside of Office Hours
A member authority is considering extending their operational hours within the City Centre to accommodate new developments that will lead to a larger night time economy.
They are therefore interested to know what shift arrangements other authorities use in their city / town centres with regards to the following:
They would also like to operate mechanical sweepers late at night or from 4am in the morning to ensure that streets can get swept without pedestrians or parked vehicles being a problem.
RSC1278 - Best practice guidance regards returning of empty wheeled bins by council employees - 210322
An APSE member council is considering best practice guidance and issues relating to the return of empty wheelie-bins by employees. They would welcome information on the following:-
RSC1277 – Antistatic Wearing Edges for Loading Shovels in Waste Transfer Sites – 060422
Following a recent visit by this authority’s Insurer to a Waste Transfer/Bulking Site (the site operates two JCB 560-80 Wastemaster telescopic handlers with 3 cubic metre grain buckets) a Risk Improvement Action requirement was put in place which states -
"Sparks created as a direct result of static electricity discharging to earth in areas utilised for the handling of combustible materials, dust and gases may cause an explosion or fire. Mobile plant used for the handling and movement of waste, and which enter the sheds, is to be provided with spark prevention in the form of anti-static strips or an anti-static coating on the leading edges of the buckets/scoops to prevent sparks”.
This local authority is therefore interested to hear from other member authorities who have had similar conditions placed on their use of loading equipment buckets/scoops and how they comply with these conditions:-
RSC1276 – Commercial charges for charity shops and commercial caravan sites – 180322
This local authority are currently reviewing their commercial waste collection charges with regards to discounts for caravan parks and charity shops. They currently only charge them a basic collection cost based on the size of the bin, with no disposal cost or landfill tax element to the charge. All other commercial customers are charged the same collection costs, plus a disposal charge and landfill tax charge, thus substantially increasing their final cost.
They would like to know:
RSC1275 -Increased price of glyphosate due to a reduced market availability - 160322
A member council has very recently awarded a contract for weed spraying.
The successful bidder is now saying they need to increase their price due to the rising cost of glyphosate; adding that the price for the chemical has risen from £3 per litre to £11 per litre and that they expect it to rise further.
Therefore the member authority is enquiring:
The enquiring council is also keen to know how other local authorities deal with the issue of paying for ‘wasted’ visits i.e. the new weed contractor wants to charge them for ‘wasted’ visits due to road closures as they say as they can’t carry out spraying they have to return for a second visit, therefore would you pay and additional amount for the need for this second visit?
RSC1274 - Alternative approaches to weed control
A member authority is exploring alternative approaches to their current weed control strategy.
The current strategy involves the application of treatment and manual weed removal processes, an alternative approach they are exploring is to enhance the current process by incorporating weed control into the mechanical sweeping fleet and increase the focus on the prevention by removing silt/detritus build up.
To assist, they would be grateful if other members would be able to supply the following information:
RSC1271 - Waste collection from purpose built student accommodation - chargeable or free service?
A member authority is interested in receiving advise and is enquiring whether other authorities would share their approach/policies in relation to waste collection from purpose built student accommodation and whether or not a charge is applied for this service?
RSC1269 - Services which have undergone route optimisation procedures
A member authority is looking to gain feedback from large (geographically), districts or former county unitary Council’s on operations such as grass cutting, sweeping, bin collections in general, quad spraying and where such operations have undergone the process of route optimisation.
They are particularly interested to know:
RSC1268 - Fortnightly refuse collection using slim bins
A member authority is looking for information on the following:
They are interested to know if any authority is collecting fortnightly waste collections using slim bins.
If so, what are the working days/hours?
RSC1267 - Servicing platform for RCVs
This local authority are currently looking to replace their locally manufactured servicing platform used when cleaning out the side hatch and rear packer plate areas on their standard and twin track RCVs.
Do any members use an ‘off the shelf’ servicing platform, and if so, can they share the manufactures details and their crews experience/feedback on using such platforms?
RSC1266 - Risk assessments and training requirements for litter picking along dual and single carriageway roads
A member authority is looking at refreshing their risk assessments and safe working practices for litter picking along dual and single carriageway roads.
They would like to know if any partners would be willing to share their documents with them on this issue.
They are particularly interested in help in identifying any training requirements that operatives need regards litter picking along dual and single carriageway roads.
RSC1265 - Food waste collection and the provision of bags
A member authority wishes to know of those authorities who provide food waste collections would they please provide the following information:
RSC1264 - Waste collection review for Assisted Collections
A member authority is commencing a review of their assisted collection service where they enter residents gardens to collect bins, provide service and return bins. They are particularly interested in the criteria used for successful application to the service and the annual/bi-annual review of users where they may have moved/passed on and no longer require the service and how this is carried out on the ground. Have any new solutions been successfully developed to reduce the potential impact on the service of increased need by residents?
RSC1262 - Individual risk assessments at propertis receiving assisted collections - 090222
A member authority’s contractor has recently asked the local authority to carry out individual site risk assessments on all properties the council is requesting an assisted collection for.
The contractor’s new health and safety representative has said this is required as a the client, they are asking the contractor to enter private property.
The Local authority currently has a total of 687 active assisted collections, and they have not previously been asked by their contractor to carry out a risk assessment regards these collections.
The enquiring authority is asking whether any other councils who contract out waste and recycling collections have had this request?
They would like to know:
RSC1261 – Signage highlighting prohibited bin items – 090222
This local authority is currently looking to enhance their current waste and recycling messaging. In particular they would like to hear from other member authorities that use signage and stickers to highlight items which are prohibited from particular bins and if they would be happy to provide examples?
RSC1260 -The use of handheld technology within waste collection services
A member authority is looking at handheld technology for waste collection services. They would like to know if other authorities have bin crews / operatives currently using any hand held / Smart devices on their daily collection routes?
If “no”
If “yes”
RSC1259 - Waste collection review - 270122
A member authority is actively reviewing their waste collections and are keen to receive information or speak to other local authorities as soon as possible to learn from best practice examples.
They are particularly keen to hear from authorities who Use Slab in the Cab technology and use the data to feed into other work e.g. setting targets/ performance management.
They are also interested in how authorities are actively tackling high rates of missed bin collections and have identified why they are occurring, as well as actively tackling poor public perception of their services.
RSC1257 - Wearing shorts as part of PPE - 180122
A member authority is considering introducing shorts as part of the PPE during the summer months for their waste operatives and would be interested in the following information from other local authorities:
RSC1255 - Alternatives to plastic litter bins - 120122
A Member authority is looking for information regarding litter bins in town centres.
Following the Warrington Bombing, the enquiring authority removed all metal bins in the town centre and replaced them with plastic.
Plastic bins are prone to fire damage and are constantly being damaged and replaced and there is therefore a consideration to replace them with possibly a metal alternative.
They are therefore keen to discover what specification other authorities are following regards to the provision of the bins they put in their town centres.
Are they Plastic, Metal, Bombproof?
RSC1254 - One Bin Uplift Policy (For Residual Waste Bins)
This authority would like to know:
RSC1252 - Review of waste collected - 100122
A member authority is currently reviewing the amount of waste they collect and would be interested to know: