RSC1452 - First aid arrangements - 191224
A member authority is reviewing its crew first aid arrangements, they wish to hear from other members what first aid arrangements you have in place for your crews. Do you require drivers to be trained? One member of every crew? Just certain staff members or do you not have anyone trained?
RSC1451 - Dog waste bin provision – 221124
A member authority is currently reviewing the provision of dog waste bins, they would be interested in hearing from other authorises about the bin management specifically:
RSC1450 - Larger residual waste bin provision - 141124
A member authority is currently reviewing and updating their policy regarding the provision of larger or additional bins to residents. Their standard bin size is 140L and the larger bin is 240L. Their goal is to clarify the criteria for needing a larger or additional bin while encouraging residents to reduce their overall waste and increase recycling.
They would be grateful if you could share any insights or policies your local authority has in place regarding larger or additional bins, specifically:
RSC1449 - Waste fleet replacement schedule - 111124
A member authority for waste collection, who operate a fleet of refuse freighters policy is to purchase a new freighter, refurbish the vehicle body and lifting equipment after seven years, and then replace the entire vehicle with a new one after a further seven years (operating a 14-year replacement programme) they are considering amending this policy to a straight seven year replace for new.
They would like to ask other authorities with refuse freighters:
RSC1448 - Garden Waste Collection service – 311024
A member authority is reviewing its garden waste collections they would like to hear from any authority that has launched a paid for Garden Waste Collection service in the past 4 years, and if you could share the number of signups from residents you received in the first year of launching the service in your local authority.
RSC1447 - Use of a reversing assistant - 291024
A member authority currently collects refuse from back lanes, a large proportion of the lanes are very narrow, making use of a reversing assistant difficult, indeed in some areas wing mirrors need to be folded in. The vehicles are fitted with 360o CCTV and in some situations, reversing manoeuvres are entirely reliant on reversing cameras. The member is seeking information from other collection authorities, with a similar street typology, regarding what arrangements they have in place, in these scenarios: -
1. Does your authority collect refuse from the rear or the front of property or do you use a mix of both?
2. If you collect from the rear, what arrangements do you have in place for reversing in narrow lanes, particularly where a banksman/ reversing assistant can’t be used?
3. Where an authority has moved from collecting from the rear to the front of the property:
(a) What was the main reason for the change?
(b) Has the change impacted on productivity, either positively or adversely?
(c) Was their resistance from residents and how did you best overcome these challenges?
RSC1446 - Internal Bulky waste collections - 241024
A member authority currently collects bulky waste items from outside properties, they have recently received a few requests asking for them to enter the property for collection quoting the disabilities act and in particular, ‘The Equality Act which requires them to provide reasonable adjustments for people who are “disabled”. Under the Act it means they have a “physical or mental impairment which has a substantial and long-term adverse effect on their ability to carry out normal day to day activities”, they have sought legal advice but are interested to know what provisions other member have in place please.
RSC1445 - Waste collection staff annual leave allocation - 231024
A member authority is reviewing its waste collection staff annual leave allocation. They would like to hear from other authorities on how you manage waste collection staff annual leave.
Do you impose a limit on staff off at one time such as 5 driver, 10 loaders etc? If not, what system do you operate?
RSC1444 - Consignment forms for hazardous fly-tipped wastes - 181024
A member authority is looking to produce their own version of the Environment Agency (EA) consignment note forms for hazardous fly-tipped wastes.
They would like to hear from authorities using electronic versions rather than paper-based systems as they believe this enables a more efficient process at the weighbridge. Would you be willing to share examples of completed notes you have produced.
RSC1443 - Household Waste Recycling Centre (HWRC) Contracted Services – 171024
A member authority is looking to procure a new Household Waste Recycling Centre (HWRC) service contract starting in 2027 and would like to enquire amongst other local authorities about their own arrangements and how best to structure these services.
RSC1442 - Graffiti and Flyposting removal times - 101024
A member authority is reviewing its Graffiti removal policy and would like to hear from other authorities on below:
RSC1441 - Waste & Street cleansing Supervisor Qualifications – 021024
This local authority would be keen to know if other member authorities put their Waste; Street Cleansing supervisors through external training to gain qualifications for a NEBS or equivalent?
RSC1440 - Where are you on your EV journey? - 280924
We would be interested in hearing from authorities regarding what stage you are in your EV journey.
Please answer the sector that best applies to your authority.
A - Considering EV
- Are you planning to do this in house or with outside consultancy?
- Why are you considering the move - what are your key motivations?
- How you defined the criteria to judge the implementation as a success, if not how will you?
- What factors are you considering that could affect the efficiency/effectiveness of your vehicles?
- How will your current infrastructure need to change to adapt to an EV fleet?
B - Currently moving to EV
- How far are you in this process?
- What are the major issues that you have had to deal with so far? - were these expected?
- Was your planning for your change to EV done solely in house or with outside consultancy?
- How has the response been from the workforce with the imminent change to EV?
- Have you had any internal resistance to the changes and how have you overcome them, are they onboard?
C - Have made move to EV.
- Yes - what are the key elements that have made it a success?
- No - what are the key elements that have made it unsuccessful?
- What would you have done differently?
- Did you rely on outside expertise and advice?
RSC1439 - Identifying Garden waste bin subscribers - 240924
A member authority would like to learn about the methods other council’s use to identify garden waste bin subscriptions. They currently use permits to distinguish between subscribed and non-subscribed bins but are exploring the possibility of adopting alternative approaches.
Does your council use a different method for this purpose?
Specifically, they would appreciate details on what system or identifier you use instead of permits, and any insights you might have regarding its effectiveness.
RSC1438 - Procuring third party trade food waste collections - 240924
A member authority who currently collects trade waste from local businesses is considering using a third-party contractor to provide their new food waste collections to trade customers, rather than providing the service in house.
The authority is interested in hearing from any other authorities who operate in the same manner.
They would be interested in hearing about:
RSC1437 - Digital calendar -240924
A member authority is looking to move from a hard copy calendar to a digital version. They would like to hear from colleagues that have moved from providing a hard copy waste collection calendar to a digital format.
What strategies if any did your Council use to address the issue of digital exclusion for householders prior to or during the transformation to a digital format. Any information would be greatly appreciated.
RSC1436 - Container charges – 270824
A member authority is reviewing its container charges and would appreciate if you are happy to answers questions below.
When did you introduce charges for containers? Please could you break this down into the different container type and size and if there is different charge for request reason? EG- Do you have different charges for recycling compared to residual? Do you have different charge depending on the container size?
Do you have any subsidies? Do you have any subsidies? For example, are containers issued at no charge if residents are receiving benefits?
Did you find the charge introduction reduce demand? And if so by what %? If so, please could you share the %
Have you had an increase in complaints regarding the introduction of charges? Please could you also share how this has been managed? For example if a resident has claimed the container was taken by crews/fell into RCV – was a charge still applied?
Do you have a mandatory charge applied to developers for new build properties? EG – does a developer have to bear costs for the first set of containers for the properties they are building?
The value of the annual income achieved from container charges?
Anything else you would like to share which may be useful?
RSC1435 - Recycling Credit payments & Extended Producer Responsibility - 020824
A member authority would like to hear from other local authorities what process or agreements you have/ or if a tier 2 waste collection authority, are putting into place with your waste disposal authorities relating to the Recycling Credit payments & Extended Producer Responsibility payments that will be coming in 25/26.
RSC1434 - Charging for Garden Waste Collections – 310724
A member authority would like to hear from other local authorities that initially provided a garden waste collection scheme free of charge to their households, and have subsequently moved to a charging scheme.
They would be grateful if you could answer the following with as much detail you can:
1. The percentage of households that dropped out of the garden waste service once a charge was implemented?
2. How much do you charge a household per collection season? what is the length of season i.e. (March - Nov)?
3. Do you charge a part year if a household requests to participate mid-season?
4. How do you issue the charge and when? i.e. stand-alone software or via Council Tax database? Is this done annually please state?
5. Did you notice an increase in residual waste tonnages due to garden waste being put into the residual waste stream.
6. How do your garden waste collection team know which households to collect from i.e. sticker, round sheets etc
7. Is there any learning good and bad you would like to share from your transition to charging for garden waste.
RSC1433 - Dog bin misuse - 260724
A member authority is finding within their areas an increase of dog bin misuse with large bags of dog waste and cat litter in and around the bins. As a service they have highlighted through social media the incorrect use and that the waste can go into household waste. They have put extra signage in the worst used bins and this has had little or no effect. The prosecutions team are struggling to understand, how they can fine the individuals who continue to dump this waste.
Have you had similar issues with your areas?
What options are you taking to try and deter and what options have you looked at regarding prosecutions?
RSC1432 - Street and Cleansing policy/ guidance - 170724
A member authority is writing a new street and cleansing policy/ guidance. They would love to hear from any local authority willing to share examples of your policy or guidelines.
RSC1430 - Shorts uniform for waste collection crew - 050724
A member’s authority is reviewing the uniform for their waste collection crew. They would like to hear from any member authorities who allow their staff to wear shorts.
Any copies of risk assessments/pilot findings and any difference in incident/accident trends as a result?
RSC1429 - Use of bioliners in food waste collections - 020724
This local authority would like answers to the following questions on the use of bioliners in food waste collections:
RSC1428 - Fixed penalty notice charges - 260624
A member authority is reviewing their fixed penalty notice charges. They would like to hear from other authorities what your fixed penalty notices charges are for below.
• Littering
• Fly-tipping
• Dog Fouling
• bin on streets
RSC1427 - Managing contamination in kerbside collections - 250624
A member authority would be interested in hearing from other authorities on ways you have been successful in tackling and reducing levels of contamination collected from household kerbside collections. They would be interested in hearing:
• Resources used e.g. staffing and materials?
• Time it’s taken?
• How has improvement been measured?
• Any specific issues encountered, would you do anything differently, any changes/improvements that could be made?
• Any process/policy in place that can be shared?
• If you have been unable to reduce levels of contamination to an acceptable level, what measures have you or are you considering taking?
• What have been the positive or negative effects of action taken, e.g,. containers removed, excess waste / fly tipping?
RSC1426 - Trade waste charges - 250624
A member authority is reviewing the rates for trade waste collection. They would like compare the cost of a 1100litre trade waste bin lift for both recycling and general waste in schools. It would be appreciated if they could have the cost for this current financial year 24/25 and how it has been calculated.
RSC1420 - Bank holiday working - 120624
A member authority would like to hear from other authorities on how you cover bank holiday working in respect of street cleansing. Do you currently use a rota system whereby weekends form part of an operatives normal working week or are you covering these periods on an overtime basis?
RSC1418 - Street Scene Digital System -290524
A member authority are looking to implement a digital system for their Street Scene services – Grounds and Cleansing. They are keen to hear from other members who have introduced systems and what efficiencies, either financial or productivity based, you have realised from the introduction of a digital system
RSC1417 - Closed landfill sites - 290524
A member authority is interested in hearing from other authorities that manage 'closed' landfill sites. The manage 23 sites and would like to connect with others to share knowledge and best practice.
RSC1416 - RCV crews and 4 wheeled industrial bins - 160524
This local authority would like to ask several questions relating to RCV crews and 4 wheeled industrial bins:Do any local authorities operate single man crews (driver only, no loaders) for commercial/large 4 wheeled bin collections?If so, did you have any objections from work force and Trade Unions when implanting single man crews?Do you have ‘single man crew’ specific risk assessments?Do you have any limits with regards to number of bin movements per day for single man crews?
RSC1415 - Bioaerosols in Kerbside green waste collection - 150524
A member authority is aware that kerbside green waste collection staff are exposed to bioaerosols and they follow WISH guidance but they are unclear on whether this is enough to protect staff. They are interested in whether any other councils have measured the exposure levels and if so, would you be willing to share your findings?
RSC1413 - Food waste collection in communal properties - 010424
A member authority is about to embark on food waste collection, they would like to hear from other authorities carry out food waste collection .
• How have you provided the service to buildings that do not have space in their communal bin stores for an additional food waste bin?
• How did you consult with residents on the operational aspects of the rollout – for example, focus groups, surveys, online consultation etc?
• Would you be willing to share some of the types of questions you asked that helped you to deliver the service more effectively?
• Would you be happy to share your experiences with food waste collections in communal properties?
RSC1412 - Sharing access to Council Household Waste Recycling Centres - 290424
This local authority would like to ask others questions around the sharing across councils of access to each others’ Household Waste Recycling Centres:Do you have an arrangement with one or more neighbouring Councils / Authorities to allow access to Household Recycling Facilities for residents of the neighbouring authority?If so, is there a commercial agreement or Memorandum of Understanding (or something else) to cover the costs of the management of additional wastes / recyclate incurred by any such arrangement?If so, how is the amount of waste measured and accounted for in relation to individual Council’s /Authority’s statutory reporting requirements?If so, are there any limitations to the types of waste that is accepted?
RSC1411 - Artificial Grass at HWRCs
A member authority has had inquires at their HWRCs regarding the receipt of artificial grass . They would like to know if any authorities put limits on the on the amount of artificial grass you accept at your HWRCs.
They would also like to know which waste stream you accept it in residual , plastic or other ?
RSC1410 - Waste collection round/road risk assessments
A member authority is looking to review their waste collection round/road risk assessments as it has been some time since they have been updated. The city continues to grow with new housing developments going “live” almost daily.Their last RA’s were a paper exercise with some limited information added to the in cab tech at the time however, all H&S RAs are now on a central database.
They would like to know:
1. Have any other LA’s updated their Waste Collection Round RA’s recently. If so, how long did the task take?
2. How was the task undertaken? Did the drivers complete the RA template while on the round or was the task issued to an individual to complete?
3. Do any LA’s have a template document to record hazards, control measures, risk rating, etc used by their assessor that was particularly useful?
RSC1409 - Communal blocks bin provision - 220224
A member authority is looking to review their waste collection round/road risk assessments as it has been some time since they have been updated. The city continues to grow with new housing developments going “live” almost daily.Their last RA’s were a paper exercise with some limited information added to the in cab tech at the time however, all H&S RAs are now on a central database.
They would like to know:
1. Have any other LA’s updated their Waste Collection Round RA’s recently. If so, how long did the task take?
2. How was the task undertaken? Did the drivers complete the RA template while on the round or was the task issued to an individual to complete?
3. Do any LA’s have a template document to record hazards, control measures, risk rating, etc used by their assessor that was particularly useful?
RSC1408 - Dealing with wheelie bins being left out on the street permanently - 180424
This local authority would like to ask others:
Do you have a policy in place for wheelie bins being left out on street permanently? If so are you happy to share this with us?
What has been effective in dealing with this issue?
Do you use any statutory notices, and would you be willing to share examples of notices that you use? Highways/Roads legislation or EPA Section 46?
RSC1407 - Waste collection policies - 150424
A member authority is looking for information from other councils on your waste collections policies . They would be interested in knowing how authorities manage collections of the following materials in wheelie bins from properties with steps.
Do you offer collections to properties with steps ?
For residual waste?
For dry recycling?
For paid for garden waste?
Are other containers used, for example bags or smaller wheelie bins?
Where residents hold Assisted Collections do Councils collect Wheeled bins from up flights of steps, if not what adaptions are made to the service?
Where residents hold Waste Limit Exemptions how to Councils collect from properties with flights of steps?
Are there health & safety documents (risk assessments, method statements etc.) that you would be willing to share?
RSC1406 -Managing collection and handling of waste upholstered domestic seating containing POPs -090424
This council’s operations team is looking into how best to manage the collection and handling of Waste Upholstered Domestic Seating (WUDS) containing Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs). They would like to know the following:
Has your council changed how they collect WUDS to comply with POPs regulations? If so, how have your collections changed and what is the impact on your service?
If collecting WUDS with other waste in a box van, how are you managing to keep WUDS separate from other waste?
If mixing occurs, are you treating all waste collected as POPs?
If Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) (WUDS) are damaged, are you asking residents to cover damage or asking your collection crews to tape up the damage?
To comply with the new regulations regarding the collection of WUDS containing POPS, can you provide details on your approach to managing these items within your Waste Transfer Stations?
Could you provide further details as to how you are storing and disposing WUDS containing POPS at HWRC's?
RSC1405 - Dust from emptying refuse bins - 080424
A member authority is looking for information from other councils who carry out waste collections.
Their crews occasionally suffer from being covered in unbagged dust when emptying refuse bins. They would like to hear from other members who have encountered this issue and if you have done work with the public to encourage bagging up dust. Are there any health & safety documents (risk assessments, examples etc.) that you would be willing to share?
RSC1404 - Take Away” from Recycling Centres - 280324
A member authority would like to understand if any other authorities provide an opportunity for residents to leave re-use items at the recycling centres for them to be taken home by others? For example a resident downsizing to a flatted property leaves gardening equipment for re-use and another resident can pick these items up.
RSC1403 - Recycle VAPES collection/ disposal - 220324
A member authority is looking to Recycle Disposable Vapes, they would like to know the approach taken by other local authorities in relation to the disposal of electric vapes and if anyone has developed or sourced a suitable recycling method.
RSC1402 - Safe system for pulling bins - 220324
A member authority has just removed the task and finish model in relation to waste collections. They have noticed there seems to be a reduction in the way the crew operate with them referring back to risk assessment stating that they can only wheel one bin at a time. The impact of this is that the teams are now not clearing their rounds and causing significant issues.
They would be interested in hearing back from any authorises who have moved away from the task and finish model, any issues you have experienced and if you would be happy to share your their risk assessments around this issue.
RSC1401 - Food waste collection crews pay rates - 200324
A member authority preparing to roll out a food-waste service and have established paygrades for ‘7.5tonne vehicle drivers’ and are being advised from another authority that they pay an additional supplement of £1/hr more than normal RCV drivers, to their crews to allow for the “smell and sloppy loads etc., that are associated with the collection of food waste”.
They would like to know if any authorities make additional hourly payments, or compensate financially in other ways, to crews collecting food waste and would you be willing to share this please, along with a brief rational?
RSC1400 - Commercial/Trade waste collection - 180324
A member authority would like to hear from other authorities that carry out a Commercial/Trade waste collection.
Do you collect commercial/trade waste on normal rounds, both residual and recycling?
If collections are made on normal rounds do drivers operate out of scope?
If it is a dedicated commercial collection vehicle does that operate EU rules in scope?
EU exemptions are contained in Article 3 of 561/2006, whereas national derogations from the EU rules are contained in Schedule 1 of the Community Drivers’ Hours and Recording Equipment Regulations 2007 (the 2007 regulations). Schedule 1(8) of the 2007 regulations contains an exemption for: door to door collections. Their interpretation is that it is allowed under this exemption.
RSC1399 - Use of Electric RCVs Fleet - 040324
A member authority is looking into the use of electric RCVs, they would like to hear from any authorities that use electric RCVs.
They would like to know:
What electric vehicle make and EV charger make and supplier do you have?
If you have experienced any connectivity problems between the charger and the vehicle and how you have resolved these?
And any other relevant information you are happy to share.
RSC1398 - Food waste collection vehicles - 230224
A member authority is interested in hearing from other authorities that run a food waste collection service.
They would appreciate all information you can share around:
What type/ size food waste trucks you use as well as how many houses do they service per truck.
RSC1397 - Time and attendance biometric data recording - 230224
A member authority is interested in the use of biometric data for time and attendance recording. They would like to hear from any authority that has put biometric recording system in place and would be willing to discuss your process and specifically how you addressed legal concerns.
RSC1396a - Information on co-mingled to separation at source collections - 130224
This local authority is looking to analyse changes from a co-mingled collection into a separation at source collection (card/paper, and cans/plastic) and therefore would be extremely grateful to hear from any other member authority where this change has been rolled out. In particular:-
1. What was the percentage increase in recycling?
2. What was the percentage increase or decrease in residual if any?
3. What was the change in waste contamination?
4. Have there been any health and safety impacts? (E.g. Increased weight of residual waste bin)
5. Have there been any operational issues with the change?
6. Were there any changes in customer satisfaction?
7. Were there any lessons learnt in the rollout of changes?
8. Impact of change to food waste only collections (from co-mingled garden/food)
RSC1396 - Street Cleansing Operative’s - 150224
A member authority would be interested in learning how you measure your Street Cleansing Operative’s daily workload. They are particularly interested in respect of barrow beats on residential roads.
• What method is used for grading the standard of work?
• Would you be willing to share job descriptions for the following posts:
• Street Cleansing Operative
• Driver Chargehand (with C1 licence up to 7.5 tonnes)
Any other information related to measuring work for street cleansing activities would be welcomed.
RSC1395 - Commercial/trade waste collection - 150224
A member authority is looking to review their Commercial/ trade waste collection.
They would be interested in hearing from authorities who offer this service and would like to know if you are running your commercial/trade waste crews with:
• Driver only
• Driver + one loader
• Driver + two loaders
And any other relevant information you are happy to share.
RSC1394 - HVO vs Diesel use in fleet - 060224
A member authority is investigating HVO and diesel use in their fleet. They would especially be interested in hearing from authorities who have used HVO but have changed back to diesel and the rational for the decision.
RSC1393 - Issuing Section 46 notices - 060224
A member authority is reviewing the ways in which they issue Section 46 notices.
1. Does your council currently use Section 46?
2. If so, how do you communicate a Section 46 to residents and which communication channels have you used?
They would be happy to arrange follow-ups with each council that is happy to share.
RSC1392 - Sweeper performance and productivity measures - 150124
A member authority is undertaking an assessment of sweeper performance and endeavouring to get some standard productivity measures.
They would appreciate any information other authorities are able to share around:
• Km of road swept by a road sweeper per day
• Km of footway swept by a footway sweeper per day
• Sq M of precinct swept by a precinct sweeper per day
Or any equivalents
RSC1391 - New Environmental Enforcement team creation - 020124
A member authority are currently completing a Business Case to try and establish a new Environmental Enforcement team within the council Waste department, to tackle the excessive number of Environmental offences that are being committed across their County.
They would love to hear from any other authorises who may had had to carry out a similar exercise and are happy to share their findings.
RSC1390 - Waste Services Pay scale/Grades
Following on from the network query APSE ran last year around Waste Services – Pay and Conditions Review, a member authority is looking to follow up from that query and are trying to benchmark salaries for three roles within their refuse collection service, HGV Driver, Non HGV driver and Loader.
They would be interested in knowing where those salaries stand now as at December 2023/ January 2024.
They would appreciate if you could share
• Job description and pay scale/grade for HGV driver.
• Job description and pay scale/grade for non-HGV driver.
• Job description and pay scale/grade for refuse loader.