RENEW098 - Estimating carbon emissions from local authority staff home working - 121020
This authority is considering how best to account for the buildings-related carbon impact of increased home working during the COVID-19 pandemic when it calculates its carbon footprint for 2020-21. While carbon emissions reductions from the closure of some of their office buildings during the pandemic are straightforward to measure, the effect of possible increases in home heating, lighting and ICT use caused by home working is more complicated.
They would welcome any information from other authorities in response to these questions:
RENEW097 - Electric and hybrid operational fleet vehicles - 240920
This authority is interested in hearing from any local authorities (or contractors) who use any of the following types of electric or hybrid vehicle to deliver your street cleansing or grounds maintenance services?
- 3.5t cage
- 7.5t cage
- 3.5t van
- 4x4 pick up
- 12t sweeper
If so, responses to the following questions would be greatly appreciated:
RENEW096 - Staff dedicated to domestic energy efficiency - 240920
This Council would be interested to hear how other local authorities manage the domestic energy efficiency agenda within their structures. Answers to the following questions would be greatly appreciated:
RENEW095 - Climate change data management - 170920
This authority is looking to appoint an officer with responsibility for managing / collating / reporting / analysing data as part of progressing their climate emergency action plan.
They are keen to see a job description/person spec for such a position.
They would also appreciate hearing how others have addressed the issue of managing data and the tasks above if not via a specific officer.
RENEW094 - Data for scope 3 carbon emissions - 170920
This authority is looking to allocate a carbon value for all elements of its scope 3 emissions. This means allocating a value for all of its spend with external suppliers.
There will be issues with the level of detail about procured goods and services and the formatting of data from financial systems.
They would be keen to hear from other local authorities who have made progress on this issue even if it is related to only part of their spend or to hear the thoughts of others on the matter.
RENEW093 - Use of and evidence for heat pumps - 190820
This authority is investigating heat pumps. They are especially interested in who has installed them and evidence they may have detailing savings that they can produce.
This is related to:-
- ground sourced heat pumps
- air sourced heat pumps and
- water sourced heat pumps.
They would also appreciate the names of suppliers who have others have used.
RENEW092 - Passivhaus standard costs - 190820
This authority is looking to make a decision on the building standard to be used for the Council house building programme.
It will be to potentially move from Sustainable Homes Code 3 to Code 4. They have identified a cost premium in doing this of around 12.5% - 16%. As the building programme operates on a fixed budget, the real choice is between a higher specification and less houses or the status quo.
They are also exploring modular building as a means of offsetting this premium, but that is for a bit further down the line.
They are also looking at moving from Code 3 to Passivhaus level. They have had it costed by a national housebuilder and the response was an additional cost of c. £45K per unit using conventional building methods. This is not acceptable and would discourage housing development in the town if it was to be introduced.
They have heard from elsewhere that building to Passivhaus standards is currently resulting in a cost addition of around 4% over the cost of building to Sustainable Homes Code 3.
It is not clear whether the 4% premium results from comparing homes built by conventional building methods, or conventional with modular, and they are not sure that it is accurate in any event.
They are keen to hear what information/evidence is available from others which will give a more accurate picture of the cost differential of moving from Code 3 to Passivhaus using conventional building methods to produce the normal 2/3 bedroomed semi-detached council houses?
Any related information would also be welcome.
RENEW091 - Collecting staff travel data - 130820
This authority is looking into how other councils have successfully collected staff travel data. At the moment, they can only offer an optional online survey but this wouldn’t reach frontline workers who do not use their online system. They would like to make this data collection mandatory and would be interested to hear of any other councils that have got round this at all.
RENEW090 - Reviewing taxi licencing to encourage electric taxis - 130820
This authority is looking at reviewing taxi licencing to try and encourage electric/possibly hybrid taxis in the borough. They understand that councils are required by law to charge to recover only the reasonable costs associated with the administration of the licensing process (which are the same irrespective of vehicle engine type). So essentially, they cannot lawfully charge diesel/petrol vehicle owners more for a licence. However, they are aware that some LAs subsidise fee reductions for electric/hybrid vehicles with other monies, as part of their climate change work. Therefore, this authority is interested in hearing from anyone who has experience in this or has successfully done this.
RENEW089 - Outdoor Heaters - 040820
This authority is looking into the use of outdoor heaters by local businesses, such as cafes, who are moving seating to outside areas due to social distancing measures. They are keen to avoid gas heaters due to climate change concerns and in light of the ban in France. They would be interested in hearing from anyone who is aware of any ‘green’ alternatives that the council could recommend to local businesses.
RENEW088 - Climate change in local plans - 230720
This authority is looking to develop a Supplementary Planning Document to sit alongside their local plan to advise on greener development. This is only allowed to be guidance as they can’t create new policy that isn’t in the Local Plan. They are interested in hearing from other local authorities who have found any workarounds to push for more sustainable development.
RENEW087 - Deep retrofit of commercial/operational buildings - 060720
Most local authorities are looking at the condition of their built assets including energy performance. This issue will have an impact on decisions made about which buildings will be retained, invested in or potentially disposed of.
This authority is looking for examples of others who have undertaken deep retrofit projects on existing commercial or operational buildings (rather than domestics) to improve energy performance. They would appreciate information about examples and the outcomes of the work.
RENEW086 - Training operatives for green technology - 260620
This authority is looking at how to move forward with developing the skills of their in-house operatives to work with green technology being deployed.
RENEW085 - Calculating and reporting social value impacts of energy initiatives - 260620
This authority is scoping out possible simple and effective ways to calculate and report wider holistic ‘social value’ impacts and benefits resulting from fuel poverty interventions e.g. home energy efficiency improvements schemes. Advice would be appreciated from other authorities that have done this, including information on their approach, their methodologies, any calculations and details of any technical or research documents have been used a reference point.
RENEW084 - Renewables on council housing stock - 260620
This authority is looking to install renewables on a portion of their housing stock. Their preference at this point in time is investing in solar PV panels to generate electricity and they’re also interested in ground source heat pumps for their blocks of flats. They would be interested to receive responses from other local authorities about their experience of retrofitting old housing stock?
Any information on the following points would be greatly appreciated:
RENEW083 - EV mileage - 180620
This authority is interested in finding out how other local authorities have calculated mileage rates for reimbursement of business travel for staff using their own electric vehicles, as well as charging council vehicles at home. Any responses would be gratefully appreciated.
RENEW082 - Private Wire and licences - 180620
A Scottish member authority is installing a private wire for energy generated from its own solar PV to feed their own buildings and have wires in the ground ready to go.
SPEN have now raised an issue - their internal solicitor is of the view that under the Electricity Act 1989, in order to own/utilise a distribution network the Council either need a licence to do so or an exemption from the Secretary of State.
They claim that they would be unable to progress the connection until they are satisfied that the Council are legally authorised to distribute electricity.
Have others come across a similar situation with the DNO?
It is our opinion at APSE Energy that this is not necessary but both we and the authority are keen to hear the experience of others.
RENEW081 - Flexible energy procurement - 260520
This authority is preparing a business case for moving its energy supply contracts from fixed price to flexible procurement. They are interested to hear from other local authorities who have done the same, especially in relation to cost savings achieved and the benefits or issues to be aware of.
Any experience you have of moving to flexible procurement will be gratefully received.
RENEW080 - Electric Car Pool for employees to use on business travel - 180520
This authority is looking at setting up an Electric Car Pool for employees to use on business travel. They would like to hear from others who have set up similar schemes and if you have any feedback on this? Any examples would be most welcome.
RENEW079 - Citizens Assembly Case Studies – 180520
This authority is looking at planning and delivering a Citizens Assembly and is interested in any best practice case studies from other councils. They are particularly interested in:
RENEW078 - Providers of leased electric vehicles - 180520
This authority is going out to soft market test for the provision of leased electric vehicles. They would like to hear from others who are aware of potential providers that they are using.
RENEW077 - Measuring the carbon emissions of decisions - 120520
This authority is looking for a mechanism for identifying the impact of decisions yet to be taken on the Council’s carbon target.
They are keen to provide a model or checklist which officers can use when taking reports to councillors and senior managers . It would be generic but adaptable to a range of circumstances, services and options e.g. from closing a care home or building a football pitch to purchasing cleaning supplies. The outcome would most likely be in the form of a comparative measure such as CO2e emitted but may be another.
They are keen to hear from others who are addressing the same issue and their thoughts, solutions and experiences.
RENEW076 - Reporting contractor emissions - 120520
This authority is interested in hearing how other local authorities treat contractors’ emissions when determining what carbon emissions are included and excluded from their ‘ownership’ and accounting.
Specifically they are interested to find out :-
Any details or guidance on existing procedure/ rules on this would be greatly appreciated.
RENEW075 - Reflecting the climate emergency in Local Plans - Assessing the carbon impact of development options – 120520
This authority’s local climate strategy adopts the local carbon budget from the Tyndall Local Carbon Budget Tool which sets a tight budget necessitating a steep descent pathway to near zero by 2041. They are trying to reflect this in the local plan. To this end they are exploring ways to assess the potential emissions impacts of the different plan development options.
They would be very interested to hear how other APSE local authorities have approached this.
Examples of any evidence reports assembled to support the development of local plans compatible with local carbon targets would be most welcome.
RENEW074 - Managing pool hall temperatures - 040520
This authority has been looking in detail at the gas consumption of the Council’s leisure centres (with pools). They have identified some issues with the setup of the BMS’ and an opportunity for energy savings – mostly relating to the air handling systems and the pool hall heating. Recent evidence from the lockdown period appears to confirm this.
Currently, the pool hall air temperature is maintained at a constant level just above the water temperature. With the pool cover on, they feel that the pool hall air temperature could be safely lowered overnight and fan speeds reduced without causing issues with condensation, significantly reducing energy required for heating of the air. This assumes that the fans are automatically controlled to maintain a humidity set point.
They are interested to hear of experience from elsewhere specifically:-
RENEW073 - Carbon baselining for specific services - 070420
This authority is keen to hear from others who have identified the carbon baseline of the following services and how they went about it:-
RENEW072 - Staff travel policies - 020420
This authority is reviewing their policy for staff travel. They are keen to hear from others about how they encourage travel by:-
A copy of a current policy would be gratefully received as would any other relevant information or ideas.
RENEW071 - Climate Change Advocates – 020420
This authority is looking to set up a programme of Climate Change Advocates within the Council. They realise that in order to meet a carbon neutrality target of 2030 they will need a change of behaviour and culture among officers and councillors.
They are keen to put a programme in place and to hear from others who have taken similar action. They would be grateful to receive information about the following:-
RENEW070 - The practicalities of Power Purchase Agreements - 180320
This authority is looking into entering a Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) for electricity. They are keen to hear responses to the following questions:-
RENEW069 - Solar investments on council houses/commercial property/third party assets - 180320
This authority is interested in installing solar and would like to hear from councils who have experience in the following:
Solar PV panels on the roofs of council houses, please provide details of the following:-
Solar PV panels on commercial properties they own (e.g. retail, offices, industrial units), please provide details of the following:-
Solar PV panels on the assets of third parties (e.g. renting the roof space) for a commercial return, please provide details of the following:-
We would be grateful for any further information which can be provided about schemes design and benefits delivered including links to existing reports/case studies.
RENEW068 - Investing in Wind Projects - 270220
We have had some interest from a couple of authorities thinking about investing in wind turbines.
We are interested in hearing from those authorities who have invested in, or are considering investing in wind projects.
RENEW067 - Void social housing energy switching options - 250220
This authority is exploring their void social housing energy switching options and are interested to find out what social housing providers are doing with regards to energy supplies during the void period. In particular:
RENEW066 - Heat pump/Solar/Battery Combination Specification - 250220
A primary school in this authority is looking at replacing its oil heating with air source heat pumps and combining this with solar PV and battery storage. Do other local authorities have experience of this technology and combination at a commercial level and can any technical specifications for commercial heat pumps be shared for the school to adapt and use?
RENEW065 - Specifications for domestic property air source heat pumps - 300120
This local authority would like to know:-
RENEW064 - Reducing embodied carbon in new buildings - 300120
This authority has included an ambition for new developments within their area to be carbon neutral as part of their climate emergency declaration. In order to build a carbon neutral building in terms of embodied carbon, all materials would need to be locally sourced from recycled products and the building would need to be timber framed.
They are interested in how others are addressing the issue of embodied carbon in construction, specifically:-
Please name any private developers you have worked with who are pushing this agenda forward.