RENEW273 - Trend IQ Vision use - 101224
The Council is looking to migrate around 175 sites from their outdated Trend 963 supervisor to a new Trend IQ Vision Supervisor as well as adding another 200sites online.
RENEW272 - Enforcement of Minimum Energy Efficiency Standards – 051224
This authority is interested in learning about policies and practices around enforcing Minimum Energy Efficiency Standards (MEES), they are particularly interested in responses to the below questions:
It would be helpful if they could see any MEES enforcement policies or similar material.
RENEW271 - Street lighting policy and practice – 031224
This authority is reviewing their street lighting policy and are interested in answers to the following questions: -
Please send your Council policy or a link to it.
RENEW270 - Low-interest energy efficiency loans for homeowners - 291124
This authority is interested in hearing from members that are offering low cost or 0% loans to homeowners, so that they can undertake retrofit/energy efficiency works to their properties.
They are keen to find out how these loan schemes work, which loan company you have partnered with, and what the costs to the local authority are. Any examples of supporting businesses cases would be very welcome too.
RENEW269 - Staff travel policies and strategies - 281124
This authority is interested in hearing from local authorities with staff travel strategies/policies.
If authorities are willing to share, they would be keen to see these strategies/policies.
They are particularly interested in finding out how members have encouraged more active and low carbon travel in their organisations.
RENEW268 - Electric pool bikes – for staff - 221124
This authority is interested in hearing from local authorities that have experience of offering out e-bikes for use by staff during the day.
They are particularly interested in responses to the below questions:
RENEW267- Formal partnerships with community groups - 121124
This authority is interested in entering formal partnerships with community groups to submit applications to grant awarding bodies.
RENEW266 - Electric Vehicle infrastructure in car parks - 04/11/2024
This authority is looking at the possibility of installing electric vehicle charging points in authority-owned car parks.
They are particularly interested in responses to the questions on this
RENEW265 - Off-Grid low carbon options for Rural Street Lighting - 161024
This local authority is looking at low carbon off-grid options for street lighting for rural areas.
They are particularly interested in hearing from others who have successfully implemented rural street lighting using off-grid options, i.e. Solar PV and/or wind?
They are also interested to hear from others who have investigated the options.
RENEW264 - Municipal Bonds - 091024
This authority is looking into the use of Municipal Bonds as a way of accessing finance.
They are keen to hear from others who have taken the step to do so or have looked at it and decided against it.
RENEW263 - Highway adoption of EV charging gullies in new developments – 041024
This authority is looking at highway adoption issues in relation to EV charging at new residential developments where residential car parking spaces are separated from properties by adopted green space or pavements.
They are particularly interested in hearing from local authorities on the below questions:
RENEW262 - EV charging strategies for Council properties - 160924
This authority is interested in hearing from Council’s who have developed a strategy EV chargers installed at Council properties.
They are particularly interested in hearing from Councils that are able to provide details on whether they charge differently for fleet vehicles, staff vehicles and visitors.
RENEW261 - Increasing employee understanding of net zero - 100924
This authority is looking to increase the understanding of all employees about what net zero means in practice, including what steps they can take as an employee to directly support the Council’s Road to Net Zero.
They are particularly interested in responses to the following questions:
1. Have you rolled out accredited Carbon Literacy Training across the Authority? If so, what level have you achieved i.e. Gold, Silver or Bronze?
2. Have you undertaken an employee survey to establish staff attitudes/behaviours towards Climate Change?
3. Do you have a Car Allowance Policy that promotes or incentivises the use of electric vehicles over petrol/diesel or a salary sacrifice scheme for electric vehicles?
4. Have you undertaken a behavioural change campaign to encourage employees to reduce the Council’s carbon footprint as well as their own?
5. Do you use a Climate Impact Assessment Tool when considering a planned project or policy?
6. Do you have a policy or scheme for providing recognition to staff for undertaking good climate friendly initiatives or sustainable actions i.e. reward and recognition scheme?
7. Have you produced and implemented a Communications Plan relating to Climate Change?
8. What other initiatives do you undertake to promote Climate Change across your organisation?
RENEW260 - Creating a climate partnership or commission - 280824
This authority is investigating the feasibility and value of creating a climate partnership or similar to accelerate efforts towards net-zero among local stakeholders. They are particularly interesting in finding out:
1. How partners were attracted; structure/governance arrangements; primary objectives; metrics used to measure success; main challenges, barriers and solution?
2.What support is provided to ensuring or enabling the partnership to deliver progress and action?
3. How are resources allocated across different working groups or initiatives in the partnership?
Other options that were explored instead of a climate partnership or commission?
RENEW259 - Display Energy Certificates for schools - 200824
This authority is interested in hearing from other local authorities regarding the need for Display Energy Certificates (DEC’s) for local authority owned public buildings >250 square meters, eg schools. The authority has received guidance from trading standards and would like to hear from local authorities on how they are approaching advice regarding schools which are frequently visited by the public (children, parents and teachers) vs community functions (school clubs, exercise classes, fairs, fetes).
The authority is particularly interested in responses to the following questions:
1. Do you enforce DEC’s as a local authority on schools?
2. If so, do you have a trusted contractor to undertake these and could you provide details?
3. If so, do you charge the School for the DEC.
RENEW258 - Council and NHS working on climate change - 160824
We are looking to find out to what extent local authorities are working with NHS and other partners in Integrated Care Partnerships to take forward climate change projects in their areas.
We would appreciate any feedback on this from a few words through to examples of projects.
RENEW257 - Business case for electric pool vehicles and bikes - 250724
This authority is investigating the business case for introducing electric pool vehicles and bikes for staff – within the context of lowering costs and emissions from staff travel.
It would be very helpful to hear from other local authorities who have been through the process to understand the barriers and challenges faced and the solutions used to overcome them.
We would also be grateful if you are able to share any policy documents such as pool vehicle and/or bike policies, business milage/travel policy for use of personal vehicles or other related guidance documents.
If you authority provides health and social care services, we would be especially interested to hear from you.
RENEW256 - Solar energy and community benefit – 150724
This authority is looking to introduce non-statutory guidance for solar farm developments, specifically around the payment of community benefits.
They are keen to hear from others who have any existing guidance, relevant publications or information on this topic.
RENEW255 - Developing a Local Area Energy Plan (LAEP) - 080724
This authority is considering the merits of developing a Local Area Energy Plan (LAEP) and is keen to hear from those with experience in this area.
The authority would be particularly interested in responses to the following questions:
1. What have been/will be the greatest benefit(s) of having an LAEP, from those who have one or those who are developing one?
2. What is the downside to not developing an LAEP?
3. What is the recommended geographical scale for an LAEP (e.g., regional, county, district)?
4. What is a local authority’s role in the development of an LAEP?
5. Do you have any advice for a local authority starting out on their journey to developing an LAEP?’
RENEW254 - Ringfenced savings for climate projects - 270624
This authority is looking into a system to ring fence (all or proportion of) savings achieved as a direct result of climate change or energy management policies, which can then be used to support further investment.
They are interested to hear:-
1. If others have something similar in place?
2. How have others determined what financial savings are achieved?
3. How do you ensure that the climate impact of policies is prioritised?
RENEW253 - Active travel organisations - 180624
This authority is interested to hear if others have used the services of an active travel organisation such as Mobilityways or Lovetoride?
They are particularly interested in answers to the following:
1. Has it proven successful?
2. How have you measured impact?
3. How did you convince senior management to invest in this?
4. Are there any other companies that encourage and support active travel that you would recommend?
RENEW252 - Carbon credit schemes - 180624
This authority is interested to hear from others who have insight into councils delivering carbon credit schemes on their own land, either as self-delivery, or in partnership with a third party?
RENEW251 - Energy Management Unit - 110624
This member local authority is establishing a dedicated energy management unit to closely monitor energy consumption and engage in a programme of activities with its service departments to manage and drive down energy consumption.
The local authority would like to know: -
1. Whether other local authorities have created a similar energy management unit;
2. What key performance indicators have been set either for the unit (if established) and/or individual service departments?
3. What, if any, support does the LA receive from its energy supplier, for example, dedicated partner manager, building audits, educational programmes?
4. What engagement does the LA have with its own high consumption internal departments?
5. What software programmes does the LA authority use to monitor consumption and what are the main benefits derived from any programmes used?
RENEW250 - Community owned PV - 200524
This authority is supporting a community led charity to work in partnership with the Council. The plan is to install community owned PV onto roofs of three Council buildings, with the power being sold to the Council and the surplus to the grid. The income will be used by the community to fund other priority projects.
Does anyone have any similar examples that they could share? The authority is particularly interest in any partnership/licence agreements (appropriately redacted) that could be shared.
RENEW249 - LA ECO Flexible Eligibility – charges - 150524
This authority is interested to hear from others about their fee, if any, for a LA Approval under LA ECO Flexible Eligibility.
Under LA ECO Flexible Eligibility they currently charge an administrative fee of £300 to review LA Flex applications from LA Flex installers and issue a LA Approval. This covers the cost of their time and the ever increasing checks from OFGEM.
They are looking at increasing the fee, as they may need to recruit more support, so are interested to hear from others about their fees.
RENEW248 - Local Partnerships climate adaptation toolkit - 150524
This authority is interested to hear from others who have used the Local Partnerships climate adaptation toolkit.
They are particularly interested in answers to the following questions:
1. What is your experience with using the toolkit?
2. What process did you use to develop the recommended workshop programme?
3. How did you prepare the content for the workshops and who were they led by?
4. Who formed the task group who is leading/taking part in the process?
5. Do you have any example content that you could share please?
RENEW247 - Commercial property energy usage - 130524
This Council is in the process of building a new commercial estate. The proposal is for 45 units and they want to fit solar PV to the roofs of the units and sell the electricity to the occupying tenants. There are generally two different sized units on the estate and these are 8m high, these offers space of 324 m2 and 150 m2 respectively.
They want to prepare a draft business case but as the units are not yet built and the identity and activities of any tenants are uncertain, they do not have the relevant data to undertake financial modelling.
The Council seeks contact from any authority that has comparable commercial units where it organises the electricity supply and therefore has data on electricity usage. Ideally, the Council is looking for examples of low, medium and high usage by tenants (which will depend on what business is conducted on the sites). Any relevant data would be gratefully received.
RENEW246 - Local authority taxi licencing policies - 290424
This authority is looking to update their taxi licensing policy to encourage emissions reductions and increase EV uptake in the taxi fleet.
They are interested to hear from others who have done something similar, any policy documents or resources would be gratefully received.
RENEW245 - Decarbonising heat in a depot - 220424
This authority is looking to decarbonise a large depot and would be grateful for responses to the following questions.
Have you had heat pumps installed in a workshop?
Have they worked as well as you were advised?
How have you kept the heat in bearing in mind the practical issue of frequent opening the doors?
Have you changed behaviour or operational procedures in order to keep the heat in?
Are you aware of any funding sources other than the PSDS to decarbonise heat in a depot?
RENEW244 - Market-wide Half Hourly Settlement (MMHS) increasing contract costs - 180424
This authority has recently been made aware of the Market-wide Half Hourly Settlement (MMHS) which will standardise HH metering and will involve switching NHH meters to HH settlements. They have been informed of this upcoming change by their contracted MOP/DA/DC, Stark. This will add significant costs to their current contracts and they are wondering if other Local authorities are aware of this or if they could provide any information they have?
Any relevant information will be gratefully received and all respondents will receive a copy of the responses report.
RENEW243 -Business case for sharing climate change resource with another local authority - 210324
This authority is exploring what the logistics of sharing climate change resource with another local authority might be. They are looking to put a business case together for how this might work including benefits, potential issues etc. Both councils have very similar demographics, local geography and political views so they’re keen to explore possible options. Have any other local authorities looked into this or even have experience of doing this?
They are particularly interested in what sort of structures might be in place for something like this, how it’s managed, how the process started and whether it’s been successful.
RENEW242 - Experience of electric vehicles - 150324
The authority is looking at replacing some of their fleet with electric vehicles over the next few years and they’re interested to hear about which electric vehicles other authorities have trailed and purchased. They are particularly interested in answers to the questions below
1. What electric vehicles does your authority use?
2. Do you have any Transit style electric vehicles?
3. What style of body is the van flat bed tipper, Cage vehicle or box van etc ?
4. What sort of range are the vehicles achieving. On a charge compared to manufacturers quoted range?
5. Has cold weather had an effect on the vehicle range?
RENEW241 - Council-owned hydro – lease/PPA - 130324
This authority is currently exploring the possibility of restoring a decommissioned council-owned Archimedes screw hydro and would be interested in speaking to any councils who have undertaken a similar project, particularly those who have entered into a lease agreement, and/or a Power Purchase Agreement, with a similar type of project.
RENEW240 - Green financial support schemes for residents and businesses - 120324
The authority is interested in developing green financial support schemes for residents and businesses in the district. The authority is also exploring creative means of funding ambitious green infrastructure projects in the district. The authority would be particularly interested in hearing from local authorities who have experience in:
• Loan schemes for private housing or local business retrofit
• Subscription services for residents’ home upgrades (such as air-source heat pumps)
• Borrowing from UKIB or Community Investment Bonds to fund ambitious clean energy infrastructure projects (like rooftop or ground-mount solar projects)
RENEW239 - Company/Council partnership - offering residents discounted solar PV - 270224
This Council has been approached by a company whose business model is to partner with local authorities and (after they’ve engaged thoroughly and the council has done the necessary “due diligence” checks) to pay them to promote their services to home owners who don’t qualify for ECO or HUG. The company then offer a discount to home owners who approach them through the Council.
Has anyone had experience with this method of working to promote solar PV to those that do not qualify for grant funding? If so who did you use and was it successful in ensuring homeowners received a good service and are satisfied with their solar PV asset? Any information about other alternative models would also be gratefully received.
RENEW238 - ASHP maintenance - 270224
This authority has installed 120+ ASHPs to date (mainly Ecodan, Daiken & Mitsubishi) in 70+ buildings all being hybrid (ASHP with gas boiler back-up). They are looking at options for a maintenance service contract to cover both heating technologies in schools, leisure centres and council operational buildings.
One option is to sign a direct contract with the ASHP installer, who will also service the gas boilers, but they would like to procure/ test the wider market on service and cost.
They understand that there are many service providers who will maintain either ASHPs or gas boilers, but not many that will maintain both types.
So they are interested to know,
1/ have other councils procured a maintenance service for both types and would they be willing to share the spec (service pack) they went to tender with?
2/ can others recommend any service providers that maintain both?
RENEW237 - Cost of work and applicant contribution for PSDS funding - 160224
This authority is interested to know the cost of work and applicant contribution for those considering applying for the more recent round of PSDS funding.
For example, £750,000 for the estimated cost of the work with the Council’s contribution expected to be 20%.
They are also interested in whether this affected their decision on submitting an application or not.
Any other relevant information would be gratefully received.
RENEW236 - Emission reduction project scoring - 160224
This authority is interested to find out whether any local authorities have experience in greenhouse gas emission reduction project scoring where projects are ranked based on a number of factors. We are aware of Climate Impact Assessment Tools such as those made by Cornwall, Cheltenham and Ashfield Councils, however, this authority is particularly interested in hearing about tools which include a detailed scoring mechanism on the following factors:
• Expected reduction in tonnes of Co2 equivalent
• Embodied carbon
• Cost (Capital expenditure and resource expenditure).
• Payback period
• Community benefit
We would also welcome individual thoughts on this kind of scoring system.
RENEW235 - Climate change identified in appraisals - 130224
This authority is looking at behaviour change and would like to know if others have incorporated climate change into their appraisal process and use this as part of a culture/behaviour change programme.
They would be interested in information on any related approaches to incorporating behavior change across the council.
RENEW234 - Calculating scope 3 emissions - 130224
This authority is investigating the best approach to take to better understand or estimate the organisation’s total Scope 3 emissions for Climate Change mitigation purposes.
They’re keen to hear from any councils who have approached estimating/calculating their own total scope 3 emissions and whether they did so by procuring the services of consultants or did it partly/entirely themselves and if so how?
RENEW233 - Pool E-Bike system for council staff use - 260124
This authority is interested in hearing from local authorities who have experience in developing a pool e-bike system for council staff to use for travelling between sites within the authority during work hours. The authority is particularly interested in:
• What Standard Operating Procedure have other councils used for this?
• Have other councils had success with a Pool Bike System like this?
• Have any other councils used a booking system for the bikes that they could recommend?
• Are any other councils able to recommend any tips for such a project
RENEW232 - Planning policy changes for affordable energy efficiency upgrades -160224
This authority is interested to hear from other Scottish local authorities who have looked into planning policy change, or indeed implemented planning policy change, that would enable affordable energy efficiency systems, with particular regard to changes to windows and doors, in conservation areas?
RENEW231 - Options for benefitting from Solar PV - 050124
An authority that is considering its options to increase the level of solar power in its area (i.e. not on the Council’s own estate) is seeking examples from other authorities of:
- communications strategies or other forms of influence to promote the installation of solar PV generally amongst business or community organisations;
- commissioning a private sector company to work with local businesses to install solar PV on their own properties;
- an offering to support community organisations’ work with regard to solar PV; or
- the Council providing a direct fitting service itself for local businesses or other organisations.
They are keen to speak with officers who have considered or actioned any of the above approaches.
RENEW230 - Staff travel strategies - 050124
This authority is interested to hear from others who have done a study to compare what is most efficient, both in terms of cost and energy, for staff travel. They are keen to understand comparisons between having a pool of electric cars, a pool of cars using clean fuel, or using public transport for all travel?
They are also interested to hear if anyone has done a campaign promoting the use of public transport for work travel?
RENEW229 -Travel behaviour change campaign- 050124
This authority is interested to hear from others who have completed a behaviour change campaign focusing on the topic of travel in partnership with other public sector organisations in their area.
They are particularly interested in hearing about:
1. What went well?
2. What was a challenge?
3. Was it successful? If so how did you measure success?