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Controlling the use of A-Boards on the footway – RH0181/061212
This council is interested in hearing from Council’s who have initiatives in place to control the placement of A-boards on the footway. In particular:

  • Do you have an advisory policy or something more? Are you willing to share it?
  • How do you enforce the policy in practice?
  • Have you introduced permitting or licensing for A-Boards? If so, how have you done this - what powers are you using for licensing and charging?
  • What sanctions do you impose and have they been successful in enforcing your A-Board policy?

SUDS on public open spaces – RH0179/3011012
This authority would like to know if any members have a strategy or protocol for accepting or refusing SUDs (sustainable drainage systems) on land proposed for adoption as Public Open Space. How have authorities identified the obligations and liabilities that may transfer to the local authority with the adoption of land with SUDS?

Permanent highway fixture during flooding – RH0180/061212
This authority has the need to install permanent fixtures to facilitate a temporary road closure in an unlit rural setting in order to address occurrences of local flooding . They are looking for good, safe and robust examples of road closure designs comprising of a fixed barrier arrangement that is permanently installed on site in an open position and which can brought into operation as needed in times of flood, with associated safe signage provisions. Are there any authorities who able to provide details of such installations that have proved to be safe and effective in preventing traffic from breaching the closure arrangements?

Inspection regimes and intervention levels – RH0177/071112
This authority is looking at its own inspection regimes and intervention levels for reactive highway maintenance operations. They would like to hear how others address the following:

1. What intervention levels do you use for the following defects?

  • Footways (this authority has an intervention depth of >20mm)
  • Carriageways (this authority has an intervention depth of >40mm for potholes and >75mm for edge erosion) 
  • Cycleways (this authority has an intervention depth of >40mm)
  • Kerbs, edging, channels (this authority intervenes at >20mm vertical and >50mm horizontal)
  • Frames, covers and boxes (this authority intervenes at >25mm)

2. What timescales do others operate to for Category 1 defects (as listed above)? (this authority treats as Emergencies, 1 day repairs or 5 day repairs depending on the risk assessment)

Installing and funding cattle grids – RH0176/071112
This Authority is interested in hearing from other Highway Authorities who have a policy in place for the installation of Hazardous Cattle Crossings using Flashing Amber Lamps. Responses to the following questions would assist in developing their own policy:

  • Does your Authority have a policy for the installation of controlled cattle crossings? If so are you willing to share it?
  • Does your Authority use the "Criteria for installation" contained in TA 56/87? If you use other criteria can these be shared?
  • How does your Authority fund the cost of installation and future maintenance?
  • Does your Authority require the farmer/landowner to partially fund the installation and future maintenance. If so on what basis and what proportion?

Works encroaching onto the footway – RH0173/290812
This authority is looking to roll out a green deal for energy saving measures for households. One of the options is external wall insulation which affixes insulation boards and render / facing to the outside of a property. As such there will be external wall insulation on houses that abut the highway, where the footway is deemed wide enough to permit the width of the installation (75 - 150mm) without causing any issues for pedestrians. 

If your authority has permitted this sort of external insulation, this authority would like to hear from you concerning the following:

  • how have you approached the issue of encroachment into the highway? Have you been requiring a formal closure of the strip affected, have you issued some form of street licence / permit, or have you turned a blind eye?
  • as the installation does not come right down to ground level (it is installed above DPC level) there is potentially a 150mm strip of highway which can't easily be maintained or a closed strip of highway which needs differentiating for maintenance reasons. How have you managed this strip of highway for maintenance purposes?

They are keen to hear from other APSE members about your experience of how this matter has been dealt with in your authority, or your ideas on how you would deal with it if you haven't experienced the situation yet.

Cleansing central reservations – RH0172/200812
This authority often have operatives working on 30mph roads cleaning central reservations. They are using large sweepers, are working by hand, scraping and sweeping and have the correct PPE. They also put warning signs up in advance, then use 2 buffer vehicles, one in front, one at the rear, with the sweeper in the middle.

They are interested to know how other authorities operate and whether they fully cone off the areas where they are working or use a “rolling road” type arrangement (as they do)?

They would also like to hear about other arrangements which are used.

PDS Envirokerb – Problem with kerbs bending following installation – RH0171/130712
This authority has had problems following extensive use of PDS Envirokerbs. Product was used on a site constructed between September 2007 & March 2009 and had problems of post installation vertical and horizontal bending due to heat shrinkage and have progressively deteriorated.

Envirokerbs were manufactured with recycled plastics used as filler. Following the problems that occurred PDS withdrew the product, but continue to market the combined drainage units which were not affected by the problem. PDS have accepted liability to resolve the defect, but are proposing insitu remediation rather than replacement.

This authority has agreed to undertake a trial remediation, but remain sceptical of this producing an acceptable solution.

They are interested in hearing from other APSE members as follows:

  • Have you any sites where these kerbs were used within the public highway?
  • Were they used for new construction or maintenance replacement of damaged kerbs?
  • If Yes, Have you had problems with the kerbs bending out of tolerance?
  • If yes what action, if any, have you taken to correct the defects?

Complying with local road permit schemes for grounds maintenance and street cleansing – RH0170/130712
This authority’s street cleansing and grounds maintenance operations would like to know if any other local authorities are being compelled to comply with any local road permit scheme managed and/or administered by its Highways service. If one is in place, are they expected to give formal notice of works relating to routine maintenance such as channel sweeping and cutting of its Highway verges?

Sign Shop business review – RH0168/180512
This authority currently has a sign shop and are conducting a business review challenge.

They are looking for feedback from other local authorities, both with and without an in house sign shop, including:

  • the pros and cons of their own arrangements
  • the procurement arrangements in place and
  • for those with a sign shop facility, how performance is measured
  • and how cost effectiveness is tested for.

Winter maintenance driver training – RH0167/110512
This authority is looking at training requirements for winter maintenance drivers. They currently have drivers qualified to City and Guilds 6159 every five years.

They are interested to know about the arrangements other members have in place or whether they follow a similar procedure.

They would like information on the qualifications / training undertaken and the frequency.

Productivity on potholes – RH0166/300412
This authority is benchmarking its productivity concerning pothole repairs for a two man team, vehicle, hotbox, pavement saw, compactor etc. Currently the team is repairing about 25m2 per day based on work instructions issued as geographically close as possible.

They are interested to know if this is comparable with other councils’ experience on productivity?

Training for road markings – RH0164/210312
This authority want to hear from other APSE members about training for road markings. They are specifically interested in hearing from authorities who have sourced road marking training to provide the skills and competencies to allow assessment for a S/NVQ Level 2 in pavement marking (hand applied) in accordance with the requirements of UKAS Accredited National Highways sector Scheme (NHSS) 7:The Application of Road Markings and Road Studs to Road Surfaces.

They would appreciate it if responses could include the training provider contact details.

Sheeting Over Salt Stocks - RH0163
This authority is looking to sheet over a large salt stock. They are interested to know:

  • Which companies other APSE members have used to do this on their behalf and
  • Which companies other APSE members have brought sheeting from so they can do it themselves.

Hot Rolled Asphalt Road Surfacing Costs - RH0162
This authority would like to market test and benchmark the industry rates being charged for Hot Rolled Asphalt road surfacing (per square meter).

The only information required is the rates that are being charged by contractors for this product for supply and lay only.

Where authorities have different rates depending on banded order volumes, the information should be clarified as appropriate.

Promoting excellence in public services

APSE (Association for Public Service Excellence) is a not for profit unincorporated association working with over 300 councils throughout the UK. Promoting excellence in public services, APSE is the foremost specialist in local authority frontline services, hosting a network for frontline service providers in areas such as waste and refuse collection, parks and environmental services, cemeteries and crematorium, environmental health, leisure, school meals, cleaning, housing and building maintenance.






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