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RH0236reissued - Local businesses providing artwork for area council and highway authority - 150116

This local highways authority has a situation whereby one of the Area Councils have been in touch with local businesses to design, manufacture and install some artwork on a major arterial route into the town. The local businesses will donate the time to design and manufacture the art work and then install it outside the remit of the highway authority. As such it is not the highway authority that is leading the scheme and therefore it isn’t an asset that they believe should be managed by them.

The highway authority does not want to stand in the way of this initiative as it is a form localism and they would like to hear from other highway authorities who have followed a similar process.

  • Ownership once installed, maintenance etc. – (has the responsibility for maintenance remained with the client, in this case the Area Council or has it moved to the HA? If it has moved the HA, has there been a commuted sum?)
  • Insurances – (have the HA taken the artwork as a highway asset for insurance purposes?)
  • Licence – (which part of the HAct/ NRSWA has been used to license the artwork and installation?)


RH0259 - Offences on the adopted highway (Anti-Social Behaviour Crimes and Policing Act 2014) 18.11.16

This authority would like to ask if any other authorities have
introduced or implemented the Anti-Social Behaviour Crimes and
Policing Act 2014 for offences on the adopted highway i.e.
unlicensed skips and building materials left on the highway?


RH0258 - Winter Gritting of Footpaths and Cycle ways 04.11.16

This APSE member authority is considering the best approach to
manual winter gritting of footpaths and cycle ways. They would
welcome information from other APSE member contacts in
Highways and Winter Maintenance about how you approach these
areas in terms of manual gritting, and, equally if there are any
innovative mechanised processes that you use.

Please provide any information about how you reviewed your
processes, what factors you took into consideration and any
changes to method / frequencies as a result.


RH0257 - Approaches to notifying the public of planned Highways Works 19.10.16

This member authority is reviewing how they inform the public of
planned Highways works and would be very grateful to hear from
any authority who has ceased sending individual letters to

In particular, they would appreciate comment on the following:
· What alternative approach do you take to advising the public
and other stakeholders of planned Highways works?
· How did you approach moving away from letters to individual
households? Did you undertake a trial period or a period of
consultation? If so, how did you undertake the consultation?


RH0256 - Review of Salt Domes and Salt Barns 29.09.16

This member authority would like to know what other authorities
have built in relation to salt domes and salt barns, including any
pros and cons and associated costs attached?


RH0255 - Pothole – Fully Automated Process 07.09.16

This local authority would like to know if any colleagues have
introduced a fully automated process for the reporting of Potholes
from initial customer contact until completion / inspection as part of
scheduled maintenance programme (inspection programme) or
have had first-hand experience of this matter?

Any information on the above you would be able to provide would
be greatly appreciated.


RH0254 - Highway policies 24.08.16

This authority is reviewing all of its Highways policies in preparation
for a new TMC contract in April 2017. They are looking to ensure
they have all the appropriate policies in place and would be
interested to hear of the list of highway policies which other
authorities have in place, and of any policies which may be shared.

They would also like to hear from any authorities that have drafted a
policy for, or how they manage situations whereby, they may have
to go outside of highway policy.


RH0253 - Jetpatcher system 02.08.16

A member authority is looking for information from those local
authorities which use of the Jetpatcher system, in particular the
suitability of its use on urban roads.

They have heard that the system is more suited to rural roads,
where the potential to cause damage is less due to the Jetpatchers
system of operation where it blast loose debris from potholes before
it repairs them.

They would be grateful for any comments from those local
authorities who use the system on urban roads, in particular, how
they have dealt with the prevention of debris damage caused by the
Jetpatcher system.


RH0252 - Rates of Pay for Street Lighting Electricians 07.07.16

A member authority is seeking information regarding pay rates for
Electricians in Street Lighting. (This is to support a business case
to bring their pay-rates in line with Electricians within other council

They would be very grateful if you could please arrange for the
following to be completed on behalf of your authority:

1. a) What scale within the NJC pay grade are your Street
Lighting Electricians paid at?


b) If your street lighting service is managed by an external

contractor, what rate are their Street Lighting Electricians paid at?

2) Is there any scope for them to earn a bonus, or additional pay
through productivity initiatives?

3) Are you experiencing difficulty in recruiting electricians for
Street Lighting maintenance? If yes, what do they feel are the
restricting factors for recruitment?


RH0251 - Highways Management Efficiency Programme - Risk Management 07.07.16

This authority would like to ask other local authorities the following
questions regarding the highways asset and the achievement of
Band 3 for HMEP:

1. What is your interpretation of what is required to achieve a
Band 3 for HMEP question 8 RE: Risk management of the
highways asset - Does your local authority have a comprehensive
approach to managing current and future risks associated with the
highway infrastructure assets?

2. Do you currently have a Risk Management Framework in
place specifically for the highways asset and would you share a

3. What key elements of your risk management framework and
operational activities have you identified as being critical to the
achievement of Band 3?

4. What systems do your highways inspectors use to risk
assess defects and is this system linked to your risk register?
(Electronically or by other means)


RH0249 - Highways authorities – F10 Notification of construction project 08.06.16

This authority would like to know:
1. Do any of your highways authorities send in an F10
(Notification of construction project form) to the Health and Safety
Executive (HSE) for highways maintenance work/contracts?
2. Alternatively, are individual works considered rather than the
contract on a whole?

RH0248 - Highways Permit Scheme 03.06.16

A member authority is are wanting to understand the business case
rationale for implementing a highways permit scheme. In particular
they wish to understand:

· Whether any authority carried out a cost/benefit analysis
before implementing such a scheme and any information they would
be willing to share.

· Any monitoring or evaluation on the implementation of the
scheme once it had been introduced.


RH0247 - Highway safety inspection and repairs policy document 03.06.16

A member authority is reviewing it's highway safety inspection and
repairs policy document. As such, they are enquiring if APSE
members would assist by agreeing to sharing their highway safety
inspection and repairs policy documents.


RH0245 - Highway code infringements 31.05.16

A member authority is currently undertaking a self-declaration
process in respect of licences, health etc. for all of their drivers (with
specific focus on Operator Licence vehicles), one aspect of which is
a request for them to declare they will comply with the highway code.
Their drivers have raised concerns over this issue, as quite often
they need to undertake minor infringements (double yellows, kerb
mounting, one way streets etc.) in order to complete their duties.
They are therefore enquiring how other authorities manage this
problem i.e. through exemptions, risk assessments, special
dispensations etc.


RH0244 - Disabled bay road markings 25.05.16

This authority is reviewing its policy for disabled bay road markings.
They currently provide and charge residents for H/I markings on the
road across driveways however blue badge holders are not charged.

They also provide advisory disabled bays on the highway without
charge for blue badge holders.

They are interested to know if and what other highway authorities
charge disabled residents for such road markings.


RH0243a - Contract models in Highways, Street Scene and Street Lighting 05.05.16

This APSE member authority is currently retendering for their
Highways, Street Scene and Street Lighting contract. They currently
operate a single contract covering all aspects of the work, except
large scale highways schemes which are tendered individually or as
a package of work.

They are now considering changing from a single term maintenance
contract to a number of smaller contracts for specific work types.

To assist their contract review they would be interested to know
what current contract arrangements other authorities have in place
for example:-
· Do you operate single or multiple contracts?
· What advantages / disadvantages do you consider there to
be with your current contract arrangements?
· What model of contract do you intend to use when you next
· If you have multiple contracts what work is included in each
contract type?

As ever your assistance is greatly appreciated and only respondents
will receive a summary of the responses provided.


RH0243 - Winter maintenance arrangements 08.03.16

This authority is reviewing its winter maintenance arrangements and
is looking for support from others. They would be grateful to hear
responses to the following:

1. What arrangements are in place to operate Winter
Maintenance provisions under the GB drivers’ hours rules ?
They would appreciate copies of policies/approaches /information

2. Any agreements , operational working times, payments and
rest periods

3. Any costing models, efficiencies and savings that have

4. Any service re-organisations or opportunities to generate


RH0242 - Coloured road surface 22.02.16

This authority wants to introduce a high quality coloured road
surface as part of a multi-phase, home zone based development.

They would like to hear from other local authorities who have
successfully used either a resin bound stone or coloured tarmac as
part of an adoptable road that has stood up to being trafficked by
vehicles including refuse lorries.

They are particularly interested in receiving feedback on the
following –
· The type of material used
· Any special design requirements
· The ability to maintain its original finished look after regular use
· The ease with which the surface can be reinstated after any
maintenance of apparatus by public utilities

Any other information that would be relevant for someone looking to
put this material in place.


RH0236 - Local businesses providing artwork for area council and highway authority 09.02.16

This local highways authority has a situation whereby one of the
Area Councils have been in touch with local businesses to design,
manufacture and install some artwork on a major arterial route into
the town. The local businesses will donate the time to design and
manufacture the art work and then install it outside the remit of the
highway authority. As such it is not the highway authority that is
leading the scheme and therefore it isn’t an asset that they believe
should be managed by them.

The highway authority does not want to stand in the way of this
initiative as it is a form localism and they would like to hear from
other highway authorities who have followed a similar process.

· Ownership once installed, maintenance etc. – (has the
responsibility for maintenance remained with the client, in this case
the Area Council or has it moved to the HA? If it has moved the HA,
has there been a commuted sum? )

· Insurances – (have the HA taken the artwork as a highway
asset for insurance purposes?)

· Licence – (which part of the HAct/ NRSWA has been used
to license the artwork and installation?)

They would be grateful for any information related to this query.


RH0240 - Using warm mix for carriageway resurfacing: benefits and problems 01.02.16

As part of the Challenge Fund works, this authority is considering
using a warm mix to resurface the carriageway of two major A roads
over 10 kilometres in length. Resurfacing will occur during the day
and overnight and the value of the work will be in excess of £15m.

Part of the business case for the work, is to reduce interventions
over the next 20 years along the A roads and so high performance
longevity is a significant consideration for the use of the material.

They are interested to hear from other APSE members who have
used warm mix with regard to the following:-
1. How they assess the quality of the finished surface
2. What needs to be considered when laying the material
3. The benefits and risks they see in using the material
4. Any concerns they have with overnight resurfacing
5. Any problems they had with logistics with the vehicles
containing the warm mix


RH0239 - CCTV monitoring service review 27.01.16

In line with the austerity agenda, this member is currently reviewing
their CCTV service. They have made endeavours to research
information on the web but there is very little in the way of
meaningful statistical information on CCTV (other than the number
of cameras).
In order to help with the review and possibly other members, they
have provided comprehensive information about their own service
and request others to do the same.

RH0238 - Christmas Lighting and Associated Displays Policy 21.01.16

This member is formulating a Christmas Lighting and Associated
Displays Policy.

They would be grateful to see copies of others’ relevant policies and


RH0236 - Local businesses providing artwork for area council and highway authority 09.02.16

This local highways authority has a situation whereby one of the
Area Councils have been in touch with local businesses to design,
manufacture and install some artwork on a major arterial route into
the town. The local businesses will donate the time to design and
manufacture the art work and then install it outside the remit of the
highway authority. As such it is not the highway authority that is
leading the scheme and therefore it isn’t an asset that they believe
should be managed by them.

The highway authority does not want to stand in the way of this
initiative as it is a form localism and they would like to hear from
other highway authorities who have followed a similar process.

· Ownership once installed, maintenance etc. – (has the
responsibility for maintenance remained with the client, in this case
the Area Council or has it moved to the HA? If it has moved the HA,
has there been a commuted sum? )

· Insurances – (have the HA taken the artwork as a highway
asset for insurance purposes?)

· Licence – (which part of the HAct/ NRSWA has been used
to license the artwork and installation?)

They would be grateful for any information related to this query.








Promoting excellence in public services

APSE (Association for Public Service Excellence) is a not for profit unincorporated association working with over 300 councils throughout the UK. Promoting excellence in public services, APSE is the foremost specialist in local authority frontline services, hosting a network for frontline service providers in areas such as waste and refuse collection, parks and environmental services, cemeteries and crematorium, environmental health, leisure, school meals, cleaning, housing and building maintenance.






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