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RH0345 - Lighting Columns - Festive decorations and SPIDS - 271219

Dear Colleague, A member authority is reviewing the management of requests for use of street-lighting columns.

  • How do you manage requests to attach items to Streetlighting columns, in particular Festive Decoration’s and Speed Indicator’s (SIDS)?
  • What checks and tests are carried out?
  • If the request is made by a third party what is the process and are there any costs transferred?

RH0344 - School Parking Buddies - 021219

A member authority is enquiring whether any authorities looked at using Parking Buddies to assist with inconsiderate and unsafe parking outside schools? They would be interested in hearing of any experiences other authorities have had trying to use them as they have been asked by some schools if they could use them. They seem like the idea of this approach as they feel it could reduce the number of incidents or complaints regarding school-parking a be a real improvement regarding children’s safety and public perception. However some officers feel that they cannot be used at all on the adopted highway. Any information you can provide on the following would be greatly appreciated:

  • conditions on use from Highways service
  • do’s and don’ts
  • did they work or didn’t they
  • if you have blocked their use then why?

RH0343 - The use of mobile technology within Roads, Streetscene and grounds maintenance - 261119

A member authority is exploring the potential to use mobile technology within a Roads Operations, Streetscene and Ground Maintenance setting to programme and close off cyclic work programmes, under take inspections, aid in performance management information and provide analytics. The authority is looking for information on what systems are currently being used successfully across all three disciplines and would be grateful if you could complete the table below for Roads Operations, Streetscene and Grounds Maintenance :-

  • Name of mobile solution
  • Name of back office system
  • Hardware/ device used in the field
  • Comments

RH0342 - Controlled pedestrian crossings – 121119

A member authority would like to know what policies or procedures other authorities may have for when either a member of public/local parish council requests a new or any changes to a controlled pedestrian crossing (Puffin/Zebra/toucan style). They would like to see copies of any documentation used.

RH0341 - Professional Qualifications/ Membership - 291019

A member authority is interested in how others recognise professional qualifications/membership

1. How many engineering posts do you have within your local authority organisation?

2. How many staff do you have that are IEng or CEng qualified (professionally qualified)?

3. How many of these professionally qualified staff are registered with the Engineering Council?

4. Do you specify in job person specifications for engineering positions up to senior engineer level or equivalent (circa 40k annual salary), requirement to hold IEng/CEng registration?

RH0340 - Events / Parades - Police Support - 291019

A member authority is reviewing their policy on Parades and Road Closures Their local Police Force are changing how they support community events / parades. Historically, they have controlled traffic / pedestrians under the TPCA, however moving forward they will not be providing this support and will be following the NPCC’s Event Policing guidance. Event / parade organisers will be responsible for managing traffic / pedestrians working directly with the Local Authority. The Council is keen to learn from other Authorities to determine what new arrangements are being considered.

  • Is your Council allowing event marshals / volunteers to be authorised for the management of traffic / pedestrians?
  • If so, what qualifications / training are you requiring?

RH0339 - Public Rights of Way - Definitive Map Modification Orders (DMMO) - 041019

A member authority is reviewing its processes for DMMOs - Definitive Map Modification Orders Please can you provide the following information:

  • FTE on DMMO Process?
  • Public Path network length – distance?
  • Numbers of DMMO as a backlog (i.e. how many un-determined)?
  • DMMO backlog by status – footpath, bridleway, restricted bye way etc.,?
  • How many DMMO decision per FTE per year would you expect on average?
  • What is your estimate of proportion based on
    ?- user evidence?
    - historic / documentary evidence?
    - both?

Average salary of officers undertaking the work (e.g. non-managers) ?

RH0338 - Gully Maintenance Schedules - 031019

A member authority is re-evaluating their current gulley emptying regime. They are interested how others schedule and complete their gulley operations. How do you determine your gulley emptying schedules? The authority currently has a risk criteria which in order of priority is

  • Internal residential property flooding
  • Flooding to critical infrastructure
  • Internal flooding to other property
  • Significant highway flooding (depended on road class/reported accidents or risk to road users).

Do you use similar or different criteria? – if different please list How many gulley emptying units do you employ How many staff? Other units e.g. transit mounted jet washer?

RH0337 - Transportation of hockey style lighting columns - 200919

This member authority uses hockey style street lighting columns which do not have a separate bracket. They can transport the 5m columns but do not have a vehicle within their current fleet to carry the 8m or 10m ones due to the column profile. They therefore have to hire a longer vehicle to allow them to transport/ erect these types of columns which can be costly. They would therefore like to know if any other member authority use these types of columns and if so, how are these transported?

RH0336 - Using and maintaining Jet Vac appliances - 160919

A member authority is interested to discover how member authorities use and maintain Jet Vac tankers.

  • No. of Recycling Jet Vac tankers authority owned (Leased)?
  • How are Jetting Appliances maintained and managed by the local authority?
  • How are repairs and servicing dealt with (managed)?
  • How are the Jet Vac tankers operated (crew levels, shifts)?
  • Does the authority have in-house waste disposal facility/permit to accommodate the operational running of a Jet Vac tanker?
  • How are any Jet Vac appliances funded (operational costs), capital outlay to buy etc?

As a point of note the enquiry is not referring to cyclic street cleansing/gully emptying operations, but more at larger drainage system clearance (high pressure) combination Tanker/Recycling Jetting appliances.

RH0335 - Removal and/or enforcement of A Board Signage on the Highway - 120919

A member authority has concerns over the number of ‘A’ boards that are now on the highway/ pavement. They feel a balance needs to be struck between promoting a business with the needs of other users of the highway.

  • How do you tackle the issue of A boards?
  • How successful are the measures?
  • Was there any backlash from business owners?

RH0334 - Theft of York Flagstones – 050919

Dear Colleague, A member authority would like to share experiences of York Flagstone Theft Have you experienced theft of York Flagstones in the last 2 years?

  • Are you able to estimate the number of flagstones taken?
  • On how many occasions did theft occur?

RH0333 - Removal of tar bound materials on carriageways - 280819

A member authority would like hear how other Highway authorities are removing tar bound materials from their carriageways in relation to the following areas:

  • What COSHH assessments you use?
  • If you carry out any biological monitoring of staff?
  • Do you wear any special PPE?

RH0332 - Sewage Contaminated Water – 280819

This authority would like to know:

1. How does your authority identify sewage contaminated water in floods and watercourses?

2. Does your Authority permit roadworkers to deal with sewage contaminated water?

3. How do you define levels of contamination at which various levels of precaution need to be taken?

4. What safe system of work do you employ?

5. What co-operation do you get from the drainage authority?

RH0331 - Static Advertising on Trailers & Vans - 120819

Dear Colleague, A member authority is seeking information on how others deal with the issue of static advertising trailers/vans left on/parked on the highway network on street/verges and Highway Land. Do you have a policy / procedure for tackling static advertising?

  • Have you seized/removed offending vehicles from your network?
  • Have you used either S.149 of the Highways Act, or Pt2 of the Clean Neighbourhoods Act (abandoned vehicles, S.10-14) to do so?
  • If so, have you been legally challenged?

RH0330 - Potholes and drainage - 050819

A member authority is reviewing why they are getting so many potholes on their network and are aware their maintenance budget is one of the lowest in the country and now only carry out reactive gully emptying apart from strategic routes, and limited grip cutting. They would really like to know:

1. What is your revenue spend on drainage and what % of your overall budget is this?

2. % of revenue budget spent on cyclic drainage maintenance?

3. % of revenue budget spent on reactive drainage?

4. Are you capitalising any of these areas and if so which ones?

RH0329 - Highways Dressing Specifications - 310719

A member authority is in the process of procuring a highway surface dressing programme.

Do you have performance specifications for highway surface dressing that you would be willing to share?

RH0327 - Sustainability Toolkit - 180719

A member authority are looking to create a Sustainability Toolkit for Highway projects and wondered if anyone else has either produced one or is thinking about it.

If you have one, can you share it with us, please?


RH0326 - Gritter drivers, rates of pay - 160719

A member authority is reviewing pay rates for its Gritter Drivers. Current Drivers are mainly employees and gritting is an additional payment to their day job.

1. Do you have a specific pay rate for winter gritter drivers or are they paid according to their substantive post?

2. What is the basic pay rate for your gritter drivers?

3. What overtime rates apply and when?

4. What standby payments do you pay and what period does that cover?

5. Do drivers receive any other benefits / incentives, e.g. paid travelling time etc.?

6. Do you hire non-employees as Gritter Drivers?


RH0325 - Winter Maintenance Shifts - 090719

A member authority is investigating alternative working arrangements for Winter Maintenance Operations.

• Do you run a Winter Maintenance Operational Nightshift? (Yes or No)

• If so how many hours? – How does this effect driving hours & duty times?
o Start times and end times?
o How many days?
o Time off period

• How many shifts do you run and number of operatives per shift?

• What is the payment for this? Hourly rate or shift rate?

• Is payment in line with single status?

• Are there any payment enhancements with the teams on night shifts?

• When not gritting on night shifts do the operatives carry out other task such as: -
o Gully Cleansing Yes / No
o Road Sweeping Yes / No
o Grass Cutting Yes / No
o Litter Picking Yes / No
o Edging Grass Yes / No
o Potholes Yes / No
o Paving Works Yes / No


RH0324 - Pedestrian Crossings - 010719

A member local authority are considering going back to using the more ‘traditional’ far side of the road red/green man indicators at crossings rather than the indicator being on the pole next to where you press the button. They would like to find out from other authorities if they too have made this change to find out how widespread it is, and if so, what their experiences are, and whether they have any advice regarding making the change.


RH0323 - Road markings & Emissions - 260619

We are interested to find examples of the use of road markings to mitigate emissions

• Have you implemented any road schemes to reduce high emissions or emission hotspots?
• Did you use improved/refreshed road markings within the scheme?
• Please give details


RH0322 - Training for Mason Paviors - 290519

A member authority is seeking training suppliers for short courses for Mason Paviors

Who is your supplier for Pavior Training?
Do you have a defined course you send staff on?


RH0321 - Street Lighting Emergencies - 240419

There are a number of situations that could be considered a street lighting or electrical emergency. These can include exposed wiring, outages, wilful damage, vehicle damage, missing doors, unsecured or missing lantern bowls, damage to column, damage to supply pillars, multiple dark lamps, loose brackets or other equipment, bollard shell missing, damaged cable.

This authority would like to know:

1. How do you define a street lighting emergency and identify the appropriate response times?

2. Do you use a risk matrix to assess and prioritise some/all emergencies or are some defects always considered an emergency even if the likelihood of an incident is remote?

3. Who attends emergencies?

4. What qualifications do attendees have?


RH0320 - Charging for white ‘H Bars’ / driveway access lines - 230419

This authority would like to know:

1. Which local authorities are currently charging for marking white 'H Bars' / driveway access lines for individuals?

2. How much is the fee, and is there a relining fee once the lines fade?

3. Have you noticed a difference in the number of requests since implementing this or any other significant difference whether that be financial or other?


RH0319 - CDM processes and documentation - 090419

A member authority is reviewing their Construction Design Management (CDM) processes relating to Highways. They are interested in seeing documentation from other authorities.

Please can you share:
• Design Risk Assessment Templates
• Process charts
• CDM documentation


RH0318 - Reduced Fees for Fixed Penalty Notices - 020419

A colleague from a member authority is interested in knowing if any members currently have any experience of giving favourable terms (reduced fees) for the early payment of Fixed Penalty Notices for enforcement activities (particularly littering fines). In particular,

1. Do authorities offering an early payment rate find it to be a cost effective measure?

2. Does it cost more to administer the process than the reduced fines actually bring in?

3. Where an authority has abandoned reduced cost/early payments facilities, has the change led to increased prosecutions and costs?

4. What does your cost-recovery profile look like?

5. Has the provision created any negative publicity for the authority?

6. Have you suffered adversely by people’s ability to pay?


RH0317 - Lifting Plans for Road Maintenance / Street Lighting / Vehicle Maintenance - 120219

This authority are looking for information in relation to the management of lifting, specifically in relation to lifting plans and training for those involved.

1. Do you develop lifting plans to control lifting in Road Maintenance / Street Lighting / Vehicle Maintenance activities?

2. If so, do you tend to require and develop basic lifting plans or are there activities where you develop and implement more intermediate/complex lifting plans? If so, which activities are these?

3. What training have you provided for those developing lifting plans?


RH0316 - Procurement of a new rising bollard system - 060219

A colleague in a member Authority is supporting a project looking at the procurement of a new rising bollard system to replace the current system.

The Authority are in the process of producing a service specification and would like to know from other authorities if any have an ANPR (Automatic Number Plate Recognition) rising bollards system already in place. And if so, how they are managed and if you could provide any examples of service specifications used for the procurement.


RH0315 - Highways Inspection Vehicles - 040219

A member authority is reviewing their highways inspection fleet.

Currently the fleet consists of Peugeot Expert Tepees with plywood storage area to rear, Chapter 8 markings and LED lights.

Please supply information on the following:

1. Do you have Highway Inspector drivers? If so, are they on permanent employment contracts?

2. If your inspections are driven, does this only apply to high speed road inspections or all?

3. What vehicles do you use for Highway Inspections?

4. Have you leased the vehicle? If so, for how long?


RH0314 - Procurement in Highways and Winter Maintenance services - 290119

A colleague is embarking on a procurement exercise for their authority’s Highways and Winter Maintenance service and would be very grateful to make contact with team members in other local authorities who have recently procured any of the following aspects of their service to share best practise and procurement outcomes.

• Routine Maintenance (carriageway & footway repairs)
• Highways Improvement Schemes <£100,000
• Structures Maintenance
• High Speed Road Maintenance - including TM
• Emergency and Out of Hours Response
• Winter Service
• Drainage Improvements and Repairs
• Patching and Small Resurfacing
• Highways Improvement Schemes >£100,000
• Signs Maintenance and Improvements - non-illuminated only
• Lining Maintenance and Improvements
• Gully and soakaways and catch pit emptying
• Barrier repairs and maintenance


RH0313 - Roads Asset Management System (RAMS) – equipment and processes for removing salt from domes/sheds - 210119

This authority is currently updating their Roads Asset Management System (RAMS) to be more prescriptive in terms of how salt is safely removed from their salt dome (15,000 tonne capacity). They would be interested in seeing other authorities' RAMS / procedures in relation to the following:-

1. What equipment do you use to remove salt from your dome or shed i.e. loading shovel / 360 excavator?

2. What process / technique(s) do you have in place to avoid steep angles or vertical faces forming in the salt?

3. Is there a maximum permitted angle of the salt pile within your dome or shed?

4. What other safe working procedures do you adopt within your dome or shed?

5. Would you mind sharing your RAMS?


Promoting excellence in public services

APSE (Association for Public Service Excellence) is a not for profit unincorporated association working with over 300 councils throughout the UK. Promoting excellence in public services, APSE is the foremost specialist in local authority frontline services, hosting a network for frontline service providers in areas such as waste and refuse collection, parks and environmental services, cemeteries and crematorium, environmental health, leisure, school meals, cleaning, housing and building maintenance.






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