RH0460 - Gully Cleansing - Traffic management
A member authority is reviewing their Gully Cleansing strategy
They are specifically considering the use of a towable crash-cushion.
Please can you provide the following information:
RH0459 - Information on Rhinophalt
A member authority is keen to find out if other member authorities have used or are currently using Rhinophalt and if they would be happy to share their experiences?
RH0458 - Salary ranges for Road operatives/ Forepersons
This local authority is interested in establishing the pay ranges for Road operatives and Forepersons, please note this applies only to Local Government employees and not to any private ventures/partnerships.
RH0457 - Pay rates for gully emptier/ jetter operators
A local authority would like to ask other member authorities if they would kindly be willing to share the pay rates for those operating a gully emptier/ jetter?
RH0456 - Pay rates for jet patcher operators
A local authority would like to ask other member authorities if they would kindly be willing to share the pay rates for those operating a jet patcher?
RH0455 - Highways Services Provision
A member authority would be interested in hearing from other authorities on roads and highway services provision within your authorities.
They would be grateful to hear back from authorities who would be willing to share information below.
• Any Information on any new/innovative highway treatments, particularly for dealing with potholes.
• What does the statutory provision of operating services look like within your authority?
• Are you able to provide any examples of that demonstrates best practice, improved efficiencies or innovation that help to control costs?
• Income opportunities across highways and car parks, other than roadside advertising.
RH0454 - Turning off street lights to save costs
A member authority are looking at potential cost saving initiatives. One area they are exploring is completely turning off their street lights after a certain time during the night. They would be keen to hear from any authorities who have undertaken this.
RH0453 - Night switching of lighting columns
A member authority is seeking to implement part night switching of lighting columns.
They are seeking information on the public reaction:
Have you installed part night lighting on:
- A-roads
- Main road junctions and roundabouts
- Residential areas
- Rural villages
Did you consult with the public before implementation?
What percentage of lighting stock converted to part night?
Has the public reaction been mostly positive or negative?
Has any of the work been rolled back? -If so , what percentage has been rolled back?
RH0452 - Highways Lane rental by Utility companies
A member authority is seeking to implement a lane rental schemes on its highways (These involve charging a daily fee for the right to dig up the road by statutory undertakers)
Have you implemented a lane rental scheme?
Do you have a policy you can share?
Is it used regularly or only on specific roads?
How is it monitored?
Do you have a schedule of charges?
RH0451 - Pre-winter training for gritter drivers
A member authority would like to to ask colleagues if they undertake training pre winter for their gritter drivers to keep them safe and compliant with the drivers regulations during the winter? If so, would you be happy to provide information on the training which is given?
RH0450 - Electric Vehicles - Effects on multi-storey car parks and highways
APSE is researching the effects of the switch to Electric vehicles on local authority car parks and the highway Please answer the following:
Do you own or operate multi-storey carparks If so how many and of what age?
Have you assessed them for maximum load bearing capability?
Who carried out the assessment?
Does this form part of the Council Asset review?
Have you made any readjustments to your asset plans for wear due to heavier electric vehicles?
Do you anticipate this will be the case in future?
RH0449 - Traffic-Highway Severance on Nature – 270623
A member authority is researching the impacts of transport severance on nature recovery.
Looking at how the highway network impacts wildlife movement.
Have you looked into this issue of traffic severance?
have you tried any of the following:
Installed Aco Wildlife Kerbs (retrofit or into newly constructed roads) Wildlife Kerb (aco.co.uk)
Adapted existing bridges for wildlife connectivity and how have they adapted them?
Have you any policies on how new road infrastructure is constructed to ensure wildlife connectivity is factored in?
If so please share.
RH448 - Schedule 3 and Highways exemptions - 030523
Are you aware of the schedule 3 review by Defra ? Link
This relates to Schedule 3 of The Flood and Water Management Act 2010 and the delivery of SUDS
RH447 - On Street EV Charging – 250423
A member authority is currently considering public guidance on vehicle charging cables that originate from private properties to enable the charging of electric vehicles where properties cannot accommodate vehicle parking.
They are therefore seeking other authorities who may be willing to share copies of their guidance and any types of approved cable protection devices e.g.
• Cable Protection Mats
• In laid footway cable channel
• Cable supporting arm (See Diagram below)
Also any relevant comments from your insurers.
RH443 - Parking on verges – 140223
A member authority is reviewing their policy on parking on grass and verges.
Do you have such a policy?
• If so please can you share a copy?
RH442 - Gully Cleansing – 010223
Please can you answer the following:
If outsourced:
RH441 - Highways Fees and Charges – 010223
APSE is looking the application of Highways Fees and charges
• Please can you forward you current schedule of charges
• Also any proposed increases
RH440 - Residents Parking Permits - 160123
A member authority is reviewing the operation of their residents parking schemes
They are seeking details of other schemes across the UK
Please can you answer the following:
RH439 - Street-lighting Tenders – 160123
A member district council manages around 2000 lighting columns across the borough including those on behalf of Parish Councils
They are seeking to retender the existing street-lighting contract to include general repairs and maintenance, inventory management and customer services.
• They would welcome copies of similar tender documents please?
• Also any performance measures contained within existing contracts?