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RH0482 - Decriminalised parking - penalty charge notice appeals process

A local authority is reviewing its informal parking appeals process and would like to understand how other member authorities deal with this function. In particular they would like to know: -

  1. Have you adopted decriminalised parking in your local authority? If no, all other questions are not applicable
  2. Do you undertake enforcement/ informal appeals functions in-house or are they outsourced to an external contractor?
  3. How many PCNs were issued between 30 November 2023 and 30 November 2024?
  4. How many PCNs were informally appealed between 30 November 2023 and 30 November 2024?
  5. What is the average time taken to consider an informal appeal (i.e. number of days between receipt of informal appeal and response to appellant)?
  6. Do you commit to a timeframe for considering informal appeals?
  7. If so, what happens if you fail to meet this timeframe?
  8. How much do you charge for your PCNs?
  9. Do you allow informal appellants to benefit from the 14-day 50% discount if the informal appeal is unsuccessful, or is this forfeited when the informal appeal is submitted?
  10. If the discount is available in the event of an unsuccessful informal appeal, how long is the discount available for?
  11. How do you communicate the terms of your process with the public?


RH0481 - Highway Tree Management – 261124

A member authority is reviewing their processes for the management on highway trees

Please can you answer the following:

  1. Is your authority a Highways Authority?
  2. Does your authority have either an in-house or in-sourced team that manages highway tree stocks?
  • If so, how many officers do you have in this team who are

a) professionally trained (e.g. Tree Officers)?

b) administrative staff supporting the work of the professional staff?

3. If you hold an asset inventory of highway trees, approximately how many highway trees does this team manage?


RH0480 - Gully Emptying - 211024

A member authority is reviewing the performance of their gully emptying

Please can you answer the following:

  • How many gullies are emptied per day, week, month etc?
  • How many people are per crew? Or is it 1 person?


RH0479 - ADEPT Commuted Sums for Highway Infrastructure Asset Management 2024 – 071024

A member authority is seeking to update their Commuted Sums Policy on accepting assets from other owners

They are keen to build on the national guidance issued by ADEPT on how Commuted Sums are calculated

  • Do you have a policy that you are willing to share?
  • Do you have a method for calculation if not within the policy?


RH0478 - Street works inspectors pay- 250924

A member authority is reviewing the salaries for its Streetworks Inspectors and Senior Streetworks Inspectors (Highways Inspectors) as they have a number of vacancies, however, are struggling to fill these posts.

Can you please confirm the pay of you Street works inspectors?


RH0477 - Illegal and inconsiderate parent and carer parking outside of schools - 180924

A member authority is seeking examples of success in reducing or eliminating the ongoing issue of parents and carers parking inconsiderately/recklessly and illegally (on & yellow zig zag lines for example) outside of schools when collecting or dropping off their children.

Please can you provide answers to the following:

Apart from deploying civil enforcing officers to tackle the issue, have you worked with schools to successfully reduce or eliminate the parking issue using any of the following initiatives:

  • Schools installing their own ANPR cameras and working with the police to prosecute?
  • Putting up extra signage that uses “nudge theory”?
  • Having awareness mornings at the schools where pupils accompanied by teachers/teaching assistants/ local authorities/CEOs speak to drivers or put leaflets on windscreens?
  • Having trial parking bans for 6 months (for example)?
  • Have Park and “stride” schemes?
  • Stagger school start times? (some schools did this in COVID for example)
  • Creating dedicated school drop off points (if space permits)
  • Getting parents to sign a parking charters?

Feedback on any of the above or any other initiatives is welcomed.


RH0476 - Salt Barns and storage - 130924

A member authority is seeking to procure Salt Storage in their main depots. They are looking at both Salt Barns and Salt Domes The main concern is storage of the two types of salt (dry and safecoat) within a single dome.

Please can you answer the following:

• Do you have salt domes?

• Do they store the two types of salt in the same dome? &

• What are their thoughts on your own storage systems?


RH0475 - Road marking training - 300824 

A member authority would be interested to understand what type of training colleagues provide in relation to road marking work, in particular: -

  • Where the local authority has internal resources for undertaking thermoplastic road marking work, what arrangements do you have in place to train operatives? Do you use internal or external training?
  • Do you train your operatives to a particular industry standard or sector scheme level in road markings?
  • If so which standard, do you apply?
  • If internal training, could you please share your training scope and other documents?

RH0474 - Tender for maintenance of new gully tanker   - 190824

A member authority is seeking to purchase two gully tankers

They are considering the option to include the maintenance of the two new gully tankers.

They wish to know:

  • Do you have experience of tendering for the maintenance contract of an HGV vehicle such as a gully tanker?
  • What advice would you share?
  • With whom did you take the contract?


RH0473 - Protective Clothing - Street Lighting - 090824  

A member authority is seeking to procure clothing that complies with regulation standards for Electricians and Lamp Attendants working on Street Lighting

They would like to know the following:

Who supplies your current:

  • Flame retardant clothing
  • Boots
  • Gloves
  • Visors
  • Please can you share recent unit costs for each item


RH0472 - Winter Gritting Fleet and Salt Supply - 090724

A member authority is reviewing their arrangements for winter gritting:

Please can you answer the following:

  • Does your authority own or lease its  winter gritting fleet?
  • Is this for use in-house or by an external supplier?
  • What advantages have you found from owning / leasing your fleet?
  • Any disadvantages you have found from owning / leasing your own fleet?
  • Do you or your contractor supply the salt for winter service?


RH0471 - Software for Road Construction Consents - 280624   

This local authority currently record their road construction consents on Smallworld GIS which is being decommissioned.

They would like to know what software or platform other local authorities are using to record their road construction consents, and do they feel this meets their needs?


RH0470 - Road Bonds for Road Construction Consents - 180624            

This local authority are currently reviewing their rates and would like to know if other local authorities would be happy to share the rates they use for calculation and what percentage or fees they charge for road bonds?


RH0469 - Highway Safety Inspection - 030624      

A member authority is reviewing their Highways Inspection regime

Please can you answer the following:

  • How many Highway Inspectors working on safety inspections do you employ?
  • How many Km’s is each Highway Safety Inspector typically assigned each week?
  • What is the typical distance walked per day?
  • What other tasks other than walked or driven safety inspections do your Highway Inspectors carry out?
  • How do your Inspectors record and log their defects for repair?
  • How long is your Highway Network?
  • What is the frequency of inspection e.g Annually, 6 monthly etc? Walked and Driven


RH0468 - Ironwork Failures on the Highway - 030624       

A member authority is investigating ironwork failures, mainly manhole covers

Please can you answer the following questions:

  • Has your authority experienced an increase in carriageway ironwork failures, in particular manhole covers?
  • If so, have any identified a reason for these failures, or identified a specific utility whose apparatus is failing more than others?
  • What bedding material do you/they use for the carriageway ironwork?
  • Do you have any experience (good or bad) using epoxy mortars for bedding material?
  •  Any ways you have found to reduce the instances of such failures?


RH0467 - Use of Body Cameras - 030624 

A member authority is looking into the use of body cameras for staff and contractors.

Please can you answer the following:

  • Does your Authority use body cameras?
  • Do contractors working on the highway on behalf of your authority use body cameras?

If yes:

  • Which teams they are in use (e.g. Operations, Streetworks, Inspectors).
  • What are the pros and cons of using body cameras?
  • Are there any regulations that need to be considered before implementing the use of body cameras?

Responses will be shared amongst all who reply


RH0466 - Defibrillator policy , deployment and maintenance (on the highway) – 170524

A Member authority is seeking to formulate its policy on the deployment of defibrillators Please can you provide the following information:  

1. What is your approach to deployment locations for Defibrillator i.e., public buildings / Private buildings / adopted highway.

2. If gifted does the authority have the final say on the location?

3. Does the authority take responsibility for maintenance and energy usage?

4. Who is ultimately responsible to ensure the units are operational?

5. Which department within the authority takes responsibility for deployment and maintenance ?

6. If installed on Highway what is your authorities approach to install i.e., allowed on existing equipment, Post installed.  

7. If installed on highway and an electric supply is required, how do you facilitate this. A) Connection Via local cable from Column (Authority Owned Cable)  B) Connection from DNO / IDNO Supply installed into Post C) Bolted to existing equipment and use supply D) Connected Via Feeder Pillar / Metered Supply E) An Other  - Please describe

8. How is the energy accounted for?


RH0465 - Electric Vehicle Charging on the Adopted Highway - Private supply - 130524             

A member authority is investigating options for charging electric vehicle on the adopted highway using a private supply.

Do you currently provide a solution for private charging on the highway?

What methods do you offer/allow?

If a channel is installed in the footway;

  • Who will be the owner of the channel?
  • Who is your current supplier or manufacture for the channel?
  • Are the channels earthed?
  • Who will maintain the channel?
  • Do you include any signage on the channel, IE compliant cables to BS only.
  • Who do you consider is liable should a damaged charge cable electrify the channel and cause injury?
  • Who will clean the channel?
  • Who will be liable should an incident be caused as a result of the channel being out of maintenance (damaged)?
  • Are you aware if an insurance provider that is offering to insure a member of public from 3rd party claims specifically in relation to the channel (not the cable)?
  • Are you controlling the parking space next to the channel?
  • What fees are being considered for any channel?
  • Installation
  • Maintenance
  • How many have you installed (<50, >50 <=100, >100)?
  • Approximately how many have had to be replaced?


RH0464 - Sign Shop - 260424            

A member authority is reviewing its provision on road signage

Please can you provide the following information:

  • Does your authority have an internal sign shop?
  • If not from where do you procure signage?
  • Do you have a stock management /procedure system for signage ?
  • If so : in house developed?
  • Or commercial product?
  • Apart from the Council, do you sell signage externally and to whom?


RH0463 - Street Lighting Dimming regimes - 210224              

A member authority is reviewing their street lighting dimming regimes

Please can you provide the following information:

•              Have you made changes to your lighting regime (timings and dimming) recently?

o             If so was this driven by financial or carbon reduction or both?

• What times and at what dimming levels (as a percentage of the full power setting) do you dim down/up?

% Time 24hr

Down intermediate                      

Down full                           

Up intermediate                            

Up full                 

• What savings did you achieve?

• What was the consultation response?

• Do you operate “part-night” lighting on the following road types (subject to specific site safety restrictions)?:

Road Type          Yes/No






RH0462 - Service Team Structures – 210224

A member authority is reviewing their current management structure with Highways

Their current service contains the following sub teams:

  • Roads – includes all maintenance aspects from inspections, resurfacing, surface dressing, drainage, winter maintenance delivery etc. Majority of operational works are done in-house.
  • Structures – Bridges maintenance and includes in-house operations team to carryout repairs
  • Projects – includes harbours and flooding. Includes small in-house operations team.
  • Quality and Resources – includes a team looking at health and safety, Training, three council owned quarries and sign shop, policy and procedures.
  • Fleet – team looks after fleet for whole of council not just the R&I service
  • Policy and Asset management – includes car parking.

Please can you supply the following information:

  • What is your management structure for the above teams?

(It is likely you don’t have the same combination but for each sub team it would be appreciated if you could share your current structure.)

o Roads are the largest team of the above so structures on that alone would be welcomed

  • Any strengths or limitations of your current structures?
  • If you have carried out any structural reviews, how did that process work and what outcomes or priorities were concluded?


RH0461 - Developer Directional Signage - 210224    

A member authority is seeking advice on Developer directional signage

Please can you answer the following:

  • Are you aware if there is a legal requirement for the highway authority to allow this signage?
  • Do you have an approval process?
  • Do you charge for the approval process? If so, what are your fees?
  • Do you have a set time that they are allowed to be erected?
  • What is your process for removal of the signs at the end of the approved period?
  • What is your process for the removal of illegal Developer signs?

Promoting excellence in public services

APSE (Association for Public Service Excellence) is a not for profit unincorporated association working with over 300 councils throughout the UK. Promoting excellence in public services, APSE is the foremost specialist in local authority frontline services, hosting a network for frontline service providers in areas such as waste and refuse collection, parks and environmental services, cemeteries and crematorium, environmental health, leisure, school meals, cleaning, housing and building maintenance.






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