Swimming lesson payments/SL0148/021111
A member authority is reviewing their payment options for swimming lessons.
Please could you respond to the following:
SLO99 071011 Gym membership costs
APSE are trying to assess the typical costs of leisure membership schemes, please forward data on your current membership cost for:
Any other combinations would be welcome and any concessions to the headline price. A report on the results will be shared with those who respond.
SLO147/260811 price concessions for leisure
A member authority is evaluating their price concessions for sports and leisure.
Please could you provide details for each activity of:
Leisure software systems SLO146/040711
A member authority is currently evaluating software for community leisure facility bookings, payments and membership management.
Workplace Gym – SL0145/190511
A member authority is looking to install an indoor staff only gym within the grounds of their main council building. The intention is to attract staff members who are not currently accessing mainstream leisure and gym facilities. The gym will be staffed by the Council’s own Leisure team.
Staffing of Outdoor facilities - Tennis courts – SL0144/110511
A local authority currently staffs their outdoor tennis courts during the summer months.
They would like to look at other less costly alternatives:
Facility hire - Martial Arts (including Cage Fighting) events – SL0143/110511
A member authority has been approached to hire out their facilities for "mixed martial arts" events i.e. (Cage fighting)?
Instructors and Coaches Pay rates– SL0142/080411
On behalf of a member authority, we are researching the pay rates of Instructors and coaches EMPLOYED by the authority.
Please can you supply details of: