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SL0184 Swimming/Gymnastics lesson registration & payment 10.11.16

A member authority is reviewing the operation of their swimming
and gymnastic lessons.

Please can you provide answers to the following:
• what is your enrolment process for popular activities like
swimming lessons and gymnastics for example?
• do you have waiting lists or enrolment days? ie 1st come 1st
served? what is your process for this?
• do you operate these activities via block terms or do you have
direct debits with ongoing continuous assessment? what is your
process for this?


SL0183 - Leisure & Culture Asset Plans 17.10.16

A member authority is seeking to produce an asset plan for their
leisure, sport and culture assets

This will include the following:
· Current and future demographics of the Council area, taking
account of current and future requirements/needs. (Include relevant
statistics of local profiles ie CASE activities)
· Mapping of current stock of facilities – condition, efficiency,
effectiveness, demand, suitability and sustainability. Include local
intelligence – taking into account other facility provision in adjacent
areas, local usage/tourist statistics.
· Creating options based on sound evidence/logic for future
provision to link in with the Council’s vision.

They are interested to hear from councils who have attempted a
similar exercise

Do you have an asset plan that you can share?


SL0182 - Leisure Pricing Policy 26.08.16

A member authority is reviewing their Pricing Policy for leisure,
including rates, concessions, hire charges etc

They are keen to learn from others

Please can you share your pricing policy?


SL0180 - Tools to measure the Social Impact of Sports Development Work 21.06.16

Various tools are available for calculating the Social Impact of
Sports Development work, measuring impact on factors such as
Antisocial behaviour, Obesity and Educational attainment.

This member authority is looking for alternative tools to measure the
impact of their sports sessions with young people and would like to
know what tools your authority is using to track the impact of sports
investment and whether or not you would recommend the same to

I would be very grateful if you could please send a brief e-mail to
share the name of the product you use and a sentence about your
experience of using it to share with this authority. 


SL0178 - Leisure management system - specification 19.02.16

A member authority is seeking to implement a new leisure
management system

Please can you supply the following:

· Which system do you currently use?

· What were /are the main requirements of the system?

· Do you have a copy of the Council’s system specification you
can share?






Promoting excellence in public services

APSE (Association for Public Service Excellence) is a not for profit unincorporated association working with over 300 councils throughout the UK. Promoting excellence in public services, APSE is the foremost specialist in local authority frontline services, hosting a network for frontline service providers in areas such as waste and refuse collection, parks and environmental services, cemeteries and crematorium, environmental health, leisure, school meals, cleaning, housing and building maintenance.






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