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SL0227 - Measuring Customer Satisfaction – 261119

A member authority is reviewing their customer care charter and would like to know the following:

  • Do you measure customer satisfaction, and if so how?
  • Do you collate comments, complaints, and feedback, and if so how?
  • Do you hold customer/user forums, and if so what is your model of delivery?
  • Do you use any innovative technology that you would recommend to monitor customer satisfaction?

SL0226 - Future provision of New leisure facilities – 181119

A member authority is reviewing its future leisure provision across a relatively rural area:

  • Have you undertaken an options appraisal within the last 5 years?
  • What was the favoured outcome – in-house/Trust/externalise/Wholly owned company etc?
  • Have you built new facilities within the last 5 years?
  • Do you intend to build new facilities as a result of the appraisal?

SL0225 - Time sheets for leisure staff - 111119

A member authority is reviewing how it manages the time sheets for members of staff Some staff have multiple roles (e.g. an instructor being a personal trainer or looking after other classes etc.). How do you capture the time sheets for staff with multiple roles?

Do you use paper forms?

  • An online system?
  • Apps?
  • Other?

Is this tied to a specific time management system?

SL0224 - Enabling charitable fundraising in council premises – 111119

A member authority is reviewing its policy on charity fundraising in council premises Do you have a policy on the following:

1. Staff who work with charities or on fundraising activities?

2. How your premises are used for charities/fundraising?

SL0223 - Use of Net Promoter Score (NPS) - 311019

A member authority is exploring better use of its Net Promoter Score (NPS)

  • Do you use NPS?
  • Who is your supplier of NPS data services?
  • What are the pros and cons of your supplier/approach?

SL0222 - Athletics Clubs - facility usage - 251019

A member authority is interested to learn what arrangements other authorities have in place with athletics clubs.

  • If you have athletics clubs using the site do they pay for exclusive use at certain times and at what cost?
  • Do the members also pay per session to help the club cover hire costs and what is this?
  • Are there any other options for the club members to access the track ie pay and train, track passes, as part of a wider leisure membership etc – what are the costs associated with these options?
  • Is the club(s) expected to contribute towards any repair and maintenance costs of the track?
  • If the club has paid for or contributed towards the cost of any equipment – anything from throwing implements to a throws cage, what agreements are in place for insurances, use from other clubs / organisations and replacement costs?
  • Do you charge extra if high jump beds, pole vault equipment, hurdles etc need to be put out by staff for events – is this an hourly rate for the staff members?

SL0221 - Leisure Booking and Performance Systems - capturing social information - 111019

A member authority is seeking to capture additional usage information to determine social return on investment. This includes performance data on the success of Obesity, social prescribing, GP Referral programmes etc.

  • What booking, management and performance measuring systems do you use?
  • What information do you collect?
  • What comparisons does your system allow you to make?

SL0220 - Trading Concessions - 081019

A member authority currently has multiple concessions on their foreshore which are occupied by traditional seaside businesses. (These include ice-cream stalls, sweet stalls, fish and chips, burgers as well as a healthy juice business) They are hoping to expand the variety of businesses and offer the opportunity to some other types of business.

  • Do you offer seaside and/or parks concession sites to any non-traditional businesses?
  • Please list the various types (including potentially activity based ones)

SL0219 - Lifeguard Interviews/selection - 300919

A member authority is reviewing its recruitment procedures for Lifeguards

  • Do you ‘water test’ potential new lifeguards?
  • Do you use a lifeguard observation sheet? (RLSS or similar)
  • Do you show video scenarios for comment?
  • Any other observational/ written test?

SL0218 - Leisure Site Activities - 060819

A member authority is reviewing the activities available on their leisure sites These include an athletics track, 3G pitch, Sand dressed ATP, Grass Pitches for Football, Cricket and Rugby, Tennis Courts/Netball Courts They are interested to know from other authorities:

  • What daytime (off-peak) activities take place?
  • What is the hospitability offer?
  • Any new activity or facility ideas that have been implemented to:
    - increase footfall/income?
    - Add to use of traditional sports facilities?
  • Any effective partnerships to help maximise use?

SL0217 - Swimming lessons - 180719

A member authority is reviewing their swimming lesson offer
Please can you provide answers to the following:

• How much do you charge for your swim lessons (both DD and upfront)?
• Do you increase your prices for swimming lessons annually? (both pay as you go and direct debit)
• Do you enforce a swim hat policy within your swimming lessons?
• On the back of this have you seen an increase of sales or retention?
• Have you done any particular successful swimming lesson promotions that have either increased sales or improved retention?


SL0216 - Municipal Golf Courses - 280619

A member authority is reviewing management arrangements for its municipal golf course
They would like to know the following:

• Do you own one or more municipal golf courses?
• Do you run them directly?
o If not, who runs them for you?
• Do you pay a management fee or receive an income?


SL0214 - Lifeguard Pay - 200619

A member authority is reviewing the pay of its lifeguards
• What is your current rate of pay for your Lifeguards?
• Is the pay grade determined by your standard job evaluation process?
• If not – how is it determined?
• If it is - Do you evaluate the job based on the substantive role (lifeguarding) or do you include off poolside duties (cleaning, dryside duties etc.)?


SL0213 - Sports Development Strategy - 110619

A member authority is seeking examples of sports development strategies from other Councils
Please can you share a copy


SL0212 - Bicycle Training - 260419

A member authority would be keen to explore if others charge for the delivery of cycling training courses

Do you deliver cycling courses e.g. bikeability plus modules, balance bikes, learn to ride, pedal free?
• If so, what are the charges for each?
• Do you change for the provision of cycle education or training courses to private nurseries?


SL0211 - Other Leisure Managed Activities- 230419

I’m seeking examples of activities delivered by the leisure team outside the ‘normal’ job of running a leisure centre.

Do you carry out any additional activities that provide income or benefit to the leisure section?

Do you provide:
• Social service day centre type activities?
• Health & Wellbeing Board commissioned activity related enquires?
• CCG commissioned activities?
• External physical activities in the community/parks etc?
• Council funded sports development?
• Anything else?


SL0210 - Advertising Around Council owned Sports Pitches - 180419

A member authority is looking at the issue of advertising around Council owned Sports Pitches

• Do you have policy to support advertising around football / sports pitches?
• Please can you share it.


SL0209 - Health & Safety - Data Capture in Leisure - 220319

A member authority is looking for electronic methods of collecting Health & Safety information from their Leisure Facilities

• Do you use an electronic system to collect data? ( e.g. tablet, phone app etc.)
• Where is the data stored?
• What is the name/supplier of your system?


SL0208 - Options for leisure service contracts - 210319

A member authority is reviewing the future of its leisure, libraries and culture contracts – currently operated by an in-house company and charity.

They are interested in exploring options of either returning the services back in-house or re-letting avoiding a full blown EU procurement process.

• Have you recent experience of returning leisure services in-house from an external supplier?
• Have you used options other than full blown procurement to re-let contracts?
• Have you used consultancy support for this and if so who?


SL0207 - VAT Exemption on Sporting Activities - 140319

Following the European Court of Justice ruling on VAT exemptions for sporting activities, a member authority is reviewing its changing policy.

Specifically how the exemption of VAT applies to in-house leisure services taking casual bookings for team sports activities such as five-a-side in sports halls, and outdoor pitches.

• Are you applying the VAT exemption for casual bookings?
• Do you differentiate between community users/teams and those from business organisations booking a sports hall to make money?
• How do you record those subject/exempt from VAT?


Promoting excellence in public services

APSE (Association for Public Service Excellence) is a not for profit unincorporated association working with over 300 councils throughout the UK. Promoting excellence in public services, APSE is the foremost specialist in local authority frontline services, hosting a network for frontline service providers in areas such as waste and refuse collection, parks and environmental services, cemeteries and crematorium, environmental health, leisure, school meals, cleaning, housing and building maintenance.






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