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SL0308 - GP referral programmes – 091224

A member authority is seeking to review their GP referral programmes

Please can you answer the following:

  1. What qualifying criteria do apply for health conditions/ activity levels that are accepted on to the programme?
  2. What qualifications do your instructor hold?
  3. What does the scheme involve ie; weeks of scheme/programme, meetings contact frequency, supervised sessions
  4. What exit pathways are available and are there any discounts applied for people moving from the scheme?
  5. What referral pathways into the scheme exist, and what partners do you work with?
  6. Is there any funding support/ subsidy from public health or partners for this programme or scheme?


SL0307 - Gym Dress Code - 031224

A member authority is seeking to bring in a dress code policy

Please can you share the following information:

1 – Do you have a gym dress code?

  • If so, please can you share a copy

2 – Is this part of your terms and conditions when the customer signs up to use the gym?

3 – How do enforce this?


SL0306 -Monitoring Leisure Contracts - 261124

A member authority is moving their leisure contract to an agency model in 2025

The are seeking to update the leisure specification and are interested to know the following:

  • What KPI’s do you have with your operators?
  • What contract monitoring arrangements do you have in place with your operator?
  • What information do you collate as part of the performance monitoring reports from your operator and is the frequency of these reports monthly/quarterly/annual with the information required in each different?
  • Are you able to share your leisure services specification?
  • Would you be willing to discuss your leisure contract with the authority?


SL0305 - Pool Water Treatment Chemical Procurement – 131124

A member authority is about to commence the re-contracting for the supply of Pool Water Treatment Chemicals.

Please can you answer the following:

  • From where do you purchase you pool chemicals?
  • Do you use a purchasing 'framework' made up of public sector organisations, ESPO, CCS, YPO, NEPO, to undertake this process?
  • Or do you use 'individually' procured suppliers?


SL0304 - Community focussed school policy for access to school sport facilities – 130924

A member authority is asking if other councils have a successful community focussed school policy for access to school sport facilities?

If so, please could they share the policy document and any associated political reports and papers.


SL0303 - Storage containers on council/local authority premises – 130924

A member authority is looking to regularise the siting of storage containers on Council land

Please can you answer the following:

  • Do you have storage containers on council premises/land?
  • Do you have a specific policy for containers?
  • How are they maintained and are they aligned with an asset policy?


SL0302 - Assisted Lifeguard Technology / Drowning Detection Systems - 040924

A member authority is currently looking at Assisted Lifeguard Technology (ALT) / Drowning Detection Systems (DDS).

  • Do you currently use ALT / DDS in your pools?
  • What is the name of your system supplier?


SL0301 - Membership Discounts - 220824

A member authority is seeking to revise their facility memberships

They are seeking the following information:

We are looking for information from local authorities regarding concession / discounted memberships and have the following questions.

  • Do you offer:
  1. a discount scheme for residents who live within your area who use your facilities on a pay as you go basis?  What discount is offered?
  2. a discount scheme on gym/swim memberships for residents of your area who use your facilities? What discount is offered?
  3.  any loyalty/discount scheme for out of area non-residents? What discount is offered?
  4. How many different direct debit memberships do you offer for your health and fitness product?
  • Do you offer:
  1. cash up front health and fitness memberships? If so, can you list the options? Quarterly, annual
  2. any free swimming for certain age groups/demographics? If so, whom do you offer this for?
  3. Student discount on pay as you go activities and memberships?
  4. A variety of contract length direct debit memberships for:

health and fitness memberships? If so, what are these?

swimming lessons memberships? If so, what are these?


SL0300 - Lifeguard to Bather Ratios - 190824         

A member authority is currently rationalising & standardising their Pool Safety Operation Procedures.

Existing guidance HSG179 uses pool capacity, number of people in the pool and a Lifeguard Zone Visibility Test (LZVT).

Please answer the following:

  • Do you have a set Lifeguard to bather ratio, if so, what is that figure?
  • What is your rationale for arriving at that figure, have you arrived at that figure using any accessible guidance?


SL0299 - Junckers Wooden Sports Hall Floors - 150824  

A member authority is looking at a project to install a new 4 Court Sports Hall Floor at one of their Leisure Centres They are reviewing the flooring options and have been advised that a Junckers Beech wooden floor comes with a 25 Year Warranty period.

Please can you provide answers to the following:

  • What is your experience of maintaining a Junckers wooden floor?
  • What are the costs associated with a maintenance regime?
  • Do you have to employ a specialist contractor to carry out the maintenance regime or can this be managed in house?
  • Have you had to arrange any works under the warranty? If so, what were these? And did you have to cover any costs?
  • Do you have any learning that you can share regarding the installation and maintenance of a Junckers wooden floor?


SL0298 - Long-term venue hire - 100724   

A member authority is reviewing pricing models for long-term (3 to 5 year) venue hire.

They would greatly appreciate insights from other members regarding their approaches to pricing and discounts.

Please would you provide the following information:

Long-Term Rental Practices

  1. Do you offer long-term hire at your venue?
  2. If yes, please provide information on:

a) Contractual arrangements:

  • Do you use existing venue Terms & Conditions of hire?
  • Do you implement a separate long-term agreement?
  • Do you use a partnership agreement?

b) Discount policies:

  • Do you offer discounts for longer term hirers?
  • If so, how are these discounts determined?

Discount Methods

  • If you offer discounts, please indicate which of the following methods you use:
  • Percentage uplift against the base cost for the venue
  • Percentage off published prices
  • Market analysis to align with competitors/benchmarking
  • A negotiated rate with the hirer and venue
  • Land & Property Services evaluation (or UK equivalent)
  • Other – please advise


SL0297 - Free swimming for under 17s - 210624  

A member authority is reviewing their free swimming policies

  • Please can you provide the following information in relation under 17's swimming
  • Do you offer any free swimming sessions for under 17's

If so:

  • Are there specific hours/sessions during the day?
  • Is it run seasonally or during school holidays only?
  • Do you attempt to check eligibility?


SL0296 - Booking Systems – 170624

A member authority is exploring the use of booking systems for various council activities.

Please can you supply the following information:

Which booking systems do you use for the following activities and how well do they work in automating the process?

  • Activity
  • Sports (pitch bookings, activity bookings, events)
  • Leisure activities
  • Meeting rooms
  • Event space (for weddings, festivals, 3rd party events)
  • Occupational health activities (fitness sessions)
  • Clubs

(System name and feedback on functionality)

They are particularly interested to know if there are systems that allow the build of multiple activities

e.g. team building events where there are options on the activities that can be included and space/catering requirements.

If so,

  • Does it cope with multiple payment options (e.g. at the point of booking, or by invoice).
  • Can you use it across multiple services/ functions (e.g. sports, libraries)
  • Are these integrated into your financial systems and, if so, which ones and how well does it work?
  • Can you use it to compare cost to income?
  • Are you able to update the system yourself as new activities and spaces are added?
  • Will it hold staff rotas and/or calendars?
  • Any other functions that are particularly useful?


SL0295 -  Complaint Handling Code - 120624       

The Complaint Handling Code was introduced in February 2024 giving Councils 2 years to implement it.

Sections 6.22  states: ‘Organisations are responsible for ensuring that any third parties handle complaints in line with the Code’. This includes leisure contractors

The member authority would like to know the following:

  • Are you aware of the new Complaint Handling Code?
  • Do you have the same complaints procedure as your leisure provider or are you taking steps to align?
  • Have you decided that the local authority will be responsible for the complaints procedure in future?
  •  Are your council-wide complaints procedures aligned to the new requirements of the ombudsman?


SL0294 - Charges for Community centres, allotments and bowling greens - 010824  

A member authority is reviewing their charges for facility hire and events

Please can you provide your current charges for the following:

  • Allotment rental
  • Bowling Green hire
  • Community hall hire


SL0293 - DSEAR Assessment – 290324

A member authority is reviewing its health and safety procedures around pool operation.

They are primarily concerned about their DSEAR Assessment (The Dangerous Substances and Explosive Atmospheres Regulations (DSEAR))

Please could you answer the following:

•              Do you currently have a DSEAR assessment completed for their plant rooms / chemicals stores?

•              Who completed the assessment?

o             Your management team?

o             An external provider?

•              If you used an external provider

o             What was you reasoning behind this decision?

o             What was the cost?


SL0292 - Concessions on Leisure memberships – 250324

A member authority is reviewing their online membership system for leisure

Members of the public can purchase a standard membership or tick the relevant box (age, disability etc) and claim a concession with a reduced membership fee.

The Council wish to ensure that only qualifying people receive their rightful discount

The Council wish to know the following:

•              Do you offer concessionary (reduced fee) memberships online?

•              How do you police those who claim?

o             Do you give a certain time to demonstrate proof – if so how?

o             Will you accept proof via email/text/hardcopy?

o             Do you revert to standard rate if criteria not demonstrated?

o             To whom do you offer concessions?

•              Do you have standard T&Cs that you can share


SL0291 - 24-hour access to Gyms – 150224

A member authority is seeking to bring in 24-hour access to its Gyms

Please can you answer the following questions

1.         Access Control:

•          How is access to the 24-hour gym controlled?

•          Is there a key card system, mobile app access, or another method in place?

•          How do you ensure that only authorised members can enter during non-staffed hours?

2.         Security Measures:

•          What security measures are in place to ensure the safety of members during 24-hour access?

•          Is there surveillance or monitoring of the gym floor during non-staffed hours?

3.         Emergency Protocols:

•          What procedures are in place to handle emergencies or medical situations during non-staffed hours?

•          How are members informed about emergency protocols and contact information?

4.         Member Support:

•          Is there any on-call support or assistance available to members during 24-hour access?

•          How do members contact staff or receive help if needed?

5.         Equipment Accessibility:

•          Are all gym equipment and facilities accessible during 24-hour periods?

•          Are there any restrictions on certain areas or equipment during non-staffed hours?

6.         Membership Fees:

•          Is there any additional cost associated with 24-hour access, or is it included in the standard membership fees?

•          Are there different membership tiers with varying access levels?

7.         Future Enhancements:

•          Are there any plans to enhance or modify the 24-hour access system in the future?

•          Are there upcoming features or improvements to be aware of?


SL0290 - Sports Pitch Booking Services / Software – 150124

A member authority is reviewing the operation of the booking system for its football, cricket and rounders pitches.

They are keen to learn what other booking software other councils use.

Please can you provide the following information:

•          How do you currently take pitch bookings?

•          Do you use an online/App based service?

•          If online – what is the name of the software or provider?

•          Are you able to provide a typical yearly cost?

•          How are bookings policed?


SL0289 - Future subsidy for leisure centres – 040124

A member authority is negotiating the level of subsidy it pays to its leisure delivery partner going forward

Their current portfolio includes 1 stand-alone swimming pool, 2 leisure centres with pools and 2 dry site leisure centres and current subsidy for 2023/24 is around £350K

Please can you share the following information:

•          The number and type of leisure facilities you operate?

•          What is your predicted subsidy payment for 2023/24 and 2024/25?

•          Do you have a current leisure centre business plan that you can share?

Promoting excellence in public services

APSE (Association for Public Service Excellence) is a not for profit unincorporated association working with over 300 councils throughout the UK. Promoting excellence in public services, APSE is the foremost specialist in local authority frontline services, hosting a network for frontline service providers in areas such as waste and refuse collection, parks and environmental services, cemeteries and crematorium, environmental health, leisure, school meals, cleaning, housing and building maintenance.






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