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Local authority and police collaboration on fleet and vehicle procurement and maintenance - TVM0121/231013
This APSE member authority is considering working with its local police authority on fleet and vehicle maintenance and procurement / supply issues. They are keen to develop their strategy quickly and therefore view a collaborative approach (non-company route) as highly feasible.

They would be interested to hear from other APSE members about similar initiatives and in particular:

  • The model of delivery used for such collaboration and
  • Copies of any 'memorandum of understanding' or other outline agreements that fall short of full contract status to develop such joint initiatives.

MOT testing - TVM0123/181113
Local Authorities have the power to inspect and test taxis within their own local authority area

  • Do you also use your MOT facility for testing vehicles on behalf of another Council?
  • Do you test private vehicles?
  • Do you offer vehicle repair services in addition?

Tyre Fitting and Procurement - TVM0122/241013
This local authority is looking to expand its business into tyre fitting and would be interested in hearing back from peers on the following questions:

  • Do any of the apse member authorities carry out their own tyre fitting?
  • If so what does your model look like and how do you procure tyre stock?

Level of service / safety inspections for vehicles – TVM0120
This local authority is looking at all aspects of fleet costs and processes and as part of it they are looking from feedback from others to gauge the current level of service / safety inspections for vehicle across the group.

They currently inspect vehicles on the following basis:

  • Refuse HGV - 4 Weekly Internal
  • All Other HGV - 6 Weekly Intervals
  • Light Goods Vehicles - 13 Weekly Intervals

Comprehensive Review of Community and Accessible Transport – TVM0119
This member authority would like to hear from other authorities who have undertaken a Comprehensive Review of Community and Accessible Transport in recent years and could share their experiences. This member authority is embarking on just such a Review and would be interested to hear experiences including any pitfalls which have been found by others.  They are especially keen to understand experiences of sharing services with Third Sector groups, Health colleagues and ambulance services.

Review of travel costs for grey fleet use – TVM0115/130613
This authority is reviewing travel costs for grey fleet use (currently paying 45p per mile) and would be interested in receiving responses from other authorities on the following:

  • What rate do you currently pay?
  • Is this because of linkage to HMRC rates?
  • Are you considering reviewing rates?

Driving at work policies TV0108/050313
This local authority would like to receive copies of any other authorities driving at work policy’s, particularly including sections for refuse collection vehicle cameras and telematics.

Journey times for adults and children with special needs – TV0113/160413
A member authority of APSE is looking at the recommended maximum journey times and actual journey times for adults and children with special needs using local authorities own passenger transport service or services which are contracted out. We would therefore be grateful if you could provide any information on:

  • Your own policy as to maximum recommended journey times for Adults and Children with Special needs (and please indicate if your policy differs for different groups of passengers) and
  • Your actual recorded journey times – do these vary from policy and if so for what reasons.

Service level agreements – TV0112/160413
This local authority would appreciate copies of other authorities Service Level Agreements (SLA’s) for vehicle maintenance. They would particularly welcome copies of SLA’s with refuse/waste services, street cleansing/street scene services and grounds maintenance services.

Job Description for a vehicle technician chargehand or team leader – TV0111/160413
This local authority would appreciate copies of other local authorities job descriptions for their vehicle technician chargehands or team leaders.

Definitions of Fair Wear and Tear and Non-Fair Wear and Tear TV0109/140313
This authority would appreciate feedback from other authorities on what definition for ‘Fair wear and tear’ and ‘Non-fair wear and tear’ they work to.

Different models of delivery of local bus services – TV0107/220113
This Local Authority is interested in the operation of local bus services and the different delivery models operating within different Council areas. Namely:

  • What are the different models of delivery of local bus services in your locality?
  • How is your council involved in that delivery (e.g. subsidising routes, joint venture with private company etc)?
  • Has anyone considered the social enterprise model?
  • If so, how did you develop the social enterprise to deliver transport services, what services does it perform and what have been the benefits?

Promoting excellence in public services

APSE (Association for Public Service Excellence) is a not for profit unincorporated association working with over 300 councils throughout the UK. Promoting excellence in public services, APSE is the foremost specialist in local authority frontline services, hosting a network for frontline service providers in areas such as waste and refuse collection, parks and environmental services, cemeteries and crematorium, environmental health, leisure, school meals, cleaning, housing and building maintenance.






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