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TVM0254 - Community and Adult Social Care Transport- cost to user - 150819

A member authority is reviewing the provision of community & adult transport Please can you provide the following information:

1. Do you charge for Adult Social Care transport as a local authority - if so, what is the cost to the service user?

2. Do you charge for Community Transport as a local authority (or does the contractor on your behalf) – if so, what is the cost to the service user?

3. Are concessionary fares accepted on community transport?

4. Do your Community Transport providers also provide our Adult Social Care transport?

TVM0253 - Use of tablets in workshop - 190719

A member authority is reviewing their Fleet management software system What fleet workshop system do you use? Does the system use tablets on the shop-floor? If so do you have a specification/ particular model/type of tablet?

TVM0252 - DVSA Test Facility - In-House DVSA HGV Authorised Testing Facility (ATF) - 280619

A member authority are assessing the potential specification for a new depot and whether it should include an HGV AFT. They would like to ask APSE members the following questions in relation to In-house ATFs:

• When did you become an ATF?
• What type of AFT do they operate:
- Own account only
- Own account with option to test third party
- Open access
• Capital costs of premises (build or conversion) and testing equipment?
• Operating pattern/hours?
• Percentage utilisation achieved of ‘test slot’ capacity?
• Average daily throughput (number of tests)?
• Annual operating costs?
• Income derived from testing HGV’s other than own fleet?
• Percentage of third party tests for which you provide a vehicle load?
• Does the HGV ATF operate:
- At a loss?
- Breakeven?
- Generate a surplus?
In all cases exclude any central support costs
• Details of any other operational issues/risks of which a potential new operator should be aware of?



TVM0251 - Driving Licence Bureaus - 250619

A member authority is seeking to improve the way is monitors and records employee driving licence records to ensure they are entitled to drive the appropriate vehicles.

• Do you use a Bureau for this?
o If so which one?
• What benefits and issues have you experienced?
• If not using a Bureau – how do you manage licence checks?
• Who has responsibility for the task within your authority – one officer or dispersed?


TVM0250 - Replacement of building maintenance fleet with electric vehicles - 060619

An APSE Member Authority are currently considering replacing the councils building maintenance fleet and are seeking information from other authorities. If your authority is considering or have replaced the building maintenance fleet with electric vehicles would you be able to provide an brief overview?


TVM0249 - New electric mopeds procurement

This APSE member council is looking into the possibility of using electric mopeds.
The would like to know,

• They would like to know if any APSE member local authorities are currently using electric mopeds?
• If yes, what makes are they?
• Where the they leased or purchased?


TVM0248 - Grey Fleet Checks

A member authority is reviewing their procedures for Grey Fleet Drivers using their own vehicles for business purposes:

Please confirm whether you check the following and the frequency:

Driver License Checks
Grey Fleet Vehicle MOT
Insurance Business Use


TVM0247 - LGV drive through washing facility - specification and use - 020519

A member authority is seeking to install an LGV drive-through washing facility. They would appreciate feedback from anyone who has one in operation;

If you have a facility please state:
• Make & Model/
• Are brushes used for RCVs or just high pressure jets?
• What are the maintenance schedules?
• Lead times for replacement components?
• If brushes are attached to the facility, can they be deactivated for a jet wash only?
• Are under chassis jets effective enough to justify the additional expense?
• How has/does the equipment reduced the time associated with vehicle maintenance?

Do you have a specification you used to purchase the equipment?


TVM0246 - Procurement of second-hand coaches/buses - 260419

A member authority is seeking to procure around 10 coaches, buses and minibuses for main-stream education transport.

• Have you bought pre-owned vehicles?
• Did you use a framework or full tender process?
• Did you issue a specification?
• From whom did you ultimately purchase the vehicles?


TVM0245 - Vehicle mounted road defect detections systems - 050419

A member authority is investigating the use of vehicle mounted systems for the detection of roads defects e.g. potholes and open joints or other routine maintenance items.

If you are using such a system please can you provide information as follows;

• Description of system?
• Does it utilise on-board or external data processing?
• How well does it integrate with other systems?
• What is the accuracy of detection?
• What are the costs for procurement, set-up and running?
• Any lessons learnt that you would be happy to share with others?
If you are not currently using a vehicle mounted system are you considering using them?


TVM0244 - Operator Licence Audits - 110419

A member authority is reviewing their compliance audits for their vehicle operators licence

Do you have a Council Fleet Policy containing;
1. The responsibilities for OL compliance Auditing or a protocol or procedure covering who in the organisation has responsibility for carrying out this function?

2. Does this document cover how the audit should be carried out, i.e.
a. by whom e.g. Line Supervisors, Services Managers, internal Audit Officer etc?
b. or is it left to Fleet Managements sole responsibility?
c. when, e.g. recommended frequency?
d. how, what method or reporting format?

3. Are Fleet auditing arrangements covered by a higher level Auditing Policy issued by the Council?

4. Are there any other Agreements in place which ensures compliance with Unions, Drivers etc for this aspect of Auditing, e.g Local Agreement, Services delivery procedures etc.

5. How is OL audit compliance measured, or scored?

6. Where are compliance Audit reports reported in the organisation?

7. Do organisation arrangements formalise the use of external OL Compliance Audits?


TVM0243 - Taking Fleet Vehicles Home - 040419

A member authority is reviewing its policy on employees taking fleet vehicles home.

• Do you have a policy? (if so can you share it)
• Are there specific restrictions attached?
• Is it taxed as a benefit in kind?
• Have you changed the vehicle insurances?


TVM0242 - Fire Extinguishers in Vehicles - 020419

A member authority is reviewing the use of Fire extinguishers within its fleet.

• What is your policy on placing fire-extinguishers within street-scene vehicles?
• What training do you provide?


TVM0241 - Taxi vehicle specification and testing - 260319

This authority would like to know:

1. What are councils specifying for age before renewals are required, vehicle types and specifications allowed?

2. What training is required or provided for ASN transport?

3. What training is required or provided 


TVM0240 - Vehicle emissions standards within contracts for passenger support services - 270219

A member authority is currently re-tendering passenger transport services and would be interested to understand what vehicle emissions standards have been specified within contracts for passenger transport services for the following vehicles:

1. mini-bu


TVM0239a - Fleet Risk Assessments - 210219

This authority are updating their risk assessments and would like others to share their thoughts on:

1. Lone working in a workshop or on vehicle standby / call out
2. Working in confined spaces, such as rear of an RCV or sweeper etc.
3. Removal and re


TVM0238a - Pool Car Key and Booking Systems - 210219

This authority is interested in information from others on pool car key and booking systems. They are especially interested in the system utilising mobile networks allowing codes to open key locks (similar to the Enterprise model), however any information


TVM0238 - Driving Assessments for staff - 310119

A member authority would like to determine how others assess drivers.

Do you:
1. insist on a pre-employment driving assessment for:
· all staff?
· just those driving fleet vehicles?
· none at all?

2. have regular driving assessments for:
· all staff?

TVM0237 - Face masks when power washing vehicles - 290119

A member authority is reviewing its procedures for power washing vehicles prior to maintenance and use of facemasks

• Do you have a procedure you can share?
• Do you specify use of a facemask, and if so, what type?


TVM0236 - Eye Condition Risk Assessment – Drivers - 280119

A member authority is assessing its insurance liability for drivers with eye conditions.

• Prior to being allowed to drive for the Council, do you carry out personal risk assessments for those staff with eye conditions?

• Do you have a standard assess


TVM0235 - Under 10 tonne vehicle inspection schedules - 230119

A member authority would like to find out what local authorities' interval schedules are on vehicles under 10 tonne 2 axle for inspection i.e. 6 weeks 8 weeks etc.


TVM0234 - Vehicle insurance claims - 210119

This authority would like to know if others:

1. Use pre-determined standard charges or actual costs per road traffic incident to determine the reclaim costs for insurance purposes

2. Total amount of insurance claims awarded to the Local Authority due 


Promoting excellence in public services

APSE (Association for Public Service Excellence) is a not for profit unincorporated association working with over 300 councils throughout the UK. Promoting excellence in public services, APSE is the foremost specialist in local authority frontline services, hosting a network for frontline service providers in areas such as waste and refuse collection, parks and environmental services, cemeteries and crematorium, environmental health, leisure, school meals, cleaning, housing and building maintenance.






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