TVM0277 - Pool Fleet Processes – 171220
A member authority is seeking to understand how other transport departments deal with their pool fleet including size, type as well as administration processes and how vehicles are charged to other departments.
The survey report is available on request
TVM0276 – Electric Vehicle Chargers - Installation and O&M Costs – 151220
A member authority is in the process of identifying appropriate locations and specifications for the installation of EV chargers for their vehicle fleet
They are seeking indicative costs for:
TVM0274 - Keyless Vehicle Entry - 181120
An APSE member authority is researching the use of keyless entry technology for vehicles
TVM0273 – Fleet Management systems – 211020
A member authority is seeking to replace their current Fleet Management System.
Please can you provide the following information:
TVM0272 – Secure SEND Transport software – 211020
A member authority is looking at improving the systems they use for dedicated home to school transport for SEND children
TVM0271 - Building/kitting out a workshop van for attending and repairing at the roadside – 021020
This local authority would like to hear from any other member authorities that have built/ kitting out a workshop van for breakdown work? This would be for attending and repairing at the roadside (not to recover the vehicle itself).
TVM0270 Use of dash cams in vehicles – SCOT 250920
This local authority is keen to hear from other member authorities as to whether they use dash cams in vehicles, in particular:-
RRTVM0001 - Covid-19 Social Distancing on Home to School Transport - 200720
Based on the Government guidance for home to school transport (issued within the school guidance document for returning to school in September)
• What arrangements does your local authority run home to school transport team intend to implement?
• Do you intend no longer applying social distancing measures as per the guidance?
• or source additional funding to increase capacity of vehicles and staff so that social distance can be maintained?
TVM0270 - SEND Transport Costs - 100720
As we return to school under impact of Covid-19, please can you provide information on the following:
APSE will anonymise returns and provide average figures, which will be shared with all.
This is an additional piece of work to the APSE Performance Networks Covid-19 survey
1. How many children & young people do you provide a SEND transport service for?
2. Do you provide Personal Travel Budget allowances (PTB) to parents or guardians instead of arranged travel? If so, how many?
3. Do you provide an in-house service or use external contractors or a mixture of both for SEND Transport? If a mixture – approx. what percentage for each type? In-house ?% / Private Sector ?%.
4. Do you use a Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS) or Contract Framework to tender your SEND transport provision? Please state which or give details if you do something different.
5. For SEND transport provided externally by private sector, what is your current best and also average submitted contract price for vehicle - CAR?
Initial 3 miles - Best price £? / Average price £?
4-24 miles - Best price £? per mile / Average price £? per mile
25+ miles - Best price £? per mile / Average price £? per mile
6. For SEND transport provided externally by private sector, what is your current best and also average submitted contract price for vehicle - MPV up to 8 seats?
Initial 3 miles - Best price £? / Average price £?
4-24 miles - Best price £? per mile / Average price £? per mile
25+ miles - Best price £? per mile / Average price £? per mile
7. For SEND transport provided externally by private sector, what is your current best and also average submitted contract price for vehicle - Adapted MPV up to 8 seats?
Initial 3 miles - Best price £? / Average price £?
4-24 miles - Best price £? per mile / Average price £? per mile
25+ miles - Best price £? per mile / Average price £? per mile
8. Do you use Passenger Assistants who are responsible for the safety and welfare of higher risk children and young adults during the journey? If so, who provides this service?
9. What is the cost per Passenger Assistant per hour?
10. Do you use specialist Passenger Assistants for children that potentially require emergency medication and children with more significant behavioural issues?
11. What is the cost per specialist Passenger Assistant per hour?
TVM0269 - Covid-19 related cleaning of SEND & school transport - 120620
A member authority is seeking to develop a sustainable cleaning regime for their small coaches and minibuses in anticipation of more children attending school
Please could you share detail of your cleaning/sanitising regimes:
1. What cleaning method are you using?
2. What size of fleet are these being applied to?
3. How effective is the chosen methodology (if known)?
4. Who is responsible for the cleaning e.g. drivers, cleaning staff, specialist companies etc.?
5. What is the cost of the regime on a per vehicle basis?
6. Is this cleaning regime part of a risk assessment for the transport operation?
7. How often does cleaning take place?
8. What equipment and/or chemicals are being used?
9. What problems (if any) have been encounted?
TVM0269 - Permitting external businesses to test licensed vehicles – 160320
A member authority would like to receive information from those local authorities which are responsible for licensing and “taxi licensing.
They are particularly interested to know whether any authority permit licensed vehicles to be tested by businesses outside of the local authority and what was the reason for such a decision.
TVM0268 - Gate Checks on Vehicles - 100320
A member authority is reviewing its compliance procedures.
• Do you carry out Gate Checks or Spot Checks on vehicles prior to use?
• If so - How often do you do and what process do you use?
TVM0267 - Processes and procedures for vehicle accidents - 070220
This local authority would like to know what other member authorities have in place for:
• Vehicle accident procedures
• What is the criteria for blame worthy and non-blame worthy accidents
• What is the criteria for accident disciplinary procedures
• Any rewards/incentives for good drivers
• Any processes in place for drug and alcohol tests after an accident
• Do you have an up to date robust drivers handbook available?
TVM0266 - Exemption from Driver CPC qualification when driving bus under section 19 or 22 permits – 151119
The advice given previously by the Freight Transport Association (FTA) was that the Driver and Vehicle Standards Agency (DVSA) had indicated it believes this exemption is likely to apply to passenger vehicles being operated by non-profit-making organisations e.g. passenger vehicles driven for non-commercial bodies under section 19 or 22 permits, whether they are driven by volunteer drivers or employee drivers.
A member authority has been advised by the FTA that the DVSA have changed their stance on this and they have dropped the “employee drivers” term from their previous interpretation as detailed above. This will be the advice given in the 2020 FTA Road Transport Law Handbook and relayed by the FTA Members Advice Centre from now on.
This now therefore brings in to debate whether the likes of school teachers taking children on a school outing would be deemed as a volunteer driver. Should they not be, this will potentially have serious consequences on school activities etc.
Given the information above this authority would like to know:-
1. Are you aware of this change by the DVSA?
2. At present do any of your employees, including school teachers, who drive buses hold the DCPC qualification?
3. What are your views on this matter and what action if any do you intend on taking?