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Recouping training costs
- SCOT0020/131114

1.Does you local authority look to recover costs for training completed by staff who leave the local authority to pursue a new job opportunity?

2.If yes can you confirm what types of training this covers and the arrangements which are in place for this?

3.If available could you please provide any examples of paperwork completed by staff to formalise these arrangements.

Health & Safety arrangements for “cut-off” saw in dealing with crystalline silica dust
- SCOT0019/131114

Could you please confirm what current health & safety arrangements are in place within your authority when using ’cut-off’ saw (Abrasive Wheels) in dealing with crystalline silica dust, in particular:-

1.Do you provide face masks for members of staff using a ‘cut-off’ saw and if so what type of mask?

2.Do you provide face fitting tests for all members of staff using ‘cut-off’ saws?

3.If you don’t provide face masks do you provide a suitable alternative such as air-fed helmets/hoods.

4.If face fitting testing is carried out what measures are in place when facial characteristics change i.e. employee is not clean shaven to ensure masks for  properly.

How will local authorities look to collate P1-P3 free school meal uptake data?
- SCOT0018/300714

This local authority would like to hear from Scottish colleagues as to how they plan to collate P1-P3 free school meal uptake data prior to and following the roll-out of the new programme in January 2015?

Non-payment of lunches
- SCOT0017/070714

This local authoirty is keen to hear from colleagues as to whether there are policies in place within their authorities for non-payment by pupils for school lunch and what do they feed the child (full free allowance or reduced provision)? They would also be interested to hear about any policies in place to recover these monies.

Enforcement of single use carrier bag regulations
- SCOT0016/300614

This authority is investigating how best to implement the new Single Use Carrier Bags (Scotland) Regulations 2014. Specifically, they would like to know where other member authorities have considered and / or are planning to locate the regulatory function associated with the new Regulations and how they have gone about this process.

Procedures for the impending implementation of the High Hedges Legislation (Scotland)
- SCOT0015/140114

This local authority is seeking any information on what procedures or processes other Scottish local authorities are putting in place for the implementation of the High Hedges (Scotland) Act 2013.

In particular on:
• Handling enquiries
• Administration and management of the application process
• Proposals for fees

New models for janitorial service
- SCOT0014/030114

This local authority is looking at different ways of setting the structure for the janitorial service and is aware that a number of local authorities are moving towards part-time and peripatetic janitorial staff.

Therefore they would be interested to find out:
• Whether your local authority has or is thinking about moving towards this model
• What pros and cons were experienced during the implementation and on-going management of this model
• Details of other non-traditional models used by local authorities for their janitorial / FM structure


Promoting excellence in public services

APSE (Association for Public Service Excellence) is a not for profit unincorporated association working with over 300 councils throughout the UK. Promoting excellence in public services, APSE is the foremost specialist in local authority frontline services, hosting a network for frontline service providers in areas such as waste and refuse collection, parks and environmental services, cemeteries and crematorium, environmental health, leisure, school meals, cleaning, housing and building maintenance.






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