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SCOT0068 - Programmes for Pre-School Children

This authority would like to ask other local authorities and sports trusts in Scotland if the programmes they run for pre-school children (as a whole) are either profit making, subsidised or just cover their costs?

SCOT0067 - CCTV and Fixed Penalty Notices

This local authority would be grateful if other local authorities could provide information on the following questions about using CCTV for issuing Fixed Penalty Notices:-

1. Do you use CCTV to issue Fixed Penalty Notices for littering and/or flytipping? If you do, what is your procedure for issuing the notices?

2. Did you have any issues with your own legal department about issuing Fixed Penalty Notices using CCTV? If you did, what were they and how were they resolved?

SCOT0066 - PPE Footwear for Catering, Cleaning Employees

This local authority would be grateful if other local authorities could provide information on the following:-

A local authority is having issues with procuring suitable footwear for catering and cleaning operatives. Is there a local authority who issues footwear to catering or cleaning employees that doesn't have steel/composite toecaps?

SCOT0065 - Butcher meat – Quality Meat Scotland

A member authority would like to ask others:

What percentage of the butcher meat used by your authority is QMS (Quality Meat Scotland)?

SCOT0064 - Increased children's nursery use of parks

Following the commitment by the Scottish Government to increase free childcare hours from 600 to 1,140 hours a year by 2020, this local authority parks service is aware of increased interest in
childcare nursery provision in parks from both private and public sector children’s nurseries.

This local authority parks service is looking to develop a method for managing the grounds maintenance costs associated with children’s nursery use of parks in a way which is scalable, consistent/fair across both public and private sector children’s nurseries, encourages the nursery community to actively support the park through environmental activities/volunteering, etc, and which reflects the fact that parks, unlike education, is a non-statutory service with attendant budgetary pressures.

This member authority would therefore be interested in hearing from other local authority parks services who have sought to implement an arrangement other than nil charge or ‘flat fee per private children’s nursery per park’.

SCOT0062 - Public Conveniences

This local authority would like to hear from any other member authorities who have public toilets within their Parks and if they currently charge a small fee for their use?

Any information would be greatly appreciated.

SCOT0061 - Taxi Age Limit Policy

A member authority is reviewing their taxi age profile to improve their standards, and would like information on other councils policies/approach to this.

  1. What is your council’s taxi age limit policy?
  2. What are the council’s taxi testing frequency policy? (if you are able to share a copy of your policy, this would be appreciated)

SCOT0060 - Litter removal off large roundabouts

A member Authority requests feedback from Scottish Local Authorities regarding responsibility for litter removal from large landscaped roundabouts on Trunk Roads. They are interested in other local authorities understanding whether this responsibility lies with the Local Authority or the Traffic Scotland

SCOT0058 - Janitorial job descriptions

This local authority would be grateful if colleagues would be happy to share job descriptions for any of their janitorial posts. If you could please provide copies this would be greatly appreciated.

SCOT0057 - In-House Cleaning of Kitchen Fans and Ducts

This APSE member authority would like to know if any local authorities are already carrying out In-House Cleaning of Kitchen Fans and Ducts and are looking for information on the following:

  1. The frequencies of cleaning they have set
  2. The name/address of the training company who trained staff
  3. Copies of any risk assessment and safe working procedures
  4. Details of cleaning solutions used including SDS

SCOT0056 - Biodiversity officers in Scotland

A member authority would like to know:

  1. Does your local authority have a biodiversity officer?
  2. If not, how do you deliver the biodiversity duty?

SCOT0055 - The Community Empowerment (Scotland) Act 2015 and allotment strategies

This member authority would seek to understand the following:

In line with the Community Empowerment (Scotland) Act 2015, Part 9, Section 119 Duty to prepare a food-growing strategy, would it be the intention of your local authority to develop

  1.        An allotment strategy independent of the food growing strategy
  2.        Maintain an allotment strategy which in turn informs the food-growing strategy
  3.        A food-growing strategy that replaces any allotment strategy 

SCOT0054 - Service Level Agreements in schools for 3 or 4 day cleans

This local authority would like to know if any other member authorities have a Service Level Agreement (SLA) for 3 or 4 day cleans in schools (primary and secondary) they would be willing to share?

Promoting excellence in public services

APSE (Association for Public Service Excellence) is a not for profit unincorporated association working with over 300 councils throughout the UK. Promoting excellence in public services, APSE is the foremost specialist in local authority frontline services, hosting a network for frontline service providers in areas such as waste and refuse collection, parks and environmental services, cemeteries and crematorium, environmental health, leisure, school meals, cleaning, housing and building maintenance.






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