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SCOT0139 - Manning vehicles for footway gritting operations

In light of the current COVID pandemic and working regulations a member authority would like to hear from other authorities as to how they are dealing with manning vehicles for footway gritting operations?

SCOT0138 - Assisted Garden Maintenance Scheme

A member authority would like to ask other local authorities if:-

  1. They provide an assisted garden maintenance scheme?

If yes,

  1. Do you provide this to tenants only or tenants and home owners?
  2. Do you change for this service and if so what is the charge?

SCOT0137 - Janitorial tied housing

This local authority would like to know if other member authorities still have janitorial tied housing? If not:-

  1. What process did you follow to remove this benefit?
  2. Have you had any equal pay claims from janitors who do not have a tied house?

SCOT0136 - School Lets

A Member authority are currently seeking information regarding Lets in Schools. The Member Authority are specifically interested in the following:-

  1. What groups are currently permitted the use of the school?
  2. What cleaning regime do you have in place prior to and after each let?
  3. What document(s) (if any) do you have in place regarding the use of the school during the Let (risk assessments, cleaning procedures between classes etc.)?
  4. Any other information would be advantageous.

SCOT0135 - Re-opening of public conveniences

This local authority is keen to hear what other member authorities are intending to do regarding re-opening public conveniences, specifically:-

1. Do you operate public toilets?
If yes,
2. How many?
3. Are you intending to re-open?
4. If no, can you share briefly your situation?
5. If yes, when, and are you introducing changes to how they operate, manpower etc?
6. Have you estimated any costs of increased servicing and capital? Would you be willing to share any info?


SCOT0134 - Face coverings for indoor customer interactions to reduce transmission

With the announcement regarding face coverings being mandatory (as of July 10th) for shops and, more specifically to reduce the risk of transmission indoors, this local authority would like to know what other member authorities are considering where all reasonable steps cannot be guaranteed in their customer interaction locations, for example: libraries, customer information services, money advice shops. Are mandatory face coverings being consider or applied?


SCOT0131- APSE Network Query: Construction Consent (1) & (2)

This local authority would like to know if any member authority charges in part or full for the processing of construction consents and particularly revisions? If so:-

1. What is the nature and structure of the charging regime?
2. How has this been aligned with statutory responsibilities and legal obligations?
3. Would member authorities be willing to share documentation including approval papers, business case, etc?

This local authority would like to know if any member authorities have an in-house service and full responsibility for road and/or lighting design for private developers? If so:-

1. How has this been aligned with statutory responsibilities and legal obligations?
2. What has been the nature and scale of benefits of this approach including income generation, consent process service improvement and efficiencies?


SCOT0130 - Adopted Food Growing Strategies

1. How many Scottish local authorities have published an adopted FGS (Food Growing Strategies)?
2. Will the consequences of COVID-19 impact upon your capacity to meet the statutory requirements arising from Part 9 of the Community Empowerment Act? If yes, in what ways?


SCOT0129 - Use of the Apologies (Scotland) Act 2016 - 100620

A Member of Scottish Parliament has contacted APSE to ask if our member authorities would be willing to confirm if they have used the protections afforded by the above Act to make an apology and/or whether it may have been used to secure an apology from another organisation.

If you have made such an apology, any information on your experience would be greatly appreciated including for example:

• Whether you felt more confident in making an apology due to the Act?
• If you included an undertaking to review the circumstances?
• If you considered the recipient welcomed the apology and that by offering said apology you helped resolve the issue sooner and in a more conciliatory manner?


SCOT0128 - Roads maintenance - 7 day working and operating models - 010620

This local authority would like to find out if any authorities have moved to 7 day working and examples of different operating models for Roads Maintenance?


SCOT0127 - Telematics systems - 290520

This local authority would like to know how many Scottish Authorities operate a Telematics system, what supplier they use and how long have they had this in operation?


SCOT0126 - Private Wire and licences - 150520

A Scottish member authority is installing a private wire for energy generated from its own solar PV to feed their own buildings and have wires in the ground ready to go.
SPEN have now raised an issue - their internal solicitor is of the view that under the Electricity Act 1989, in order to own/utilise a distribution network the Council either need a licence to do so or an exemption from the Secretary of State.
They claim that they would be unable to progress the connection until they are satisfied that the Council are legally authorised to distribute electricity.

Have others come across a similar situation with the DNO.?

It is our opinion at APSE Energy that this is not necessary but both we and the authority are keen to hear the experience of others.


SCOT0125 - Electrical Installation Conditions Reports - 040520

This member authority would like to know what other authorities are doing in relation to Electrical Installation Conditions Reports? E.g. In general following a 5 year testing regime or 10 years between checks (apart from where an electrician has stipulated a shorter retest period due to condition).


SCOT0124 - Food safety within high schools and care homes - 010520

This member authority would like to know how other authorities manage/control Food Safety especially in High Schools and Care Homes?

Do you for example have ISO standards or use external companies to audit etc?


SCOT0123 - Garden Waste Collection Charges - 070520

This member authority would like to know the following in relation to garden waste collection chargers:-

1. Does your Local Authority charge for residential garden waste collections?

If yes,
2. Are the collections for garden waste or co-mingled food and garden waste?
3. How do they apply the charge – is it a permit scheme?
4. Are the garden waste collections seasonal or all year round
5. How much do you charge, is the charge per bin, is there a maximum number of bins?
6. Is it opt in or compulsory?


SCOT0122 - Unauthorised floral tributes in parks and open spaces / roadside verges - 220420

This local authority would like to find out from others what policies and procedures they have in place for dealing with unauthorised floral tributes being placed on memorial benches within parks and open spaces and on roadside verges.


SCOT0120 - Free school meal allowance for secondary schools - 100220

This member authority would like to know for secondary schools:

1. What part of the day does your free school meal allowance cover e.g lunch time only or whole school day?
2. Do you have a free school meal allowance for breakfast/ breaks?
3. If yes, how is this funded?


SCOT0121 - Enforceable bus lanes - 250220

This authority is looking into introducing enforceable bus lanes, and are looking to gather more information on the process for this. They would be interested in hearing from those who currently have enforceable lanes.

Promoting excellence in public services

APSE (Association for Public Service Excellence) is a not for profit unincorporated association working with over 300 councils throughout the UK. Promoting excellence in public services, APSE is the foremost specialist in local authority frontline services, hosting a network for frontline service providers in areas such as waste and refuse collection, parks and environmental services, cemeteries and crematorium, environmental health, leisure, school meals, cleaning, housing and building maintenance.






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