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SCOT0160 - Benchmarking school transport conditions and costs in relation to Mainstream Home to School Transport

APSE is helping a local authority to gather information from other member authorities in relation to school transport conditions and costs in relation to mainstream Home to School transport.

APSE is therefore asking if you would be willing to complete this short survey to help gather information, the results of which will be distributed to all those who respond.


SCOT0159 - Dedicated Dog Parks

This local authority would like to know if your local authority have dedicated dog parks e.g. signed with specific instructions for use, fenced off, gated, containing dog exercise equipment, dog fouling bins and watering stations etc? If so, can you share site photos, design, rules, approximate costs and details of any public consultation carried out.


SCOT0158 - CO2 monitoring in teaching spaces to assist in reducing the spread of COVID-19 transmission

This local authority is keen to understand if other member authorities across Scotland have introduced a CO2 monitoring officer/ technician to help with improving air quality and ventilation in teaching spaces to help assist in reducing the spread of COVID-19 transmission?


SCOT0157 - APSE Network Query: Road Construct Consent charges

A member authority is interested to hear whether other local authorities charge developers in regards to Road Construction Consent, in particular:-

  1. Do you currently charge developers for assessing and issuing/granting a formal “Construction Consent” for a new road – under section 21 of the Roads Scotland Act 1984?
  2. If so how much do you charge?
  3. If not would you like to?
  4. Do you require developers to provide Quality Audits and Street Engineering Reviews, and if so when/how are these submitted (to include independent Road Safety Audit RSA’s)?


SCOT0156 - Scottish local authority allotment provision

A Scottish Council needs to establish information from all Scottish local authorities relating to their Allotment provision.

They are particularly interested to receive information on the following:

  • The number of allotment plots the local authority currently provides.
  • The tariff of rental fees for their allotment plots.


SCOT0155 - Lair Pre-Purchase Schemes

A member authority would like to ask colleagues for any information on lair pre purchase schemes, in particular:-

  1. Does your authority permit people to purchase cemetery lairs in advance via a lair options/ pre-purchase scheme?
  2. If yes, does this apply across all of your burial grounds or is it selected cemeteries only?


SCOT0154 - Electric equipment for grounds maintenance activities

A local authority is reviewing its equipment for its grounds maintenance activities and would be grateful for information in relation to any electrical equipment used by other authorities, in particular:-

  1. Have you introduced the use of electric equipment for any of the following grounds maintenance activities:
  1. Blowers Yes/No
  2. Strimmers Yes/No
  3. Hedge-cutters Yes/No
  4. Other small grass cutting machines Yes/No
  1. What makes and models did you find best for durability and usage?
  1. Blowers
  2. Strimmers
  3. Hedge-cutters
  4. Other small grass cutting machines

3. How did you find battery life/charging?

4. Does the battery last an 8-10hr shift?

5. Are there any lessons learnt you would share?


SCOT0153 - EWS1 certification (External Wall System)

This authority has recently received a number of enquiries from solicitors of private residents looking for EWS1 certificates, particularly in high rise blocks. It is their understanding that Councils are not, currently, required by government or legislation to hold these certificates for their properties and required by mortgages lenders from homeowners when buying or selling their house.

They are looking for any information from anyone who has already obtained certification and they would be interested in how these works were procured / programmed etc.


SCOT0152 - Public toilet provision during the COVID-19 pandemic

This authority is trying to establish where other councils are regarding public toilet provision during the Covid-19 pandemic. In light of the covid guidance on the provision of public toilets, they’d like to understand the following;

  1. How has public toilet provision been affected in your Local Authority area by Covid-19 restrictions? Specifically have you increased the cleaning regime from pre-covid levels? If so, what changes have you implemented?
  2. Has your local authority increased spending on public toilets since the Covid-19 pandemic started, as a result of any changes you’ve implemented to respond to the risks of transmission of Covid-19 and any associated increased cleansing requirements? If so, are you able to provide details?
  3. Are you, currently or in the near future, operating your public toilets provision as per pre-covid provision? For example with regard to quantity of provision (number of facilities/opening hours), cleaning frequency and regimes? If it is planned for the future do you have an indication when this will happen?


SCOT0151 - Tachograph compliance for repeat offenders

This local authority is currently looking to strengthen its tachograph compliance for repeat offenders and would therefore be grateful if colleagues from other member authorities could answer the following questions:-

  1. What systems and documentation do you have in place to track repeat offences (not the tacho analysis) but from an HR perspective?
  2. What disciplinary measures do you take?
  3. How do you tally up compliance breach trigger points?
  4. Do you have HR support for the discipline action if that occurs?


SCOT0150 - Suicide mitigation measures at high bridges

This local authority is working with Police Scotland and Health Care professionals to explore suicide mitigation measures at locations of concern, specifically high bridges. It would be really helpful to hear from other member authorities in terms of:-

  1. What measures you have deployed?
  2. How effective these measures have been?
  3. Where physical barriers have been used, any details of the product and supplier would be greatly appreciated.


SCOT0149 - IT systems used to record Trade Waste operations

A member authority is reviewing its trade waste processes and is keen to move away from paper copies and spreadsheets. They are therefore interested to hear what IT systems other member authorities use when dealing with trade waste operations. Any information you can provide regarding this would be greatly appreciated.

SCOT0148 - Communal Repairs

This authority is looking at their communal repairs and are interested to hear how other member authorities approach communal repairs where they are unable to obtain a majority agreement to carry out the work?


SCOT0147 - Processes and Charges for Road Construction Consent (RCC)

This local authority is reviewing its Road Construction Consent processes and charges and would therefore be grateful to hear from other member authorities in relation to:-

  1. Do you have a process map for working through your RCC and would you be willing to share this?
  2. How do you charge for this service e.g. upfront payment (like a permit) and then an hourly charge thereafter?
  3. What do you charge for e.g. initial paperwork/ documentation as well as any amendments, road bonds assessments/ reductions and/ or any adoptions etc?
  4. Would you be happy to be contacted for further information if required?


SCOT0146 - Bin review

This Local Authority currently has multipurpose bins i.e. dog waste can go in the street litter bin. They have removed most of their lamppost bins and replaced with freestanding and are intending to rationalise the number of bins in use therefore would be grateful for any responses to the below:-

  1. Do you have a policy/process by which you site bins i.e. reasons for or against?
  2. Has bin reduction resulted in more complaints?
  3. Has bin reduction shown a saving either asset or resource?
  4. Are any councils using digital bin systems e.g. bin sensors/big belly bins etc and what are the advantages/disadvantages?
  5. Do you use ‘Webaspx’ or any other digital system for routing?
  6. Has CoPLAR been used to identify savings and ensure partners are taking responsibility as identified in the CoP?
  7. Who do you procure your bins from?
  8. Do you use black bags or liners?
  9. Do you separate waste i.e. recycled vs land fill?


SCOT0145 - PPE items

A member authority is looking to start to procure their main PPE issue and they are looking to see what other authorities are using in terms of the following:

Item of PPE

Make and model used (please insert below)

High Vis Jacket


Ballistic trousers


T shirt




If you could provide the make and model of items as appropriate in the space above this would be greatly appreciated.


SCOT0144 - Formal park management rules

This authority would like to ask:

  1. Does your authority have formal parks management rules in place?
  2. If so, since approximately when and what were the main reasons for their introduction?
  3. Are they accompanied by enforceable byelaws?
  4. How do you manage incidences of contravention of rules?
  5. Were/are additional resources, either staffing or financial, required for enforcement?
  6. Are there any significant issues encountered in maintaining the rules and ensuring compliance?


SCOT0143 - Service Level Agreement for Fleet Hire

This local authority is currently looking to revamp its service level agreement for the hire of vehicles and would therefore be grateful if any other member authorities would be happy to share theirs with them.


SCOT0142 - Metal Detecting

A member authority is starting to receive a lot of queries with regards to metal detecting and would like information from other Scottish authorities on:

  1. Do you allow metal detecting?
  2. Do you have any other conditions if you do allow metal detecting?
  3. Do you have permission request forms?
  4. Do you specify timescales?
  5. What sort of arrangements do you have in place?


SCOT0141 - Infrastructure and assets in relation to hydrogen vehicles

This local authority is looking to find out what measures other member Local Authorities in Scotland are planning to take in relation to Hydrogen vehicles for the future. In particular, if going in the direction of Hydrogen :-

  1. how do you plan to store it?
  2. will you be manufacturing your own Hydrogen on site?
  3. will you convert existing vehicles to Hydrogen or purchase/lease new vehicles?


SCOT0140 - Arrangements for allowing private apparatus on a public road

This local authority is interested to know what arrangements other member local authorities have for allowing private apparatus in the public road (for example through a concession contract or another means), in particular:

1. Bus Shelters (particularly those with mains supplied electronic advertising boards)

2. Real Time Passenger Information systems (including those owned by RTPs and arms-length bus companies)

3. Bike Hire Stations (particularly those with mains supplied charging docks for eBikes)

4. Electric Vehicle Charging Points (particularly those owned & operated by commercial operators)

Promoting excellence in public services

APSE (Association for Public Service Excellence) is a not for profit unincorporated association working with over 300 councils throughout the UK. Promoting excellence in public services, APSE is the foremost specialist in local authority frontline services, hosting a network for frontline service providers in areas such as waste and refuse collection, parks and environmental services, cemeteries and crematorium, environmental health, leisure, school meals, cleaning, housing and building maintenance.






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