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SCOT0169 - Alternative fuelled vehicles and infrastructure

This local authority is looking at alternative fuel types and would be grateful to hear from other member authorities in terms of:-

1. What alternative fuels are you currently using?

2. Can you please provide details of any pros/cons for this type of alternative fuel?

3. Do you have adequate infrastructure in place for your alternative fuel vehicles?

4. How many vehicles are you operating in your fleet with alternative fuel?

5. If able, can you please split into the type of vehicle and what % this type of vehicle makes up within your fleet?

6. What funding if any, have you received for installation of infrastructure and purchase of alternative fuel vehicles?


SCOT0168 - Municipal Bus Company

This local authority would like to ask if any Scottish Local Authorities are looking at implementing The Transport (Scotland) 2019 Act that allows local authorities to become a Municipal Bus Company and obtain a PSV Operator License?

They have also asked if any have already carried out a feasibility study into becoming a Municipal Bus Company, and if so, would they would be willing to share the study?


SCOT0167 - Participatory Budgeting in relation to Roads Services

This member authority would like to find out what other Scottish roads authorities are doing in relation to Participatory Budgeting (PB)? In particular:-

1. Do you currently determine the prioritisation of any roads related maintenance activity through PB?

2. If No, are you planning to do so in the future?

3. What value and % of the budget is considered through PB?

4. Who do you consult with and how do you go about consulting on proposals?

5. What mechanisms are in place to make ultimate decisions?


SCOT0166 - Waste & Recycling operatives PPE workwear

A local authority is currently looking at their operatives PPE workwear and would therefore be grateful to know if other member authority issue their waste collections staff and Household Waste Recycling Centre staff with ballistic trousers as part of their PPE issue?


SCOT0165 - Transport Services recruitment and retention

This Scottish authority would like to know the following about transport services:

  1. Please list below your hourly, monthly or annual salaries are paid for the following job roles:

Job Title

Hourly, Monthly or Annual Salary

Vehicle Mechanical Technicians


Plant Technicians


Workshop Operatives






  1. Do you pay shift allowances, if so how much and for what shift?
  2. What is your weekly workshop opening hours (5 days, 7 days, open 24 hours etc)?
  3. Do you offer incentives to recruitment or retention?
  4. Have you provided any additional training to help retention?
  5. Are you having issues recruiting?

SCOT0164 - Which management structure Roads inspectors fall under

A member Authority is looking to confirm under what management structure other local authority Roads Inspectors are controlled? For example is this under the Service Delivery Team/Asset Management or Network Management team or elsewhere?

SCOT0163 - Road Gully Cleansing Activities

A local authority is interested to understand what gully cleansing activities colleagues across Scotland currently undertake. We would therefore be grateful if you could complete this short survey by Friday 15th July in order for us to collate this information on their behalf.

SCOT0162 - Path inspections

This local authority would like to know:

  1. Who is responsible for inspecting blacktop and other paths owned and/or managed by your local authority?
  2. Do you proactively inspect all your paths to a set frequency or prioritise certain paths only for proactive inspection?
  3. In the latter case is there a rationale or formal policy for this?
  4. When path defects (potholes, trip hazards etc.) are identified through inspection do you work to set standards in order to prioritise which defects are dealt with?

SCOT0161 - Officers delivering Food Growing Strategies

A member authority is looking to develop some dialogue with other Scottish Local Authorities regarding the delivery of their Food Growing Strategies.

They have an officer who has a food growing remit within the Parks & Environment service, and would be interested to know if there is an equivalent officer within your Service/Authority?

If so they would be keen to connect and share data/experiences on work done to date.

Promoting excellence in public services

APSE (Association for Public Service Excellence) is a not for profit unincorporated association working with over 300 councils throughout the UK. Promoting excellence in public services, APSE is the foremost specialist in local authority frontline services, hosting a network for frontline service providers in areas such as waste and refuse collection, parks and environmental services, cemeteries and crematorium, environmental health, leisure, school meals, cleaning, housing and building maintenance.






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