SCOT0178 - Cleaning of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
How does your Authority address the cleaning of PPE, primarily clothing supplied to staff, e.g. Roads Service, Waste Service?
SCOT0177 - Recovering Road Traffic Accident Costs
A member authority is keen to understand how other local authorities recover road traffic accident costs? In particular:-
1. Are RTA Incident reports provided by Police Scotland in your area?
2. Are they provided routinely or on request?
3. Is a charge made for providing these?
4. In what circumstances are uninsured loss recovery mechanisms utilised?
SCOT0176 - Workshop Supervisor pay rate
This member authority would like to know what pay rate other local authorities provide for the role of Workshop Supervisor? If you are also happy to share job descriptions and person specifications this would be greatly appreciated.
SCOT0175 - Addressing Services - Charging for Street/House Naming & Numbering
This local authority would appreciate feedback from other member authorities that have introduced charging for street naming and numbering in particular:
SCOT0174 - Digital Daily Vehicle Check
A member authority would like to know if other Scottish local authorities are currently collecting daily vehicle checks and defects electronically? If so they would be grateful to know:-
SCOT0173 – Enhanced leave for catering and cleaning staff
This local authority would like to know the following from other service managers:
SCOT0172 - Fleet Manager salary, main roles and responsibilities
A member authority is reviewing the salary, main roles and responsibilities of their Transport Manager position. They would therefore be grateful if other Scotland authorities would be willing to share. With them:-
SCOT0171 - Scotland Building Maintenance Statutory Trading Accounts
A member authority would like to ask other Scottish local authorities if they still have a statutory trading account for their building maintenance division?
SCOT0170 - Review of Tree Management
This local authority has been asked to undertake a review of tree management. Management are asking if they could have the following information from other Scottish local authorities:
Arbor Officer/Tree Officer/Forestry Officer
Arbor Team for tree works
Arbor Team Structure