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SCOT0191 - Software packages for cemetery / bereavement services management

A member authority is looking for information on software packages used for cemetery/ bereavement services management? For example Plotbox, BACAS etc

SCOT0190 - Fixed Penalty Notices for Flytipping

This local authority would like to know what percentage of fixed penalty notices for fly tipping have been paid to your authority in the last 2 years.

SCOT0189 - Contractors for Abandoned Vehicles

This local authority is looking to find out what contractors other local authorities in Scotland use for the removal of abandoned vehicles from their area.

SCOT0188 - Fleet Management Systems

A member authority is interested to understand the various fleet management systems currently in use across Scotland, in particular:-

  1. What is the name of the software application you utilise for fleet management?
  2. Who is the provider of the application?
  3. Has the application been integrated with any other council application (please indicate which)?

SCOT0187 - Used Cooking Oil

This local authority are exploring options for the delivery and collection of cooking oil within school catering facilities. They would like to know:

  1. Do you currently purchase cooking oil via a national framework and if so, how do you dispose of the used cooking oil?
  2. Alternatively, do you currently purchase cooking oil from a company who supplies and collects the used cooking oil?  If so, can you share details of who this company is?
  3. What is the quantity of oil is purchased annually and how many catering facilities is this delivered to?
  4. If used cooking oil is collected by a separate company from where the oil is purchased, do you experience any issues with the storage of the used cooking oil and collection arrangements?
  5. Do you receive a rebate from the company who collects your used cooking oil and if so, can you share details on how much rebate is received annually?

SCOT0186 - Percentage of Penalty Charge Notices paid within 28 days

This member authority would like to ask other Scotland authorities if they can provide a percentage for all Penalty Charge Notices paid within 28 days within your authority for the current financial and last financial years?

SCOT0185 - Impact of asymmetric secondary school timetable on facilities management services

This member authority is proposing to change the secondary school timetable to an asymmetric model. They would therefore keen to hear from other authorities that have gone through a similar change to understand the impacts (both positive and negative) this had on the facilities management services. In particular:-

  • Morning break provision compared to other days?
  • Lunch provision on the asymmetric day compared to others?
  • Did you change the service delivery to accommodate the asymmetric timetable and if so what does this look like?
  • Did you change menus to accommodate change?


  • What are the start and finish times of your cleaning staff (afternoon cleaners only)?


  • How has the change to an asymmetric timetable impacted on janitorial services provided?

SCOT0184 - Workshop Management Platforms/Systems

This member authority is keen to hear from other authorities with regards to their workshop management platforms and systems, in particular they would like to know:-

  1. Which workshop management platform/ system are you currently using?
  2. Are you happy with this system, would you recommend it?
  3. Does it encompass all fleet maintenance management requirements, e.g. Maintenance Scheduling, interface with other systems such as Accounting, facility for remote touchscreen devices e-forms options etc
  4. Are you experiencing problems with your current system and looking to replace? If so what alternative Management Systems are you considering?

SCOT0183 - Drivers policies for use/misuse of Council vehicles

This member authority is interested to hear from any authorities that have a driver policy for the use/ misuse of council vehicles and would be grateful if they were willing to share these.

SCOT0182 - Regional Transport Partnerships

A member authority has asked APSE to circulate a query about regional transport partnerships (RTPs) to officers and elected members on their benefits and challenges.

RTPs were established in 2005 to strengthen the planning and delivery of regional transport. More information on the function of RTPs can be found here.

SCOT0181 - Disposal of arising from alternative cut and lift regimes

A member authority would like to ask colleagues, with the increase in these areas set aside, land managed for biodiversity and rewilding now mean more cut and lift operations are being carried out.

How are Local Authority colleagues managing the disposal of these increased arisings as a result of these cut and lift operations? Would you be willing to share some information about this and any contact they have had with SEPA regarding this issue?

SCOT0180 - Size and make up of void and reactive repair teams

This local authority is keen to understand the size and make up of other member authority void and reactive repairs teams across Scotland building services departments, in particular:-

  • Housing Stock level?
  • Trades operative’s levels for Voids \ Re-lets and breakdown of trades?
  • Trades operative’s levels for Reactive Repairs and breakdown of trades?

What shift pattern do your staff work to?

SCOT0179 - Building services information

Following a recent external review carried out across Building Services, this Scottish authority would greatly appreciate feedback on the following aspects in order to make an up to date comparison with other authorities. Please answers all of the questions that are relevant within your authority below.

1. Do you operate an internal or external store facility? If it is an internalstore, has this been recently reviewed against the external market?

2. What percentage of responsive repairs carried out are classed as emergency? For clarity that is any classification of repair that has to be carried out within a 24 hour period.

3. What percentage of your housing stock requires two people to visit the premiseswhen attending the address?

Promoting excellence in public services

APSE (Association for Public Service Excellence) is a not for profit unincorporated association working with over 300 councils throughout the UK. Promoting excellence in public services, APSE is the foremost specialist in local authority frontline services, hosting a network for frontline service providers in areas such as waste and refuse collection, parks and environmental services, cemeteries and crematorium, environmental health, leisure, school meals, cleaning, housing and building maintenance.






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