Macpac Refuse Bodies Ltd
MACPAC - Producing a wide range of industry leading Waste Collection and Disposal vehicles.
Macpac Refuse Bodies are manufactured in Co. Antrim, Northern Ireland. We have developed a range of waste collection bodies, both compaction and non-compaction.
Our food waste range:
Our product range includes food waste bodies. The Macpac 110 food waste body has varying payload options. The bodies are fully sealed and have a double locking rear door, reducing spillages and losses during collection and transport.
Our recycling range:
The Macpac 65 has a payload option from 2.5t to 3.5t when mounted on a 7.5t chassis, whereas the Macpac 110s has a payload option from 4t to 6t. The body is fully enclosed, allowing for safe and controlled collection of waste. The eject procedure is non-tipping meaning less spillages and splashback. All Macpac bodies come with bin weighing and vehicle weighing options.
Our tipping body:
The versatility of the Mactip bodies means they can be used for several different applications; however, it’s primarily designed for glass collection and food waste. The body is constructed from high grade steel including a hardox floor for increased durability. The Mactip cage body is also available with single and double bin lift options.
We have a range of bin lifts to suit most applications from single 250kg lifts to double commercial 500kg lifts.
Macpac Refuse Bodies have been working to extend the capability of the range of products offered – visit our stand for more information on the bespoke options we can create to suit your needs.