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APSE Southern Region Parks & Open Spaces Seminar 2019

Tuesday 19 November 2019

Goodenough College, Mecklenburgh Square, Holborn, London WC1N 2AB


View the programme here


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Seminar Objectives:

APSE is pleased to announce this unique opportunity to examine a broad range of topics and issues affecting Parks & Open Space Management today.

Set within the picturesque surroundings of Goodenough College in the heart of Bloomsbury, Central London, we will hear from Paul O’Brien, APSE Chief Executive and Chair of the Knowledge & Skills Work stream (Parks Action Group) on the importance of developing skills for 21st Century parks management, Chris Worman MBE, Rugby Borough Council & International Green Flag Award Judge will be examining what we can learn from parks in the Middle East and Mexico in relation to adapting to climate change and Daniel RavenEllison – founder of the National Parks City, will share how London became the world’s first National Park City.

Delegates will also have the opportunity to hear case studies from Bradford City Council on their creation of ‘superactive parks’ and how they have sought to increase activity and the use of green space;   Jo Heath from Hampshire County Council will share their exciting award winning parks strategy and model for long term sustainable financial management and Catherine Jones from the National Charity Buglife will be discussing the vital work her organisation is carrying out to help pollinators both on a local and a national level to enable species to move through the landscape.

Professor John Moverley OBE, Independent Chairman of The Amenity Forum, will be presenting on the much debated on-going issue of Glyphosate and it’s role in the integrated approach to weed management, also up for discussion are the strategic future of parks and open spaces, and the testing, developing and growing of new operating models for parks and green spaces, as presented by Chris Norris from NESTA.

This is a day not to be missed, with stimulating presentations, great networking opportunities and the chance to meet exhibitors of products and services which could help Parks & Open Spaces managers in delivering higher quality services.  We look forward to welcoming you on the day.


Who should attend:

•Chief executives
•Elected Members
•Service Directors
•Parks and grounds maintenance professionals
•Horticulture, landscape, green space professionals
•Policy Officers
•Trade union representatives
•Parks/landscape consultants
•Academic researchers
•Contractors and suppliers
•Voluntary organisations

The Venue:   

Goodenough College,

Mecklenburgh Square, Holborn,

London WC1N 2AB

Venue Access:

By road - On street metered parking is available locally. There is also a NCP-Brunswick Centre Car Park at Russell Square (5 mins walk).

By rail - Nearest mainline stations are King’s Cross, St. Pancras, Euston and Farringdon (each 10 minutes walk away).

By tube  - Russell Square is the nearest tube station (5 mins walk).  King’s Cross (10 mins walk), Chancery Lane (10 mins walk), Holborn (10 mins walk) and Euston (20 mins walk).

By Bus - Numbers: 17, 45 and 46.



Developing skills for 21st century parks management - Paul O’Brien, Chief Executive APSE, and Chair of Knowledge & Skills Work Stream (Parks Action Group)

Rethinking Parks: Testing, developing and growing new operating models for parks and greenspaces - Chris Norris, Senior Programme Manager, Rethinking Parks, Nesta

What Can we Learn from Parks in the Middle East & Mexico? - Chris Worman MBE, Rugby Borough Council & International Green Flag Award Judge

The ‘Superactive’ park’ – increasing activity and usage of greenspace - Speakers: Zuby Hamard, Sport & Physical Activity Manager, Bradford City Council and Jan Burkhart, Programme Director of the Bradford Local Delivery Pilot, National Health Service

Glyphosate and its role in an integrated approach to weed management - Professor John Moverley OBE, Independent Chairman, The Amenity Forum

NATURE IN PARKS: London – The World’s first National Park City - Daniel Raven-Ellison, Founder, National Park City

Helping Pollinators Locally and Nationally - Buglife - Catherine Jones, Pollinator Officer, Buglife

Hampshire County Council: Our award-winning parks strategy - Jo Heath, Head of Countryside, Hampshire County Council

Changing Times - The Strategic Future for Parks and Open Spaces - Mel Henley APSE Associate

Promoting excellence in public services

APSE (Association for Public Service Excellence) is a not for profit unincorporated association working with over 300 councils throughout the UK. Promoting excellence in public services, APSE is the foremost specialist in local authority frontline services, hosting a network for frontline service providers in areas such as waste and refuse collection, parks and environmental services, cemeteries and crematorium, environmental health, leisure, school meals, cleaning, housing and building maintenance.






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