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APSE Southern Future Focus Seminar 2018

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APSE is delighted to announce this unique opportunity to explore the changing nature of Local Government in the Southern region’s first seminar of it’s kind.
Hearing from a panel of expert thought leaders, examining the skills and resources needed to face the challenges ahead, delegates will be able to weave their own conference agenda choosing between options framed around three streams:
Commercialisation, Income Generation and Trading
Parks and Open Spaces
Waste Management Refuse Collection and Street Cleansing
The day will also feature the a range of Innovation Hubs to explore and share good practise among delegates across both strategic and operational matters.  
Teaming with ideas, forward-thinking initiatives and with the opportunity to network across a range of disciplines, we look forward to welcoming you to the Radisson Blu Edwardian Hotel, Heathrow for Future Focus 2018. 
Topics include:
Key considerations when preparing a business case
Commercialisation of services, alternative delivery models 
UK-wide performance on parks, waste and street cleansing
Demand Management and the changing nature of relationship with customers and communities
Developing a set of Natural Capital Accounts, an Asset register & Risk register
Loans and Investments - the legal framework surrounding property investment



Session 1 – Strategic Perspectives
What will the future of Local Government look like?

Speaker: Rachel North, Director of Communities, West Sussex County Council

Re-imagining New Towns

Speaker: Tom Pike, Assistant Director, Stevenage Borough Council

Changing Places: Being effective in local government today

Speaker: Laura Church, Corporate Director, Place and Infrastructure, Luton Borough Council


Session 2 
2.1 Commercialisation, Income Generation and Trading:

Oxford City Council’s Journey to Generating IncomeSpeaker: Ian Bourton, Fleet and Business Services Manager, Oxford City Council

Key considerations when preparing a business case - Speaker: Andy Mudd, Head of APSE Solutions

2.2 Parks and Open Spaces:

Securing Natural Assets for the future - Henry Dieudonné-Demaria , Head of the Natural Capital Committee Secretariat, DEFRA

Calculating a social return on investment (SROI) in Parks and Open Spaces - Laura Gillions, Regional Strategy Manager, Veolia

2.3 Waste Management Refuse Collection and Street Cleansing: 

Seeing the whole picture: how effective is your service? Debbie Johns, Head of Performance Networks, APSE

Best Community and Neighbourhood Initiative: APSE Service Awards 2017 - David Simmons, Cabinet member for Environment and Rural Affairs, Swale Borough Council & Stefan Arvidsson, Director, TiksPac

Session 3: 
3.1 Commercialisation, Income Generation and Trading:

Loans and Investments - Nick Winney, Senior Associate, Walker Morris LLP

Entrepreneurial South Norfolk - Debbie Lorimer, Director of Growth & Business Development, South Norfolk District Council

3.2 Parks and Open Spaces: 

Appraising Delivery Models in Landscaping Services - Tracey Butler, Head of Environment and Land Management, Ashford Borough Council

Local Governance in Parks and Open Spaces - Dave Corby, Head of Service – Community Engagement, Harrow Council

3.3 Waste Management Refuse Collection and Street Cleansing:

Driving Efficiencies through Performance Management - Kristy Spindler, Waste Manager, South Gloucestershire Council

Best Demand Management Initiative: APSE Service Awards 2017 - Daniela Dixon, Senior Recycling Officer, Bolton Council

Promoting excellence in public services

APSE (Association for Public Service Excellence) is a not for profit unincorporated association working with over 300 councils throughout the UK. Promoting excellence in public services, APSE is the foremost specialist in local authority frontline services, hosting a network for frontline service providers in areas such as waste and refuse collection, parks and environmental services, cemeteries and crematorium, environmental health, leisure, school meals, cleaning, housing and building maintenance.






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