APSE Wales seminar 2015: Looking through a different lens: Are there alternative options for local government re-organisation in Wales? Metropole Hotel, Llandrindod Wells on Wednesday15 July 2015
This seminar will examine whether there is are alternative options to the latest proposals to local government re-organisation in Wales, and whether local authorities are already delivering key objectives such as collaborative working and service efficiency without the need for major structural changes, thereby avoiding the anticipated re-organisation costs and the employment and local democracy impacts these proposals may bring.
Experienced speakers will address key issues including:-
The seminar will also offer the opportunity to take part in a number of workshops which delegates will be able to consider how the proposals for local government re-organisation can be implemented from an operational perspective.
The conference is planned to allow considerable time for debate and questions.
Attendance at this APSE one day seminar is essential for all officers and members with responsibility for delivering services or involved in policy. The events are always popular and usually sell out fast so book early to avoid disappointment.
Note for all APSE member authorities: the APSE Wales Annual General Meeting will be held at 13:00 (lunch will be served in the restaurant after the AGM).