Great Big Green Week is a perfect opportunity for local authorities to promote their work around the climate change, sustainability and renewable energy agenda.
Councils are in a perfect position to show leadership to their local communities and economies across this whole agenda but must focus on the promotional element to do so. That means engagement with local citizens, putting a communications plan in place and taking a long term perspective on a topic which will be with us for decades to come. Councils have done lots of work to be green already – so let’s make the most of the chance to show yourselves in a positive light! #LetsGoZero #GreatBigGreenWeek
The 18th – 26th September 2021 is the Great Big Green Week - a national week of 3000+ events celebrating action on climate change.
If you have any schemes, projects or initiatives that you’d like to promote across the sector, please contact Phil Brennan at [email protected] at Charlotte Banks [email protected]
If you want support with your council's energy or climate change agenda, sign up to APSE Energy here: