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Local councils taking advantage of energy opportunities

Local councils taking advantage of energy opportunities

A new APSE Energy publication provides examples of how local authorities have taken advantage of energy opportunities. It adds to the series of case studies already highlighted in the two previous ‘Energy across the authority’ publications.

As the focus on formalising progress within council’s with regard to sustainability, climate change and energy continues, there is a greater interest on projects that are being undertaken across the sector.

This publication highlights 8 case studies from across the UK which detail the approach taken to address a range of problems for the benefit of local communities and economies. It includes examples of climate emergency actions plans, EV charging hubs, solar farms, district heating and more. The lessons to be learnt are not specific to the examples – there is much to be gleaned which can be applied to other circumstances, technologies and outcomes.

We hope that this publication will encourage all local authorities to understand that there are a variety of opportunities open to them if they wish to invest in energy and that the activities of others will encourage them to take the plunge. We hope you find this report to be informative and inspiring.

The energy agenda is a varied and dynamic one and we at APSE Energy recognise that not every local authority has the capacity to allocate staff time towards the kind of projects detailed in the publication. However, councils do have assets and they certainly have a responsibility to address climate change and the need to generate income. That is where we can help. APSE Energy has worked with many local authorities on a range of schemes where we have provided the knowledge and experience of industry experts to consider the strategic, operational and financial elements contributing to a business case for a project.

The APSE Energy vision of ‘the municipalisation of energy’ means local authorities having a greater role in their local area with benefits for local citizens, businesses and the council itself. Many councils are signing up to the APSE Energy collaboration, becoming members and reaping the rewards.

Our 2021 version of Energy across the authority is now available here

If you would like a chat about the advantages that joining APSE Energy and engaging in this agenda can bring for your authority please contact Phil Brennan, Head of APSE Energy at [email protected] or on 01617721810 or Charlotte Banks, Energy Research and Project Officer at [email protected]



Promoting excellence in public services

APSE (Association for Public Service Excellence) is a not for profit unincorporated association working with over 300 councils throughout the UK. Promoting excellence in public services, APSE is the foremost specialist in local authority frontline services, hosting a network for frontline service providers in areas such as waste and refuse collection, parks and environmental services, cemeteries and crematorium, environmental health, leisure, school meals, cleaning, housing and building maintenance.






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