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Roadvert's 'Ads On The Move' gives big boost to Business Gateway Fife

Roadvert's 'Ads On The Move' gives big boost to Business Gateway Fife

A look at how APSE Approved Partner, Roadvert, helped to encourage residents in communities across Fife to think about alternative career paths; using advertising on the sides of refuse vehicles to generate a big uptick in enquiries and converts to actions. 

The objective of the campaign was to encourage residents in communities across Fife to think about alternative career paths such as to ‘Be their own Boss’. Through Fife Council Economic Development business support services, the aim was to promote Business Gateway Fife and highlight how we could assist them in achieving that goal whatever their age or circumstances.

The campaign would run for three months from April 1st 2021 until June 30th 2021.


Fife Council, Economic Development bought the media space on the vehicle sides from Roadvert Ads on The Move for a three-month campaign.

Eight creative executions showcasing various services of Business Gateway Fife, were applied to the sides of refuse vehicles using the Spedian changeable and recycle to new product graphic system. These were located across Fife in the three depots, Cupar, Halbeath and Bankhead. The theme was that Business Gateway Fife, would help individuals with their start up journey or in the execution of a great idea, whether that be commercial or social aims.

The target audience was estimated at over 250,000. The fifty-four sides of refuse vehicles were used with the creative executions evenly balanced by depot. The estimated impacts and frequency were derived from the Roadvert media audience predictor.

Over 1.5 million impacts would be delivered with an opportunity to see of plus 4.

The vehicles would cover every street in Fife on a weekly basis while completing their daily tasks. With the ad banners being 3500mm x 1350mm, traveling slowly down these streets will allow for these impacts to be achieved.


The enquiry rates during the 3-month advertising campaign increased by 24% from previous years! Demonstrated by the data compiled by the business Gateway Fife Customer SupportTeam, this new media took effect and drove change.






2019 :291

2019: 242

2019: 307


2020 :224

2020: 272

2020: 338

Campaign Period

2021 :354

2021: 324


The campaign creatives was very poignant and reflective of the difficult times of uncertainty that communities were experiencing throughout the country. Communities were restricted to travelling in their respective geographical areas and discouraged to move about.

This meant that there were many more homeworkers than normal and provided a captive audience. Estimates suggest that this was as high as 64% of all workers at the peak of the pandemic. This did reduce during 2021 but was still way above the 17.4% homeworkers pre pandemic (Source: Statista)

A campaign on the sides of refuse vehicles had never been run before and the results were well documented by Business Gateway Fife to assess the value of this form of marketing. The campaign was also promoted on Fife Council and Business Gateway Fife, social media and it was acclaimed that the profile was raised throughout.

The information gleaned from this exercise would help local businesses in Fife to look at this new media as an alternative option, particularly to support areas such as skills needs and current labour market challenges.

When these numbers were evaluated the enquiry level had risen to 24% on prior years marketing where no vehicles had been used. The cost per enquiry was £19.23 which is a fair rate of acquisition.

The campaign was regarded as a success and the conversion to start ups was interesting in that the conversion to start up was 17%.

It can therefore be deduced that by advertising on the sides of refuse vehicles, both generates enquiries and converts to actions. Roadvert Ads On The Move has a value as a unique form of media replacing local directories and brings immediate attention to residents of local businesses in favour of national competitors with large social media budgets on the internet.

For further information contact:

Pamela Stevenson – [email protected] Lawrence Craig -[email protected]

Promoting excellence in public services

APSE (Association for Public Service Excellence) is a not for profit unincorporated association working with over 300 councils throughout the UK. Promoting excellence in public services, APSE is the foremost specialist in local authority frontline services, hosting a network for frontline service providers in areas such as waste and refuse collection, parks and environmental services, cemeteries and crematorium, environmental health, leisure, school meals, cleaning, housing and building maintenance.






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