Association for Public Service Excellence
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Who we are
What we do

Meet the Commission Executive

APSE, in collaboration with De Montfort University’s Local Government Unit, has set up the APSE Local Government Commission 2030 to explore the core issues that will impact on local government in the coming decades.

Membership of the Commission includes experts and representatives of those who have run, protected and championed local government frontline services alongside academic experts and research professionals.


  • Dr. Arianna Giovannini  

    Associate Professor (Reader) in Local Politics, De Montfort University

    Dr. Arianna Giovannini is Associate Professor (Reader) in Local Politics and the Deputy Director of the Local Governance Research Centre (LGRC) at the Department of Politics, People and Place, De Montfort University. Between July 2019 and January 2020, Arianna will be working as Director of IPPR North, the leading progressive policy think-tank in the North of England, on a secondment basis.

    Before joining DMU in August 2016, she was a Researcher at the Sheffield Political Economy Research Institute (SPERI), University of Sheffield. She previously held academic positions at University of Leeds (POLIS), the University of Huddersfield and at Leeds Metropolitan University, where she was awarded a PhD in 2014. Before moving to the UK, she worked as a researcher for regional governments and for several academic institutions in Italy.

    Arianna is an elected Trustee of the UK Political Studies Association (PSA), a Fellow of the RSA, an Honorary Research Fellow at SPERI (University of Sheffield), and an Associate Fellow of the Centre on Constitutional Change (University of Edinburgh).

  • Professor Steven Griggs

    Professor in Public Policy, De Montfort University 

    Steven Griggs is Professor in Public Policy at De Montfort University where he is Director of the Local Governance Research Centre. Steven’s research investigates local democratic governance, the delivery of local services, and the mobilisation and evolution of community campaigns (with particular reference to the field of environmental politics). He has undertaken policy development work with a number of local authorities and public sector organisations, as well as undertaking national policy evaluations and contributing to senior management leadership programmes. He is currently participating in an ESRC comparative research study on the impact of austerity on cities and collaborative governance across eight countries. Steven was one of the founding editors of the international journal, Critical Policy Studies

  • Neil Barnett 

    Senior Lecturer in Public Policy, Leeds Beckett University

    Neil Barnett is a Senior Lecturer in Public Policy at Leeds Beckett University. After a career in the National Health Service and  Local Government he became an ESRC Management Teaching Fellow. At Leeds Beckett he has developed and been course leader for a  number of postgraduate Management Development Programmes for Local Authorities. He has published articles on Local Government in Political Studies, Local Government Studies and Public Policy and Administration.




Promoting excellence in public services

APSE (Association for Public Service Excellence) is a not for profit unincorporated association working with over 300 councils throughout the UK. Promoting excellence in public services, APSE is the foremost specialist in local authority frontline services, hosting a network for frontline service providers in areas such as waste and refuse collection, parks and environmental services, cemeteries and crematorium, environmental health, leisure, school meals, cleaning, housing and building maintenance.






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