Association for Public Service Excellence
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Who we are
What we do

About APSE Training



APSE has been delivering training for more than twenty years. We specialise in supporting frontline local authority services. Our online training service was launched in April 2020, in response to the Covid-19 pandemic and lockdown. You still get the same outstanding service and quality training in our virtual classrooms as you would expect from our face-to-face delivery. All participants receive an APSE certificate of attendance.


Why is training important?


Training can make you feel great. It can help you to do a better job and even more than that, it can help you to get a better job!

Local authorities find that they have more effective, loyal and motivated staff when they invest in training and development opportunities. Training can help to improve performance, increase productivity and reduce sickness absence. 

APSE’s training programmes help with professional and personal development. They can introduce you to a topic, or provide a stepping stone to a professional qualification, or offer a useful refresher to help you update your skills.


Continuous Professional Development   


Many of our courses are CPD certified. We will continue to increase this number to meet demand. Courses with the CPD mark, have been assessed by anindependent body, to confirm they meet extremely high standards. Each CPD certified course is worth CPD points or hours. See individual courses for details.  


Who will benefit from APSE Training?


Most of our training courses are designed for and with frontline staff, supervisors and team leaders. 

Our training includes progression routes – if you attend an introductory course, you might want to develop your skills further by attending an advanced course or masterclass.

Our masterclasses are designed to help senior officers, managers and leaders. Many of our masterclasses have a legal or specialist technical element to them. They are often delivered with one of our training partners or by our expert APSE Associates.


Where does APSE Training take place?


For many years, APSE has delivered courses in different locations around the UK.  

However, we are currently delivering all of our training online, which means you can access it from anywhere – even your garden!


What are the benefits of APSE training online?


Many councils have been talking about agile working for a long time and now those ideas are being put into practice, we are seeing a number of benefits: 

The virtual classroom brings people together from across the UK

The training is focussed, up-to-date and delivered by expert trainers

Participants don’t have to waste time or money travelling or staying overnight 

We are reducing congestion, improving air quality and reducing our carbon footprint

Participants feel connected with one another, which is good for mental health

Our training helps to boost confidence and positive self-worth

Online training breaks down barriers of geography, gender, ability and ethnicity. It also strengthens our technical abilities!

All post-course materials are available through a password-protected portal, so you don’t have to file anything or risk deleting emails with the file you need!


When do APSE training courses take place?


Our open courses are delivered Monday to Friday. As a guide, sessions tend to run as follows:


Technical Check



Morning sessions




Afternoon sessions




Please note: start and finish times may vary, so check the website before you book and double check the time on the Joining Instructions you receive before your course begins.

How do you access APSE Training?


  1. Choose your training course or masterclass from the APSE training pages
  2. Book a place or register your interest by completing our simple online form
  3. Shortly before the course, you will receive joining instructions with a link to Microsoft Teams
  4. Check in for registration
  5. Participate in and enjoy your course
  6. Complete a feedback form to tell us how we did
  7. Apply your new found or refreshed skills back in the workplace! 

NOTE: Some of our courses have assignments for you to complete before, between and after training sessions.

If you need further information or wish to discuss your booking, please contact [email protected] or phone 0161 772 1810. 


Promoting excellence in public services

APSE (Association for Public Service Excellence) is a not for profit unincorporated association working with over 300 councils throughout the UK. Promoting excellence in public services, APSE is the foremost specialist in local authority frontline services, hosting a network for frontline service providers in areas such as waste and refuse collection, parks and environmental services, cemeteries and crematorium, environmental health, leisure, school meals, cleaning, housing and building maintenance.






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