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APSE Flooding and Water Stewardship Seminar including APSE South/South West AGM

APSE Flooding and Water Stewardship Seminar including APSE South/South West AGM

Oxford Spires Four Pillars Hotel, Oxford
Thursday 17th July 2014


View Full Seminar Information


1 in 7 UK properties and 175,000 businesses are currently vulnerable to the impacts of flooding. By
2080, it is estimated that flood damage will cost the country 27 billion. Equipping a generation for
flood resilience and implementing effective flood protection measures is an imperative of our time.
This seminar will provide space to reflect on the Winter Storms of 2013/14 – How did we respond?What would we do the same? What would we do differently?

It features the launch of a research publication, ’Local Water’ commissioned by APSE, featuring case
studies of Local Authorities’ response to the challenge of flooding as well as opportunities for income
generation and consideration of how councils are stewarding local water. The author, Philip
Monoghan, CEO of the think-tank, Infrangillis will be summarising key findings and copies will be
available free for APSE members.

National experts in flood recovery community assistance from the National Flood Forum and the
Scottish Flood Forum will be joining us to share the benefits of their experiences assisting Local
Authorities to institute effective flood recovery support. Heather Shepherd, Community and Recovery
Support Specialist will be speaking from personal experience about what it is like to be flooded.
Dr Chris Huntingford, co-author of ‘The Recent Storms and Floods in the UK’, published in February
2014 jointly by the Centre of Ecology and Hydrology and the Met office will be giving us a glimpse into
the forecast for stormy weather in the future, and Peter May, who managed a review for DEFRA into
the performance of property level protection schemes during the 2012 floods will be offering insights into best practise in the field.

Cllr Van Coulter from Oxford City Council and Chair of the APSE South/South West region will be
speaking from a wealth of experience as a local politician, working in partnership to protect
communities from the impacts of flooding.

Dan Rogerson, Minister for Flooding (invited) will speak on strategic perspectives from government
and what their objectives are in terms of taking flood prevention forward.



Paul O'Brien, APSE

David Steels, Tewkesbury Borough Council

Phillip Monaghan, Infrangillis

Peter May, JBA Consulting

Paul Hendy, Scottish Flood Forum

Cllr Van Coulter, Oxford City Council

Chris Huntingford: The Recent Storms and Floods in the UK



Promoting excellence in public services

APSE (Association for Public Service Excellence) is a not for profit unincorporated association working with over 300 councils throughout the UK. Promoting excellence in public services, APSE is the foremost specialist in local authority frontline services, hosting a network for frontline service providers in areas such as waste and refuse collection, parks and environmental services, cemeteries and crematorium, environmental health, leisure, school meals, cleaning, housing and building maintenance.






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