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The New Municipal Entrepreneurs

The New Municipal Entrepreneurs

APSE one day seminar
Wednesday 11th February 2015
M Shed, Princes Wharf, Wapping Road, Bristol, BS1 4RN

View Full Seminar Information


Seminar objectives

This seminar is set to explore the concept of Municipal Entrepreneurship, capturing examples of local authorities influencing the local market place, applying unique income generation strategies, improving outcomes for local people and securing the future of public services.

The seminar will look at how to embed an entrepreneurial approach across your organisation, consider questions of culture and service delivery models and includes a workshop from the APSE Solutions team about how to capitalise commercial opportunities.

Buckinghamshire County Council, the first council in the UK to open up Legal Services to commercial clients will be talking about making pioneering inroads into a commercial world. CORMAC Solutions Ltd. will be sharing about how they have embedded an entrepreneurial culture as a wholly owned teckal trading company and their journey of change. Oxford City Council will be talking about the gains they’ve made through their commercial activity, which spans across frontline services and Flintshire County Council will be talking about how they are improving outcomes for local people in the private rented housing sector through a council owned property management company.

Brighton and Hove City Council will be talking about their approach to ensuring the provision of financial services to local people, particularly within the context of reducing welfare assistance and the Director of APSE Energy, Mark Bramah will help us explore case studies of Local Authorities who have set up Energy Services Companies.

The day will blend practical support and examples with over-arching theory and mythbusting. Whatever your service interest or position within your authority, come to be equipped with new ideas and a broadened understanding of the options and tools at your disposal as well as to contribute to the debate and build the wider understanding of what Municipal Entrepreneurship can look like in the local context.


Opening up Legal Services to Commercial Clients

Anne Davis, Director of Buclinghamshire Law Plus, Buckinghamshire County Council

Influencing the private rented sector

Melville Evans, Strategic Housing and Regeneration Programme Manager

Embedding Commercial Activity as the norm- the Oxford City example

Tim Sadler, Director, Oxford City Council

Developing an Entrepreneurial Culture - the CORMAC example

Arthur Hooper, Managing Director, CORMAC Solutions Ltd

Form follows function

Andy Mudd, Head of APSE Solutions



Promoting excellence in public services

APSE (Association for Public Service Excellence) is a not for profit unincorporated association working with over 300 councils throughout the UK. Promoting excellence in public services, APSE is the foremost specialist in local authority frontline services, hosting a network for frontline service providers in areas such as waste and refuse collection, parks and environmental services, cemeteries and crematorium, environmental health, leisure, school meals, cleaning, housing and building maintenance.






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