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Engagement with the Climate Emergency: How Can Local Authorities Meet the Challenge?

Thursday 13 February 2020

The Crystal, Royal Victoria Dock, One Siemens Brothers Way, Royal Docks, London E16 1GB

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View the programme here

With over 200 local authorities having declared a climate emergency, now is the time to consider what your authority can do to help make lasting change. How can your council engage with stakeholders, employees, local residents and businesses? Everyone has a responsibility to work towards creating a zero-emission society.
This seminar will explore how local authorities can work towards meeting their targets and what they are already doing to make positive and lasting change through presentations and group discussion. We will hear how we can utilise the willingness of the public to achieve an area wide difference.
Taking place at The Crystal in London – one of the World’s most sustainable buildings. We will be hearing presentations from a range of experts including Professor Myles Allen, from the University of Oxford who will be talking about The Real Climate Emergency (Professor Allen contributed to the IPCC Special Report on Global Warming of 1.5oC). Dr Barbara Hammond MBE, CEO of the Low Carbon Hub, will deliver a presentation regarding creating renewable energy projects with businesses, schools and communities, and Emma Osmundsen, MD of Exeter City Living, Exeter City Council will be sharing a case study regarding the building of St Sidwell’s Point – one of the world’s most energy efficient leisure centres.



Session 1 - Setting the Scene

The Policy Context to Climate Change

Paul O'Brien, Chief Executive, APSE

The Real Climate Emergency

Professor Myles Allen, Professor of Geosystem Science, University of Oxford

Session 2 - Public Engagment

Low Carbon Hub: Creating renewble energy projects with Businesses, Schools, and Communities

Dr Barbara Hammond MBE, CEO, Low Carbon Hub

Helping communities become more resilient in the face Climate Change challenges

Fred Barker, Director, Transistion Stroud

Climate Risk Management: The role of the Local Authority Finance Function and the need to change

Roy Nolan, Head of Public Sector Liaison and Andrew Hinds, Head of Structuring, RP Martin

Session 3

Group Discussion:- Local authorities and challenges after declaring climate emergencies

Mo Baines, Head of Communication and Coordination, APSE

A word from are sponsors:- Beond

Mike Chan, Sales Director, Beond Group Ltd

Session 4 - Case Studies

Exeter City Council: Building an enviromentally sustainable, state-of-the-art leisure complex

Emma Osmundsen, Managing Director for Exeter City Living, Exeter City Council


Promoting excellence in public services

APSE (Association for Public Service Excellence) is a not for profit unincorporated association working with over 300 councils throughout the UK. Promoting excellence in public services, APSE is the foremost specialist in local authority frontline services, hosting a network for frontline service providers in areas such as waste and refuse collection, parks and environmental services, cemeteries and crematorium, environmental health, leisure, school meals, cleaning, housing and building maintenance.






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