APSE is pleased to announce the second of its twice-yearly Cemeteries and Crematoria Seminars which will take place on Thursday 17 November 2022, at The Edge Conferencing Arena, Riveredge, Wigan, WN3 5AB.
This event has been kindly sponsored by:

We will again be holding the seminar as a physical event where colleagues will be able to network, hear from excellent speakers and visit a wealth of exhibitors highlighting the latest innovations and products relating to the work of Bereavement Services Managers.
There will be a wide range of topics discussed including:
- New cremation technologies - highlighting case studies on state of the art facilities including new generation electric cremators, water cremation, LPG, hydrogen and the latest updates on the use of microwave technology.
- The introduction of new memorial spaces within cemeteries which offer unique grieving places for differing age groups and their needs.
- A discussion on the changing roles of Bereavement Services Managers and the growing range of skills needed to meet societies constantly changing requirements.
- Looking at the results of APSE’s survey on how local authorities are recognising the biodiversity and wider environmental value of their cemetery and crematoria grounds and associated greenspaces.
- De-bunking the pre-conceptions of ‘heir- hunting’ and how the genealogy profession is using both traditional and modern technology to create a new future and the benefits this will bring for local authorities.
- Explaining how APSE’s new Memorial Safety Inspection App (MIST) can improve the health and safety of your cemeteries for staff and visitors alike as well as considering how environmental performance an be measured to meet corporate climate and ecological emergency plans.
Building Crematorium for a Greener Future
Justin Smith, Director, CDS Group
Developing a Range of holistic Grieving Spaces in a time of need
Martin Birch FICCM(Dip), City and County of Cardiff
Economist, Ecologist, Empath – The Changing role of the Bereavement Service Manager – a discussion
Andrew Bond, Wigan Council
Past, present, and future: how genealogy has changed through the years
Megan Murphy, Estate Research
Results of the Welcoming Nature into Cemeteries and Crematoria Grounds Survey 2022
Wayne Priestley, APSE Principal Advisor
Increasing the opportunities for Nature in Wigan’s Cemeteries
Kieran Sayer, Wigan Council
The MIST Memorial Inspection app / Monitoring Environmental Performance
Debbie Johns, Head of APSE Performance Networks