Association for Public Service Excellence
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What we do

The Environment Act: How will the Act contribute to climate change actions within local councils


The New Office for Environmental Protection
Richard Greenhous, Chief of Staff, The Office for Environmental Protection

The importance of access to Green Infrastructure for people and places
Clare Warburton, Principal Adviser, Natural England


Biodiversity Net Gain: A new requirement for developments

Rebecca Moberly, Principal Consultant, Environment,Planning Advisory Service, Local Government Association

The 25 year Environment Plan

Rosily Jones, Communications and Stakeholder Engagement Team Leader, DEFRA


Improving air quality: Developing Clean Air Zones
Mo Baines, APSE

Reducing waste: Supporting a circular economy
Tim Walker – ARC21 and Environment Agency, Advisory Committee on Packaging


Deposit Return Schemes: What are the lessons from Scotland?
Charlie Devine, Service Manager – Waste Partnership, Dundee City Council

Food and Garden Waste; Where to now in preparation for statutory changes?
Tara Dumas, Waste and Recycling Manager, Environment, Denbighshire Council

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Deposit Return Scheme

Deposit Return Scheme

Proposals are emerging across the UK for Deposit Return Schemes. A DRS operates whereby a deposit is charged to the consumer for the use of drinks containers made from glass, aluminium or plastic to ensure those products are returned for reuse, to the manufacturer. This, it is argued, will ensure that the materials returned will be of a higher quality, more capable of reuse and recycling, and ultimately support the circular economy by avoiding the use of new raw materials.

That is why APSE decided to conduct some further research into Deposit Return Schemes using Scotland as an emerging case study, given it is ahead of other UK administrations in bringing forward proposals. Whilst this research publication therefore concentrates on the proposed scheme within Scotland some of the lessons learned are equally applicable to the rest of the UK.

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Promoting excellence in public services

APSE (Association for Public Service Excellence) is a not for profit unincorporated association working with over 300 councils throughout the UK. Promoting excellence in public services, APSE is the foremost specialist in local authority frontline services, hosting a network for frontline service providers in areas such as waste and refuse collection, parks and environmental services, cemeteries and crematorium, environmental health, leisure, school meals, cleaning, housing and building maintenance.






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