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APSE Highways, Street Lighting and Winter Maintenance Seminar 2024

Seminar Title: APSE Highways, Street Lighting and Winter Maintenance Seminar 2024

Seminar Location: Doubletree by Hilton, Westerwood Glasgow

Seminar Date: 20 - 21 March 2024


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About the seminar

2024 will likely see a General Election and possible change of Government. Whoever wins, the funding prospects for highways are unlikely to improve drastically in the short term. The industry is still reeling from substantial rises in material and energy costs. Inflation has driven up wage costs in a sector already struggling with recruitment difficulties. Highways Authorities will have to be still more innovative and more focused, getting best value in maintaining the 97.6% of highway assets within the Local Authority remit.

Carbon reduction has been embraced by authorities across the UK. Most authorities have set targets for carbon reduction and highways and street lighting are at the forefront of efforts to tackle emissions. The seminar will again highlight the actions taken to quantify and monitor CO2 along with plans for decarbonisation across the entire supply chain

Involving the public in highways has never been easier with smart phones and apps. The seminar will explore the experience of moving to integrated app based reporting, the costs and benefits to the authority and channel shift away from call centres. Several local authorities will detail their improvement journey and the trials and tribulations of running highways, street lighting and winter maintenance in the current climate

Whilst spending on A roads has improved, budgetary pressures have seen that spent on minor roads at a decade low. The APSE / Survation survey continues to find widespread support for more money to be spent locally on roads and highways. The public hugely values highways maintenance, street lighting and winter maintenance and resilience services. This seminar will explore the core issues which will impact on the sector in the near future as well as the longer-term challenges.

With industry experts and local authority case studies, this seminar is a must attend event and will provide an excellent learning opportunity for Highways and Street Lighting teams; bringing forward ideas for cost efficiency, innovation and funding streams.


The State we’re in - highways and street lighting
Rob Bailey, Principal Advisor, APSE

The Ambition for Highways
Kevin Hamilton, Scottish Road Works Commissioner

Where next for local authority lighting?
Rebecca Hatch, President and Institution of Lighting Professionals

The Improvement Journey for Highways
Stephen Hall, Interim Head of Roads and Infrastructure, Dumfries and Galloway Council

Innovation on the Highway
Laura Morrison, Flood Risk Engineer, Wigan Council

Performance in Highways, Lighting & Winter Maintenance
Andy Martin, APSE Associate

North Lanarkshire and the LiveLab on Decarbonisation
Scott Walker, Asset Services Manager & Elaine Nicol, Road Maintenance Manager, North Lanarkshire Council

“Carbon Accounting & Carbon Reduction: Tools & Guidance”
Simon Wilson, Research Programme Director, Future Highways Research Group

Selective & Dynamic Routing - Operational Efficiencies in Winter Maintenance
Debbie Cavanagh, UK Sales Manager, Safecote

The Low Carbon Alternative :Retexturing
Leigh Foster, Retexturing Specification Manager, WJ Group


Promoting excellence in public services

APSE (Association for Public Service Excellence) is a not for profit unincorporated association working with over 300 councils throughout the UK. Promoting excellence in public services, APSE is the foremost specialist in local authority frontline services, hosting a network for frontline service providers in areas such as waste and refuse collection, parks and environmental services, cemeteries and crematorium, environmental health, leisure, school meals, cleaning, housing and building maintenance.






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