Energy Services Companies - a strategic tool for local authorities
Friday 5th May 2017 - Barnsley
10:00am registration for a 10:30am start
APSE Energy members Free attendance
Non-APSE Energy members £99 + VAT
Non-APSE members £199 + VAT
APSE Energy are holding a workshop to highlight the issue of energy services companies.
ESCos appear to be flavour of the month in local government. But the term ESCo has no legal meaning and there is much confusion about what an ESCO really is and what one does. In effect, this depends on what entity is established and for what purpose.
The latest developments have been for ESCos to be established that are fully licenced to sell electricity and gas to consumers (such as in Nottingham and Bristol) but there are many other examples which cover heat or other areas.
This event will explain what ESCos are, what they are for and how to set one up amongst other things. The topic will be addressed in the context of a sound energy strategy for the local authority. It will consider legal models and provide examples of different ESCOs already in operation and the benefits and barriers which have emerged.
There will also be an opportunity for questions and group discussion.
A detailed agenda will be available shortly.