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GM1061 - Charging electricity to third party event organisers -121224

Do other councils charge third party event organisers for electricity when they host events on council land?

And if so, what are the charging arrangements?


GM1060 - Grounds maintenance repairs - 091224

Have any authorities outsourced grounds maintenance equipment repair and maintenance?

If YES, was this via a framework or another means of procurement?

If YES, who was the contractor that it was awarded to and for how long was the contract let?

If YES is the work carried out on site at the councils depot or at the contractors premises?


Do any authorities hire this type of equipment in on a seasonal basis?

If YES, was this via a framework or another means of procurement?

If YES, who was the contractor that it was awarded to and for how long was the contract let?


GM1059 - Applying for playground improvements funding

Where are the best places to apply for funding relating to playground improvements? With a focus on – but not exclusive to – the South East of England?


GM1058 - Software for processing requests for events in parks and open spaces – 291124

A member authority would like to hear feedback on the software other councils use in the processing of requests for events taking place in parks and open spaces. These will range from <100 person events to >20,000 person events.


GM1057 - Management and disposal of grass cuttings - 291124

How do other local authorities manage and/or dispose of their grass arising as a result of alternative grassland management:

1. Do they dispose of on-site?

2. Do they bale clippings from wildflower areas and if so, how do they dispose of them?

3. If uplift or arisings occurs, do they put to landfill, bio-digester or use some other method?

4. What costs do they incur as a result of uplifting of grass/wildflower arisings?

5. What is the best form of grassland management they have in practice for open park areas?


GM1056 - Dealing with gulls/pigeons - 271124

A member authority would like to know how other councils deal with the problems of gulls/pigeons?

And if other councils have any specific PSPO's or other ways of tackling people who feed them?


GM1055 - Allotment policies - 251124

A member authority is currently reviewing their allotment policies and would like to put a request out to other local authorities to gather information about how their sites are run.

They would like to know:

  • What your site rules are?
  • What criteria you use to judge how well a plot is maintained?
  • How you deal with tenant disputes?
  • How your warning/appeals/eviction process works?

The authority would be grateful for any copies of rule books/allotment agreements/tenant contracts.


GM1054 - Grazing of land managed by a local authority - 181124

Do any other local authorities own cattle(or other animals) to graze conservation meadows?

If so:

  • Who manages the animals, is it a dedicated grazing officer(s) or is it managed through existing staffing?
  • If a dedicated gazing officer - how was that person recruited? Did they have a farming or conservation background? What qualifications do they have/require?
  • Do you have animals all year round or do you buy and sell each year to cover the grazing period?
  • If all year round, do you breed from your animals?
  • Do you have access to non-conservational land to over winter the animals? How do you manage keeping the animals over winter?
  • Do you check the animals daily including Christmas and, if so, who does this staff or volunteers? If staff, what enhancements are paid if any?
  • Is grazing enough or does the land require rotational hay cutting/topping to maintain its biodiversity value?
  • Have you encountered any unforeseen problems with having your own herd?


GM1053 - Leaf removal around gullies/drains – 141124

A member authority is reviewing its flooding / leaf removal programme, and are exploring public assistance campaigns:-

  • What measures do you have in place to remove leaves around gullies?
  • What plans do you have in place to prevent flooding with known problematic gullies?
  • Have you used any campaigns to ask residents to clear leaves from around drains outside their properties to prevent flooding? If so:
  • How successful was the campaign?
  • Did services such as legal back the campaign?
  • What measures did you put into place for leaves to be disposed?
  • Are you able to share your web page / posters / leaflets and risk assessment?


GM1052 - Weed control methods – 081124

This member authority is keen to understand the weed control methods used by other local authorities? In particular:

  1. Have any Councils used brine sprayers to treat weeds on hardstanding areas?
  2. Do any Councils have any other methods they are using that don’t include Glyphosate that they are finding effective?
  3. Do any Councils have a herbicide policy or a policy to reduce glyphosate they would be willing to share or discuss?


GM1051 - Putting offsite BNG units on council-owned land - 151024              

A member authority is investigating whether there are opportunities to use Biodiversity Net Gain requirements to put off-sited BNG units on their own land – parks and other land holdings.

The authority would like to know:

  • Are any other councils looking to do the same?
  • What experience (pitfalls, successes etc) should the authority bear in mind?
  • How was the ecological advice to identify the BNG unit potential on council-owned land sought?


GM1050 - Play Equipment Inspections- 240924   

A member authority is currently reviewing its play equipment inspections and would be grateful to hear from colleagues, in particular: -

  • In terms of above group equipment, how do you check the condition of taller equipment (e.g. over 2.5m in height) - by use of platform/ ladder or similar or visually from the ground?
  • Do you dismantle playpark equipment to inspect hidden components and if so, how often?
  • If you dismantle equipment to routinely inspect, is this done by inhouse staff or an external company?
  • How often do you routinely undertake basic playground inspections and is this undertaken by your own staff?
  • What level are your staff trained to with regards to (a) inspecting (b) repairing and (c) installing play equipment?
  • Do you routinely replace aerial runway steel cables and if so how often and do you consider environmental conditions e.g. proximity to salt water when considering the frequency?


GM1049 - Forest trail maintenance – 090924

A member authority is pulling together a business plan for the effective maintenance of community trails in several forest locations.

The authority would like to know:

1.           Does your council maintain forest and woodland trails?

2.           If yes, what are the costs, resources and standards required for effective maintenance of these trails?


GM1048 - Income generation within Parks and Neighbourhood services - 040924       

A member authority is currently exploring income generation within the Parks and Neighbourhood service. They are keen to understand what income streams other authorities have within these services?


GM1047 - Pitch agreements – 030924

A member authority is reviewing the agreements they hold with 3rd party organisations to manage pitches on their behalf. They are keen to compare their pitch agreements with other councils. They currently have three different types of agreements in place with several organisations, as summarised below:

Type of Agreement - Overview Summary

Partnering Agreement - Agreement with external organisations to develop sports development programmes. Council provides a fee, maintains pitches and manages bookings and receives income.

Facility Management Agreement - Council maintains pitches and provides a fee to external organisations who manage the pitch bookings and keep the income.

External organisations manage the asset but pay a rent fee to Council. Bookings and income are managed by the external organisation.

Do you currently operate any of the above type of pitch agreement?

Do you have a methodology and/or scale for payments?


GM1046 - Grassland management strategies – 300824

APSE is looking to identify those local authorities who have developed grassland management strategies and discover what these strategies include.

We would be particularly interested in hearing from those authorities who intend to manage grasslands to help reduce the impact of climate change by using grasslands as carbon sinks, as well as  the management practices they use to achieve this aim.

Information on grassland management to increase biodiversity would also be welcomed.

From the information received,  APSE will look to develop a briefing note and/or seminar outlining the different approaches being taken across the UK in relation to grassland management.


GM1045 - Open water swimming in rivers, lakes and the sea (policies) - 290824           

A member authority would like to know how other councils approach open water swimming in rivers, lakes and the sea.

Examples of policies would be helpful along with experience of managing popular venues and dealing with incidents when they occur.


GM1044 - Ash Dieback: species replacement - 140824  

A member authority is interested to know what species of tree colleagues are using to replace trees with Ash Dieback?


GM1043 - Open Space and Playing Pitch Calculator Update - 090824  

A member authority is updating their Open Space and Playing Pitch Calculator which is used to determine S106 contributions as part of the planning process.

Would other authorities:

1.           Be prepared to share figures for benchmarking?

2.           Like to ratify or suggest typologies of space?

You can download the authority’s Playing Pitch Calculator via the APSE website here. Please complete what you can.


GM1042 - Transferring responsibility of a play park to the local community - 240724 

A member is interested in hearing from other councils who have experience of transferring responsibility of play parks to the local community.


GM1041 - Alternative ways of recycling or disposing mixed timber/tree stump stockpile - 190724  

Wherever possible, a member authority tries to leave timber on site for wildlife and habitat benefit. Where timber has to be removed from site, it is brought back to the council’s depot and collected for disposal. Their annual volume created is currently around 54 tonnes.

The council is interested in hearing about alternative ways of disposing or recycling mixed timber/tree stump stockpile.

It would also be interested in how other authorities maximise the value of wood waste in terms of its environmental/carbon/recycling values?


GM1040 - Public Address Systems in Parks - 200624        

A member authority is designing a large play area. The play area will have staff on site and one suggestion has been to install a Public Address System.

They would like to know if other authorities make use of Public Address Systems in their parks. If so, what are they used for and what are the pros and cons of such a system?


GM1039  - Greening town centres and sustainable planting schemes - 250624             

A member authority is designing a large play area. The play area will have staff on site and one suggestion has been to install a Public Address System.

They would like to know if other authorities make use of Public Address Systems in their parks. If so, what are they used for and what are the pros and cons of such a system?


GM1038 - Staff car parking policies - 170624         

A member authority would like to know the following:

1. What does your current staff car parking policy consist of and has it been designed to align with your corporate/wider city objectives? If you could supply a copy that would be very helpful.

2. How did you go about implementing this policy? Did you face challenges from staff/ unions around reduced capacity; have you changed your policy in recent years; what were the key areas of change?

3. What tools have you used to encourage a shift to sustainable forms of transport for staff? I.e. subsidised arrangements with travel providers; discounted travel to work schemes; discounted car parking passes etc?

4. What arrangements are there in place for essential car users, who need a car to do their job on a regular basis?

GM1037 - Managing allotment sites that do not use water - 170624       

A member authority would like to hear from other councils who manage allotment sites that do not use water.

GM1036 - Withdrawing from maintenance of Land not in Local Authority title - 130624            

A member authority is currently undergoing a potential savings exercise through exploring to withdraw from grounds maintenance services (incl grass cutting, tree work, litter picking etc), from privately owned land. Many of these sites have been maintained by the local authority for decades due to historical errors, informal agreements and or maintenance commencing without title transfer being completed which makes retracting services difficult to achieve. The member authority is keen to learn of any successful strategies or methods that other local authorities have utilised.

GM1035 - Play Areas and Equipment - 310524      

A member authority has asked APSE to circulate a short survey in order to help inform their review of play provision. It would be greatly appreciated if you could spare 5 minutes to complete the survey below.

GM1034 - Asset management software and tree removals - 280524      

A member authority would like to know what Grounds maintenance planning software applications other Neighbourhoods/Streetscene/Parks/Greenspace Services are using for managing assets and services (e.g. Grounds maintenance, street cleansing, enquiry handling, customer interface management).

The authority is looking at Confirm but are aware of others out there such as ESRI, Bartech, Totalmobile etc and would really appreciate some insight from colleagues.


GM1033 - Charges for leases on water bodies for fishing - 220524  

A member authority’s charges to fishing clubs for lease on water bodies varies from £300 to £1,000. The authority is interested in how other councils charge:

•             Value of fee charged (£)

•             How the fee is calculated? Is it a standard fee or variable depending on other factors e.g. size of water bodies?

•             If discounts are available to the fishing club e.g. disability access etc.


GM1032 - Football/cricket provision charges - 160524    

A member authority would like to know:

1.           What are members current fees/charges for the 2024-2025 charging period for football/cricket provision in their LA?

2.           Are members planning to increase fees/charges for football/cricket provision for 2025-2026?

i.             What are members planning to increase fees/charges to?

ii.            What do these fees include?  e.g., changing rooms, showers, pitch marking, exclusive use, etc.

iii.          Are fees for a block booking, season, or match basis?


GM1031 - Allotment Charges - 140524       

A member authority would like to know:

  1. What are current fees/charges for the 2024-2025 charging period
  2. Are members planning to increase allotment fees in their LA for 2025-2026?

i.             Half plot?

ii.            Full plot?

iii.          Do these prices include water charges, keys, etc?

a.           Yes / No

b.            If no, is there an additional charge at the end of the year?

iv.           Are these prices for standard allotments with no additional facilities e.g., shed provision, toilets, raised beds, etc.

  1. If there is a different existing pricing structure for enhanced allotment provision, can this be shared?


GM1030 - Natural Flood Management - Engaging with Landowners - 140524            

The wet winter has highlighted problem areas suffering from extensive surface water run-off flooding.

A member authority would like to engage with landowners (predominantly farmland) about the installation of NFM measures (bunding, tree planting, leaky dams, etc.) yet has little experience in this matter.

The authority would like to hear from other councils who have engaged with landowners about the installation of NFM features; how they were engaged and the outcomes.


GM1029 - Mechanical Street Sweeping Operations - 250424 

A member authority is seeking to establish levels of Traffic Management being utilised during Mechanical Street Sweeping Operations in different road settings.

Please can you provide the following information:

  • Do you deploy static advance warning traffic management signage for mobile works in the following situations or what alternative controls do you utilise?
  • On streets within 30mph speed limits with moderate/high traffic volumes e.g. main routes into/through a town or a main street through a village swept by 15T sweepers?
  • On streets within 30mph or 20mph speed limits with low traffic volumes e.g. residential side streets swept by 15T sweepers?
  • On streets within 30mph or 20mph speed limits with low traffic volumes e.g. residential side streets swept by mid-range compact sweepers?
  • On town centre pedestrian precinct areas swept by mid-range compact sweepers?
  • When sweeping adopted footways swept by mid-range compact sweepers


GM1028 - Parkrun - 230424

A member authority has a query in relation to facilities/equipment provided by councils where their open space is being used by Parkrun.

Are any of the following provided/given access to:

•             Electricity

•             Building/Cover

•             Toilets

•             Water

•             Additional grounds maintenance as a result of the heavy use by Parkrun

•             Storage for weekly equipment


GM1027-Removal of Litter Bins from Parks and Open Spaces-110424        

A member authority would like to know how other councils handled the removal of litter bins from within their parks and open spaces. The enquirer would like to know how it was:

•              Consulted on?

•              Publicised?

•              What went well

•              What went wrong?


GM1026- Risk Assessments and Method Statements for Grounds Maintenance Machinery-110424        

A network member has asked if other councils would be willing to share their risk assessments and method statements for the delivery of in-house grounds maintenance services across parks and open spaces, where rides on machinery, tractors, battery powered pedestrian equipment, two-stroke powered equipment and pedestrian mowers are used.


GM1025 -  Leasing grass-cutting machinery -030424             

A network member is interested in hearing from other councils who lease grass-cutting machinery, namely ride-on mowers.

The authority would like to know:

  • If you lease them on a long-term lease or if it is seasonal?
  • What benefits do you find from leasing?
  • Whether you leased in the past but have now returned to purchasing your fleet? And why?


GM1024 - Rainwater Harvesting – 220324

A member authority would like to know if any of their members have experience of installing a rainwater harvesting project on a Plant Production Nursery or other rainwater harvesting project, and if so can they recommend who they used for installation?


GM1023 - Creating a ‘Tree Fund’ - 220324      

A network member is exploring the potential for creating a ‘Tree Fund’ which organisations that trade with the Council can contribute to, as part of Community / Social Value responsibilities, linked to procurement policy.

It is proposed that the Fund will be held by a third party who will have the ability to fund planting projects within the administrative boundaries of the Council for community groups, local businesses, and the Council itself. The criteria for eligibility would be agreed with the Council prior to the fund being established.

The member authority would be interested to hear from any other local authorities that have or are seeking to develop this approach or similar.

The overriding aim is increase tree canopy across the city.


GM1022 - Costs Grounds Maintenance works – 190324

A member authority would like to hear from other authorities in terms of costs for Grounds Maintenance works. The would like to know how you calculate:

  1. Costs for Grounds Maintenance works, in particular ‘cost per square metre’
  2. Charge rates for different types of works (both for the purpose of internal re-charges and trading with external customers)


GM1021 - Concerto property Estates management software – 190324

A Member authority would love to hear from any authorities that utilize Concerto property Estates management software who would be happy to share their experiences regarding the software.


GM1020 - Allotment provision – 180324

A member authority has recently taken over the management of their allotment provision and would like to hear how other members manage their allotment asset.

1. If you have a bespoke in-house approach to manage your allotments (e.g. paper based/excel etc.) how do you complete the following:

•              Site inspections?

•              Bookings?

•              Letters/notice to plot holders if required?

•              Worksheets for rectification works/repairs?

2. If you have a bought-in software solution to manage your allotments:

•              Does the software solution meet your needs?

•              Are inspections included as part of the software package?

•              Does the inspection facility produce letters/notice to plot holders if required?

•              Does the inspection facility produce worksheets if required?

•              Are there any other benefits we should be aware of?


GM1019 - Route optimisation - 150324           

A member authority is interested in learning about the systems other local authorities use for route optimisation, in particular:-

what system do you use?

Is this system shared with other services e.g. Waste or do they use a separate system?

Have you route optimised your street sweepers and how effective has this been?

Have you route optimised street cleansing routes for –

street litter bin emptying?

Street litter/open space litter picking?

Any other cyclical works are undertaken by street cleansing?


GM1018 - Information on verge grass cutting - 150324           

A member authority is interested in learning how other local authorities, against a backdrop of budget cuts, are dealing with grass cutting on verges, in particular:-

How do you prioritise which verges to cut or do you stick to visibility and junctions every year?

What frequency do you cut verges?

Do you cut full width or one mowers width?

Do you cut junctions and site lines over and above any cuts?

Would you be willing to share your specification?


GM1017 - Compost toilets on allotment sites – 070324

A member authority has received a request for a compost toilet on an allotment site. The council anticipates there will be more requests over time.

The enquiring authority would like to know if other councils:

•              Allow compost toilets on your allotment sites?

•              Have a policy to cover compost toilets?

•              Restrict compost toilets?

•              Give guidance on where they should be sited?

•              Have encountered any other issues related to compost toilets?


GM1016 - Monitoring users of public conveniences - 290224            

A member authority is looking to monitor the number of people who use their public conveniences and is seeking information regarding what other authorities have in place to monitor user numbers.

Specifically, the member authority would like to know:-

1.            Do you have a process for monitoring user numbers?

2.            How do you monitor users?

3.            If you use technology, what system do you use.


GM1015 - Rainwater Harvesting - 280224      

A member authority would like to know if any other councils have experience of installing a rainwater harvesting project on a plant production nursery. Or any other rainwater harvesting project for that matter.

If so, can they recommend who they used for installation?


GM1014 - Managing litter picking volunteers - 28022024     

A member authority would like to know how local authorities manage/liaise with any litter picking volunteers, especially around water bodies.

Copies of any risk assessments (RA) or procedures would be appreciated. The authority would like to know whether RA's are approved by the LA before the activity takes place or whether the group has to show they have a RA but it is not 'approved' by the LA. The authority is concerned about liability should there be an accident.

Also, the authority would like to hear about whether any LA's allow volunteers to enter water bodies to clear litter on the edges of water banks.


GM1013 - IT systems used in Neighbourhood Services – 230224

A member authority is looking to improve the current IT systems they use in the Neighbourhood Services Area.

The member authority is looking to gain some knowledge and feedback from other Local Authorities on what IT systems are currently being used to manage the handling of Work Schedules, Job Allocation and Location Mapping within the following areas, Street Cleansing, Grounds Maintenance, Park Maintenance, and parts of Facilities Management such as building cleaning. Specifically, the member authority would like to know the following:-

(Street Cleansing,          Grounds Maintenance , Park Maintenance       , FM – Building Cleaning)

Do you use an IT system for scheduling works and inspections within the services detailed in the table,

If yes, which system do you use?

Does the system automatically produce a run of schedules each month without manual input?

If yes, are you able to change them as and when required?                                                     

Does the system allow work schedules to be viewed/changed/reassigned on both desktop and mobile devices?                                                               

Does the system allow for precise location mapping?

If yes, does the system allow you to add new jobs, mark them as complete, amend existing jobs or add photographs? For example, fly tipping, reactive cleaning etc.                                 

Does the system allow you to record Inspections on site and record them as completed or reassigned?                   

Does the system produce performance reports as and when required?                                            

Does the system allow you to export data to manipulate in other software packages.


GM1012 - Play areas which do not comply with EN1176 and EN1177 – 210224

A member authority would be interested in hearing from other councils who have play areas on their books which do not comply with EN1176 and EN1177.


GM1011 - Tree - Arborist Pay and Grades - 210224   

A member authority is undertaking a review of its tree team’s job descriptions, employee specifications and pay.

Please can other councils assist with their review and provide feedback on:

a) Copies of job descriptions and employee specifications for Arborists / Tree teams and Team Leaders

b) Pay grades / salaries for the roles


GM1010 - Allotment charges for 2024/25 - 140224   

A member authority has a question in relation to allotment charges for 2024/25.

The enquiring authority is intending to increase allotment rent charges to:

•              £0.75 per m2 for small plots up to 125m

•              £1.00 per m2 for medium plots 125m to 399m

•              £1.25 per m2 for large plots 400m +

The authority is interested in the rent charges other councils are proposing for allotments for the next financial year 2024/ 25?


GM1009 - Agricultural Estates policy best practice examples – 140224

A member authority has a Member / Officer Task and Finish Group in place to review its agricultural estates policy.

The authority is interested in hearing from other authorities who have changed their agricultural estates policies. This includes:

•          Copies of the policies

•          case studies / best practice examples


GM1008 - Tree management - 080224              

A member authority is interested in the following information relating to tree management:

  1. What is your day rate for tree contracting teams – specifying climbing rate, mewp rate, chipper rate etc.
  2. What are your tractor flail contractor day rates?
  3. How many specialised contracting teams do you use for tree work?
  4. What tree management system do you use, if any, to coordinate this tree work and flail routes?
  5. Over the last 3 years, what is your estimated cost of Ash Dieback consultancy and/or operational tree work?


GM1007 - Disposing Ash Dieback timber

A member authority is interested in learning how other local authorities are disposing of their Ash Dieback timber?

Promoting excellence in public services

APSE (Association for Public Service Excellence) is a not for profit unincorporated association working with over 300 councils throughout the UK. Promoting excellence in public services, APSE is the foremost specialist in local authority frontline services, hosting a network for frontline service providers in areas such as waste and refuse collection, parks and environmental services, cemeteries and crematorium, environmental health, leisure, school meals, cleaning, housing and building maintenance.






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