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APSE Central Region Event and AGM - Park Life, Street Life – How local authorities are creating a sustainable public realm - Wednesday 19 June 2024, Chesterfield


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About the event

The public realm is at the centre of a community’s identity. Well-cared for spaces have a wide range of benefits including public health and wellbeing, encouraging community cohesion, and increasing the local economy of the area.

Even with falling local authority resources, and the increasing demands for services, councils continue to adopt new service delivery methodologies and continue to engage with local community. With it being more difficult for local councils to manage the cleanliness of the local environment on their own, they have developed working partnerships with comparable agencies through sharing of resources and have developed effective solutions to shared problems.

The event will aim to show how local authorities in APSE’s Central Region and organisations are meeting these challenges by changing service delivery in innovative ways and using partner and community support thus allowing more sustainable services to be delivered.

The AGM papers can be viewed here. 


Creating quality urban spaces
Neil Johnson, Service Director for Economic Growth, Chesterfield Borough Council

Gheluvelt Park – One of the nation’s finest green open spaces
Sandra Green, Head of City Services, Worcester City Council

Keeping it clean and tidy - An award-winning street cleansing service
Steve Brunt, Strategic Director of Services Bolsover District Council, Winner of the APSE Performance Networks, Most Improved Performer, Street Cleansing 2023

Adopting a Grassland Management Strategy
Darren Green and Tom
Guilbert-Newell, Newcastle-Under-Lyme Borough Council

Derby City Council’s Safer Streets Programme
Lindsey Maidstone, Acting Service Manager – Community Safety, Derby City Council

Chewing gum – A modern day blight!
Rachel Scarisbrick, Litter & Place Services Manager, Keep Britain Tidy




Promoting excellence in public services

APSE (Association for Public Service Excellence) is a not for profit unincorporated association working with over 300 councils throughout the UK. Promoting excellence in public services, APSE is the foremost specialist in local authority frontline services, hosting a network for frontline service providers in areas such as waste and refuse collection, parks and environmental services, cemeteries and crematorium, environmental health, leisure, school meals, cleaning, housing and building maintenance.






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