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APSE Policy, Governance & Strategy Seminar 2016

APSE Policy, Governance & Strategy Seminar 2016

Wednesday 16th March 2016

M Shed, Princes Wharf, Wapping Road, BS1 4RN


View the full seminar flyer here



Devolution and local growth

Mike Wiltshire, Deputy Director-BIS Local (south Central and West), Department for bBusiness, Innovation and skills

Devolution in Practise

Paul Masters, Corporate Director foe Economy, Enterprose and Environment, Cornwall Council

Scrutiny in a changing local government landscape

Jacqui Mckinlay, Executive Director, Centre for Public Scrutiny

Elected mayors and urban governanace:evaluating the impact of mayors

Dr David Sweeting, Senior Lecturer in Urban Studies, University of Bristol

Income Generation through property Assets

Mark Bradbury Head of Capital Assets Southampton City Council

The legal framework surrounding trading and charging powers

Richard Auton, Director, Walker Morris

Trading Charging and Income Generation

Andy Mudd, Head of APSE Solutions, Association for Public Excellence


Seminar objectives
APSE is delighted to announce this unique opportunity to explore the ways and means for Local Government to move towards a self-sustaining future, examining the progress of the devolution programme, opportunities for income generation through commercial approaches and investment strategies as well as the changing nature of scrutiny and governance.
We’ll be hearing from Simon Ridley, (Director General) Decentralisation and Growth, DCLG on the current status of the Devolution programme and Paul Masters, Corporate Director for Communities and Organisational Development at Cornwall Council who will be sharing a case study on the implementation of devolved powers in transport, business support/skillsdevelopment and the integration of health and social care.
Director of Walker Morris, Richard Auton, will be offering us the legal context for trading and charging and Head of APSESolutions, Andy Mudd will be sharing the outcome of the APSE Local Government Trading and Charging survey, outlining feedback on those service areas most often engaged in trading and charging activity as well as offering a strategic approach to ensuring income generation.
We’re delighted that Michael Lockwood, Chief Executive, London Borough of Harrow will join us to explain Harrow’s journey towards the cost-neutral delivery of Environmental Services and Mark Bradbury will share from his experiences of supporting Sevenoaks District Council’s aim of financial self-sufficiency through property investment and also managing Southampton’s capital assets portfolio.
We’ll be welcoming Jacqui McKinlay, Executive Director of Centre for Public Scrutiny to help us explore the changing demands on Scrutiny services and Dr David Sweeting, Senior Lecturer at Bristol University who will be sharing the outcome of his research into the impact of mayoral governance in Bristol.
The day is intended to provide ample opportunity for discussion and debate between delegates and with our excellent speakers and an ideal professional development day for elected members and officers alike.
Enter in to the debate and re-shape our ideas and aspirations for the future self-sustaining council.

APSE South/South West Annual General Meeting

Within the lunch hour of this meeting, we will be holding the Annual General  Meeting for the APSE South/South West region.  At this meeting, we will elect the Prospective National Chair and Secretary and the Regional Chair and Secretary as well as other representatives on APSE National Council for the year ahead.  We will take a look at what has happened over the year in the region and at what’s happened within the APSE network, across the UK and gather views on how to take the Association forward in the year ahead.  

Promoting excellence in public services

APSE (Association for Public Service Excellence) is a not for profit unincorporated association working with over 300 councils throughout the UK. Promoting excellence in public services, APSE is the foremost specialist in local authority frontline services, hosting a network for frontline service providers in areas such as waste and refuse collection, parks and environmental services, cemeteries and crematorium, environmental health, leisure, school meals, cleaning, housing and building maintenance.






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