Association for Public Service Excellence
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October/November APSE Direct
October/November APSE Direct

A Message from APSE’S New National Chair - Cllr Jacqui Burnett, p3

Winning in Wigan - Learn the secrets behind Wigan Council's success story, p8

Service Awards Winners - See the winners and finalists of the APSE Service Awards 2023, p19

Lelley Fields Crematorium: Traditional setting / modern facility - Emma Taylor, APSE Senior Consultant, p32


August/September APSE Direct
August/September APSE Direct

A fond farewell - Sally Louden, outgoing Chief Executive, COSLA, p8

The workforce crisis facing local government - Jane Mather, Commercial Services Group, p15

Inspiring women through physical activity - Naseem Akhtar, CEO of Saheli Hub, p18

Making space for nature in burial grounds - Wayne Priestley, APSE Principal Advisor, p32

May/June APSE Direct
May/June APSE Direct

APSE’s ESG Framework - Mo Baines, APSE Chief Executive, p6

Applying digital solutions efficiently and effectively - Sam Kelly, Streetpride Service Manager - Street Cleansing, Derby City Council, p9

(Avie) more, more, more - A preview of this year’s APSE Scotland Fleet, Waste and Grounds Seminar, Louise Melville, APSE Principal Advisor, p11

Dual fuel gritters for Glasgow - Glasgow City Council, p14

March/April APSE Direct
March/April APSE Direct

’5-a-ways’ to fix school meals, APSE’s new school catering report, p6

The Denbighshire drive to enhance biodiversity, Denbighshire County Council, p8

Meeting the challenge of housing and decarbonisation, Cambridge City Council, p11

Intergenerational houseshares help with cost of living crisis, Two Generations CIC, p21

Winter 22/23 APSE Direct
Winter 22/23 APSE Direct

The latest Survation poll on public trust in frontline services - p6

The secrets to Eastleigh Borough Council's Service Awards success - Cllr Keith House, Leader of the Council, p10

Liverpool's waste collection revolution - p12

How Plymouth City Council are supporting urban nature recovery - p21

Promoting excellence in public services

APSE (Association for Public Service Excellence) is a not for profit unincorporated association working with over 300 councils throughout the UK. Promoting excellence in public services, APSE is the foremost specialist in local authority frontline services, hosting a network for frontline service providers in areas such as waste and refuse collection, parks and environmental services, cemeteries and crematorium, environmental health, leisure, school meals, cleaning, housing and building maintenance.






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