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Council submits an expression of interest for the acquisition of RAF Scampton

Council submits an expression of interest for the acquisition of RAF Scampton

West Lindsey District Council has submitted an, expression of interest in the potential future acquisition of RAF Scampton.

The Council’s Corporate Policy and Resources Committee agreed to register the interest of the Council, and on Thursday 21 April the request was formally submitted.

Councillors made the decision as the Ministry of Defence’s disposal strategy, allows all public sector bodies the opportunity to express an interest in acquiring the site, prior to assets being listed on the open market.

Cllr Anne Welburn, Chair of Corporate Policy and Resources Committee said: “We see that the successful redevelopment of the site of RAF Scampton could contribute significantly to the ‘Levelling Up’ of economic and social outcomes across West Lindsey, Lincolnshire and beyond.

“The importance of this site both in terms of heritage and social history cannot be overstated. It is hoped that by registering our interest in the site we can take a leading role in ensuring a positive outcome and we look forward to working with the Defence Infrastructure Organisation and the Ministry of Defence as we go forwards.

“As a District Council we are seeking to provide a safeguard for the future of RAF Scampton. This expression of interest will enable us to do this. It does not commit the Council to anything apart from helping us to ‘explore all options’ available.”

The closure of RAF Scampton was announced by the Ministry of Defence (MOD) in 2018 as part of cost cutting measures. Since this time officers have worked closely with the community, MOD, the RAF and potential investors to understand opportunities for the future of the site.

As previously reported as part of the Central Lincolnshire Local Plan, RAF Scampton has been identified as an ‘opportunity area’. As such a new policy S74 was added to the draft Local Plan which requires the preparation of a masterplan in conjunction with, and for approval by, the district council prior to a planning application being submitted.

Consultation on the draft Local plan is open until 9 May 2022 and can be accessed from a dedicated website:


For more details on the Central Lincolnshire Local Plan – and location of the relevant documents – see the dedicated website. https://www.n-kesteven.gov.uk/central-lincolnshire/local-plan


Promoting excellence in public services

APSE (Association for Public Service Excellence) is a not for profit unincorporated association working with over 300 councils throughout the UK. Promoting excellence in public services, APSE is the foremost specialist in local authority frontline services, hosting a network for frontline service providers in areas such as waste and refuse collection, parks and environmental services, cemeteries and crematorium, environmental health, leisure, school meals, cleaning, housing and building maintenance.






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