Association for Public Service Excellence
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Who we are
What we do

Additional Support

Bespoke support sessions

These tailored support sessions involve one of our experienced associates taking you through your data templates and completing the data together.  Each session is service specific so you are given the highest level of technical advice and support.  

They will work with you to complete the priority areas of data collection so that you can:

  • Receive the full range of performance report
  • Have a baseline for your performance pre-Covid-19
  • Assess the cost, quality and productivity of your service
  • Report on evidence of value for money
  • Qualify for inclusion in the best performer awards, which are held annually in December

This support is in addition to the generic data completion training sessions offered to members. It involves physically completing the data, assisting you to calculate the data from your systems, interpreting the questions and getting clarification on priority areas.

There has never been a more important time to gather good data in a recognised and consistent manner that can be compared with other councils to provide a baseline for the impact that the past 9 months has had on services and help provide a context for Covid-19 recovery measures.  APSE would encourage its member authorities to take advantage of this support that is available.

Just complete the below form, and we will be in touch with you directly to confirm arrangements.


Promoting excellence in public services

APSE (Association for Public Service Excellence) is a not for profit unincorporated association working with over 300 councils throughout the UK. Promoting excellence in public services, APSE is the foremost specialist in local authority frontline services, hosting a network for frontline service providers in areas such as waste and refuse collection, parks and environmental services, cemeteries and crematorium, environmental health, leisure, school meals, cleaning, housing and building maintenance.






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