Climate Change Benchmarking Module – A free of charge tool for APSE member authorities
Monitoring the impact of climate change is a global issue and one which local authorities are taking a leading role in managing. Self-monitoring of your climate change adaptation measures can be beneficial, but the real power lies in comparing the results with others and learning from them.
That is why APSE are launching a new module to enable you to accurately monitor how your council’s emissions are changing and compare with others.
We will group councils together who have similar characteristics, taking into account your local natural resources, carbon challenges and socio-economic factors. This will enable you to benchmark your performance with like-for-like authorities.
Measuring how well your authority is adapting to the climate emergency is the first step in improving it.
This brand new, critical module is now live and is free of charge to APSE members; APSE performance networks members and APSE Energy members.
Please contact if you have any queries